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Created June 25, 2010 21:46
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Process Jan's SNP data with Clojure
;; This is a suggested improvement for processing SNP data, in response
;; to Jan Aerts' blog post <>.
;; Note that this example is for Clojure 1.1.0; if you're using Clojure 1.2, change the ns definition
;; to use instead of duck-streams.
(:use [ :only (read-lines)]))
(defn parse-line
(let [m (apply hash-map (interleave [:chr :pos :quality :ref :alt]
(re-seq #"\S+" s)))]
(assoc m :quality (Integer. (get m :quality "0")))))
(defn ti?
[r a]
(or (every? #{"A" "G"} [r a])
(every? #{"C" "T"} [r a])))
(defn tv?
[r a]
(or (and (#{"A" "G"} r) (#{"C" "T"} a))
(and (#{"C" "T"} r) (#{"A" "G"} a))))
(defn make-bucket-sorter [cutoffs]
(let [cutoffs (sort cutoffs)]
(fn [quality]
(loop [this_cutoff (first cutoffs) cutoffs (rest cutoffs)]
(if (or (empty? cutoffs) (<= quality this_cutoff))
(recur (first cutoffs) (rest cutoffs)))))))
(defn compute-ratios
[cutoffs tis tvs]
(for [c (sort cutoffs)
:let [ti (get tis c 0)
tv (get tvs c 0)
s (+ ti tv)
pct (if (zero? s) nil (int (* 100 (/ ti s))))]]
[c pct]))
(defn process-snps
[datafile cutoffs]
(let [bucket-for (make-bucket-sorter cutoffs)]
(loop [ti {} tv {} data (map parse-line (read-lines datafile))]
(if (empty? data)
(compute-ratios cutoffs ti tv)
(let [d (first data)
ds (rest data)
b (bucket-for (:quality d))
r (:ref d)
a (:alt d)]
(ti? r a) (recur (assoc ti b (inc (get ti b 0))) tv ds)
(tv? r a) (recur ti (assoc tv b (inc (get tv b 0))) ds)
:else (recur ti tv ds)))))))
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