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Created February 21, 2018 03:00
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MyCamera : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("Camera Properties")]
public float DistanceAway; //how far the camera is from the player.
public float DistanceUp; //how high the camera is above the player
public float smooth = 4.0f; //how smooth the camera moves into place
public float rotateAround = 70f; //the angle at which you will rotate the camera (on an axis)
[Header("Player to follow")]
public Transform target; //the target the camera follows
[Header("Layer(s) to include")]
public LayerMask CamOcclusion; //the layers that will be affected by collision
// public worldVectorMap wvm;
RaycastHit hit;
float cameraHeight = 55f;
float cameraPan = 0f;
float camRotateSpeed = 180f;
float R_ver;//儲存滑鼠水平移動值
float R_hor;//儲存滑鼠垂直移動值
Vector3 camPosition;
Vector3 camMask;
Vector3 followMask;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//the statement below automatically positions the camera behind the target.
rotateAround = target.eulerAngles.y - 45f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") != 0)//讀取滑鼠水平移動值
R_ver = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
R_ver = 0;
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") != 0)//讀取滑鼠垂直移動值
R_hor = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") / 5;
R_hor = 0;
// Update is called once per frame
void LateUpdate()
//Offset of the targets transform (Since the pivot point is usually at the feet).
rotateAround += R_ver * 3;
if (R_hor != 0)
DistanceUp += R_hor;
if (DistanceUp > 3)//限制高度
DistanceUp = 3;
if (DistanceUp < -3.5f)//限制高度
DistanceUp = -3.5f;
if ((transform.position - target.position).magnitude < 3.5f)//攝影機距離
if (DistanceUp >= 0)
DistanceAway = 2.3f - (DistanceUp * DistanceUp * 0.07f) - (DistanceUp * 0.09f);
// DistanceAway -=Mathf.Abs(keyboardctrl.R_hor()/10);
// DistanceUp += keyboardctrl.R_hor()/10;
Vector3 targetOffset = new Vector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z);
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(cameraHeight, rotateAround, cameraPan);
Vector3 vectorMask =;
Vector3 rotateVector = rotation * vectorMask;
//this determines where both the camera and it's mask will be.
//the camMask is for forcing the camera to push away from walls.
camPosition = targetOffset + Vector3.up * DistanceUp - rotateVector * DistanceAway;
camMask = targetOffset + Vector3.up * DistanceUp - rotateVector * DistanceAway;
occludeRay(ref targetOffset);
#region wrap the cam orbit rotation
if (rotateAround > 360)
rotateAround = 0f;
else if (rotateAround < 0f)
rotateAround = (rotateAround + 360f);
//rotateAround += customPreferences.HorizontalAxis2 * camRotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
//DistanceUp = Mathf.Clamp(DistanceUp += customPreferences.VerticalAxis2, -0.79f, 2.3f);
void smoothCamMethod()
smooth = 10f;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, camPosition, Time.deltaTime * smooth);
void occludeRay(ref Vector3 targetFollow)
#region prevent wall clipping
//declare a new raycast hit.
RaycastHit wallHit = new RaycastHit();
//linecast from your player (targetFollow) to your cameras mask (camMask) to find collisions., CamOcclusion
if (Physics.Linecast(targetFollow, camMask, out wallHit, CamOcclusion))
//the smooth is increased so you detect geometry collisions faster.
smooth = 10f;
//the x and z coordinates are pushed away from the wall by hit.normal.
//the y coordinate stays the same.
camPosition = new Vector3(wallHit.point.x + wallHit.normal.x * 0.5f, camPosition.y + wallHit.normal.y * 0.5f, wallHit.point.z + wallHit.normal.z * 0.5f);
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ray5527880 commented Feb 21, 2018

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