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Created March 19, 2024 01:08
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Type hint for a generic decorator that can be applied multiple times and checks argument.
# pyright: strict
# Code taken from:
from import Callable
from typing import Protocol, overload
class RegisterResult[T](Protocol):
def __call__[U, R](self, handler: Callable[[T | U], R]) -> Callable[[T | U], R]: ...
def __call__[R](self, handler: Callable[[T], R]) -> Callable[[T], R]: ...
def register[T](ev: type[T]) -> RegisterResult[T]: ...
class A: ...
class B: ...
class C: ...
def handle_a(ev: A): ...
def handle_ab(ev: A | B): ...
def handle_abc(ev: A | B | C): ...
# Expected error cases because of wrong types:
def handle_b(ev: B): ...
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