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Last active September 24, 2017 00:13
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  • Save rayantony/ee6ecac62be3b7cbd30540c9cf8e41e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rayantony/ee6ecac62be3b7cbd30540c9cf8e41e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Web Page Translation Bookmark Tool

Translate page Bookmarklet

one click translating of any page!

Basic Description

Translate Page is a simple tool of a class referred to as Bookmarklets commonly. Literally a javascript function, a bookmark but with some extra powers but conveniently still embedddable on your bookmark bar like any other shortcut. This hybrid bookmark enabled you to quickly, and easily translate into english, whatever page you are currently viewing. Think of it is a extension or app that you dont have to download and slow the browser down with, or worry about malware.

It's a quick and dirty solution, it works by grabbin all the text by default including menus, navigation anything 'text', encodes it for transport navigates to the Google Translator™ and auto imports the contents for your perusal and pleasure. Again, the simplest, fastest most complete solution without further refinement or consideration but likewise brings no overhead, intrusivene ads, donation requests.

There are two versions in this gist a mobile url and desktop. The default is the desktop because google limits the size of content you can pass via url on the mobile version. A shame really as I expect that would be a cleaner experience, certainly on mobile

  1. Highlight the following code in it's entirety:
javascript:(function (){function tl(st){
var nu= ''+encodeURIComponent(st);
return nu;} location.href=tl(this.document.body.innerText);})();
  1. Now you can either click on the highlighted block and drag it onto your bookmark bar, or simply create a new bookmark and in the URL field paste this code exactly. name it, and hit save. You can run it from wherever your bookmarks are but most people find it easiest to have tools like this on the actual bookmarks bar in plain view

drag me 🍥<a href="javascript:(function%20(){function%20tl(st){var%20nu=''+encodeURIComponent(st);return%20nu;}location.href=tl(this.document.body.innerText);})()">code to your bookmark bar</a>

if the "javascript:" at the beginning gets cropped off for any reason just retype it to match exactly, the code pictured here. This can happen if for instance you are in chrome and drag it to the URL/address bar instead of the bookmark bar.

That's it for the setup!

a quick 'use-case' This is a simple tool made in less than a minute, just 5 minutes ago. Why? Because I read a tweet. and that tweet referenced a bizarre story in which the referenced parties held a satanic mass in st. Andrews church of London. A satanic fashion show mass to be precise.

Rather bizarre right?

The tweet included a graphic I searched it on google to see what references and links it had and learn the photos public history. 2 links came up, only 2 under the circumstances if genuine and original this is a good sign as it has no history previous or apart from this story. The original source looked to be a small article in a russian blog. except it is written in Russian/cyrillic.

Blimey! Now what?

I know a handful of terms but certainly don't speak Russian much less read it. And if my Georgian friend Levan were to catch me learning Russian he'd be spooked! With no translate link that I could readily decipher, failing to easily find or recall the Google full web page translator, I needed a quick appeasement to my curiosity which only grew upon further inspection of the site which looked increasingly like an honest small time blog/news service, not a heavily corporatized entity. Biases taken into account, my initial impression was that it did have a genuine feel to it clandestine home brew reporting. o fact checks possibly sharp bias but a satanic mass is what it is bias notwithstanding right? Give a rusky a chance.

This diligent write up, thos pictures theres an androgynous white jaden smith in a gay pirate shirt and a short skirt, this Robert Smith wannabe, Cure 2.0 'emo-twink' is in great company with the Varsity Vampire King, and I'm sparing you the female models they're too dreadful to think of any funny names, but that is not to say that ridiculous as they are there isn't a certain craftsmanship, attention to detail and dare I say it a kind of talent in the category of art design and costume design. Its elaborate and a skilled experienced person put this on stage, I don't know who but they aren't the community theater guys. At a glance this is someone notable with a reputation, small in scale or perhaps exclusive by design is a better more accurate description. What it isn't, is amateur hour.

The church itself has some adorning features that well frankly I've been a fair number of London churches, Opus Dei, Henry VIII's Westminster, I've seen the tombs of the crusading Knights Templar, I even kept a piece of the spectacular Canterbury Cathedral but I have not seen anything quite like the mural or tapestry thing in the background of these photos. Dear God what does it say!

Now the browser address bar is a one line console that takes html, svg, javascript, multiple encodings, so let me just whip up a translate tool and moments later am pleased to see we're in business, it works. Google banned me for a bit as I was agressively testing arguments and on shaky ground with XSS techniques that are unwelcome and though eventually successfull finding 2 ways to feed the mobile web tool via address bar without touching the DOM directly, alas the limits on size proved to make it a no go for now so i revert to the desktop URL.

This is the one I've shared with you, that hopefully you've placed on your bookmark/shortcut bar so similarly equipped lets proceed from here together and figure this out:

  1. navigate to the page russia blog
  2. save it for posterity in case those russians try any funny business
  3. open a separate tab and return to the mystery page I do this because takes a bit to do its magic before returning our shortcut url and status info.
  4. At this point I might under the circumstances use common lower level tools to learn more about the source this isn't one of those times yet, but if it were I'd be looking at some combination of a. trace routing b. ping'ing c. whois d. dig e. or my port scanning tools like
    1. SirScansAlot & his gal pal
    2. Miss Nothing to see where the trail leads. (not even joking its usually a Soros entity) maybe for old times sake telnet in the mail ports maybe hack the election or spend 20 bucks on off network international pop traffic and push pseudo real strings and make it look like 20k people from some country are "hacking the election"
  5. quit farting around and click the bookmark
  6. you are now reading a side by side translation at google

Now I've read the article (which was quite interesting), and am thoroughly creeped out by it.

Safe, fast, Easy to use!

🌌Normal Version Desktop Translate preferred on all systems

javascript:(function (){ function tlate(string){
var newuri= ''+string;return newuri;}

📱Mobile Version lighter weight but limited size of input data

javascript:(function (){ function tlate(string){
var newuri= ''+string+'#auto/en/'+string;return newuri;}



What are javascript bookmarklets? They are with some restrictions, generally a cross platform solution that allows for developers to make little shortcuts that unlike typical bookmarks can do more than simply remember a web address and take you there, they allow for decision making logic and some amount of intelligent navigation or modification to the existing page. little micro programs with specific tasks. Like macros. They are a cross platform solution that works nearly everywhere on every machine and browser and have for a long time. As all common browsers speak javascript and conform to the same URI conventions. There may be situations where under a restricted kiosk mode they are disabled, and each browser has its own misguided way of trying to protect you but still function so its commonfor them to stop working or have a new restriction. Te good news is because they are simple routines not entire programs typically, they are easy to maintain and service for developers if realeasing them to the public. your bookmark bar


are these common? Yes and no. Commonly shared yes there have been a few with wide circulation but I think generally speaking they are probably about as popular as bash functions. I might average 1 or two a day in the form of javascript bookmarklets or bash functions depending on what I'm doing both represent the quickest path to a result with no other framework or obstacles involved. Yet most people are likely already unclear as to what those examples mean. But they may themselves similarly use spreadsheet macros or even post it notes, a speed dial button on a phone, its all the same thing. Different frames of reference. Outside of that respective group less common indeed. And so common and uncommon are both fitting answers. Many users also use but do not compose them and in fact don't draw much distinction from one button to the next on their browser bar as its simply not of particular consequence to them so they are unaware despite potentially high frequency of usage. Examples might be the pinterest button.


will making or using them make me cool in silicon valley/sf? no. likely not. like most things trendy, if you are aware of what is deemed to be something cool to use then yes you get some douche points from those who share that opinion. knowledge of them however and deeper familiarity is of no significance I don't think, but to the least technical and knowledgeable. In other words high school kids. As for authoring them, they lack pretention. The preferred solution would be to unnecessarily clutter up NodeJS putting take 7 of your 1 line program on NPM competnig with ten other near identical implementations, so that there are no viable short easy to remember possibilities left in the name space for any more serious initiatives. Then after that write a pretentious piece on medium tied into your startup failure and all you learned from it or whatever. Then shamelessly plug yourself at the nearest marxist rally drinking a craft beer since latte's are so passe.


Are they dangerous? many times they can be which is why you'll notice all the ways google makes them increasingly yet still viable kind of like allowing only a certain size bullet for legal use. In a way it only serves to change the minds of those most easily annoyed and the people that are going to shoot themselves nearly all still will and those who wont get to be inconvenienced in new exciting ways with every browser update.

Generally speaking you should view these with caution lest you run arbitrary or intentionally mischevious code. You can consider this one safe obviously.

A quick use case for translator

The translator was a simple tool made in less than a minute, just 5 minutes ago. Why? Because I read a tweet. this tweet by this helpful guy and see that tweet referenced a bizarre story in which the referenced parties held a satanic mass in st. Andrews church of London. A satanic fashion show mass to be precise.

Rather bizarre right?

The tweet included a graphic I searched it on google to see what references and links it had and learn the photos public history. 2 links came up, only 2 under the circumstances if genuine and original this is a good sign as it has no history previous or apart from this story. The original source looked to be a small article in a russian blog. except it is written in Russian/cyrillic.

Blimey! Now what?

I know a handful of terms but certainly don't speak Russian much less read it. And if my Georgian friend Levan were to catch me learning Russian he'd be spooked! With no translate link that I could readily decipher, failing to easily find or recall the Google full web page translator, I needed a quick appeasement to my curiosity which only grew upon further inspection of the site which looked increasingly like an honest small time blog/news service, not a heavily corporatized entity. Biases taken into account, my initial impression was that it did have a genuine feel to it clandestine home brew reporting. o fact checks possibly sharp bias but a satanic mass is what it is bias notwithstanding right? Give a rusky a chance.

This diligent write up, thos pictures theres an androgynous white jaden smith in a gay pirate shirt and a short skirt, this Robert Smith wannabe, Cure 2.0 'emo-twink' is in great company with the Varsity Vampire King, and I'm sparing you the female models they're too dreadful to think of any funny names, but that is not to say that ridiculous as they are there isn't a certain craftsmanship, attention to detail and dare I say it a kind of talent in the category of art design and costume design. Its elaborate and a skilled experienced person put this on stage, I don't know who but they aren't the community theater guys. At a glance this is someone notable with a reputation, small in scale or perhaps exclusive by design is a better more accurate description. What it isn't, is amateur hour.

The church itself has some adorning features that well frankly I've been a fair number of London churches, Opus Dei, Henry VIII's Westminster, I've seen the tombs of the crusading Knights Templar, I even kept a piece of the spectacular Canterbury Cathedral but I have not seen anything quite like the mural or tapestry thing in the background of these photos. Dear God what does it say!

Now the browser address bar is a one line console that takes html, svg, javascript, multiple encodings, so let me just whip up a translate tool and moments later am pleased to see we're in business, it works. Google banned me for a bit as I was agressively testing arguments and on shaky ground with XSS techniques that are unwelcome and though eventually successfull finding 2 ways to feed the mobile web tool via address bar without touching the DOM directly, alas the limits on size proved to make it a no go for now so i revert to the desktop URL.

This is the one I've shared with you, that hopefully you've placed on your bookmark/shortcut bar so similarly equipped lets proceed from here together and figure this out:

  1. navigate to the page russia blog
  2. save it for posterity in case those russians try any funny business
  3. open a separate tab and return to the mystery page I do this because takes a bit to do its magic before returning our shortcut url and status info.
  4. At this point I might do a little link searching
  5. then whois and other network tools
  6. quit farting around and click the bookmark
  7. you are now reading a side by side translation at google

Now I've read the article (which was quite interesting), and am thoroughly creeped out by it.

under the circumstances use common lower level tools to learn more about the source this isn't one of those times yet, but if it were I'd be looking at some combination of

  • trace routing 📟
  • ping'ing ☎️
  • whois 💻
  • dig 💾
  • my custom scanners 📡
  • 'SirScansAlot' 🔑 and his pal 'MissNothing' 💽 just to see where the trail leads (Soros entities are common)
  • maybe for old times sake telnet in the mail ports 📨
  • maybe spend 20 bucks on off network international pop traffic :105799300: and push pseudo real strings and make it look like 20k people from some country are "hacking the election" 🔧
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<h1>Mastering Markdown</h1>
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<p><a id="intro" title="Intro" class="toc-item"></a>
Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling all forms of writing on the GitHub platform.</p>
<p><strong>What you will learn:</strong></p>
<li>How the Markdown format makes styled collaborative editing easy</li>
<li>How Markdown differs from traditional formatting approaches</li>
<li>How to use Markdown to format text</li>
<li>How to leverage GitHub’s automatic Markdown rendering</li>
<li>How to apply GitHub’s unique Markdown extensions</li>
<p><a id="what" title="What is Markdown?" class="toc-item"></a></p>
<h2>What is Markdown?</h2>
<p><a href="">Markdown</a> is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like <code class="highlighter-rouge">#</code> or <code class="highlighter-rouge">*</code>.</p>
<p>You can use Markdown most places around GitHub:</p>
<li><a href="">Gists</a></li>
<li>Comments in Issues and Pull Requests</li>
<li>Files with the <code class="highlighter-rouge">.md</code> or <code class="highlighter-rouge">.markdown</code> extension</li>
<p>For more information, see “<a href="">Writing on GitHub</a>” in the <em>GitHub Help</em>.</p>
<p><a id="examples" title="Examples" class="toc-item"></a></p>
<ul class="example-nav js-examples-nav">
<li><a href="#" class="selected" data-container-id="example-text" data-proofer-ignore="">Text</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-container-id="example-lists" data-proofer-ignore="">Lists</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-container-id="example-images" data-proofer-ignore="">Images</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-container-id="example-headers" data-proofer-ignore="">Headers &amp; Quotes</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-container-id="example-code" data-proofer-ignore="">Code</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-container-id="example-extras" data-proofer-ignore="">Extras</a></li>
<div class="markdown-example" id="example-text">
<pre class="source">
It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. You can even <span style="white-space:nowrap">[link to Google!](</span>
<div class="rendered">
It's very easy to make some words <strong>bold</strong> and other words <em>italic</em> with Markdown. You can even <a href="">link to Google!</a>
<div class="markdown-example" id="example-lists" style="display:none">
<pre class="source">
Sometimes you want numbered lists:
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
Sometimes you want bullet points:
* Start a line with a star
* Profit!
- Dashes work just as well
- And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
- Like this
- And this
<div class="rendered">
<p>Sometimes you want numbered lists:</p>
<p>Sometimes you want bullet points:</p>
<li>Start a line with a star</li>
<li>Dashes work just as well</li>
<li>And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
<li>Like this</li>
<li>And this</li>
<div class="markdown-example" id="example-images" style="display:none">
<pre class="source">
If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:
![Image of Yaktocat](
<div class="rendered">
<p>If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Image of Yakotocat"></p>
<div class="markdown-example" id="example-headers" style="display:none">
<pre class="source">
# Structured documents
Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a `#` to create headings. Multiple `##` in a row denote smaller heading sizes.
### This is a third-tier heading
You can use one `#` all the way up to `######` six for different heading sizes.
If you'd like to quote someone, use the &gt; character before the line:
&gt; Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
&gt; - Captain Janeway
<div class="rendered">
<h1>Structured documents</h1>
<p>Sometimes it’s useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a <code>#</code> to create headings. Multiple <code>##</code> in a row denote smaller heading sizes.</p>
<h3>This is a third-tier heading</h3>
<p>You can use one <code>#</code> all the way up to <code>######</code> six for different heading sizes.</p>
<p>If you’d like to quote someone, use the &gt; character before the line:</p>
<blockquote><p>Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised… I beat the Borg with it.
- Captain Janeway</p></blockquote>
<div class="markdown-example" id="example-code" style="display:none">
<pre class="source">
There are many different ways to style code with GitHub's markdown. If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: `var example = true`. If you've got a longer block of code, you can indent with four spaces:
if (isAwesome){
return true
GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation:
if (isAwesome){
return true
And if you'd like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:
if (isAwesome){
return true
<div class="rendered">
<p>There are many different ways to style code with GitHub’s markdown. If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: <code>var example = true</code>. If you’ve got a longer block of code, you can indent with four spaces:</p>
<pre><code>if (isAwesome){
return true
<p>GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation:</p>
<pre><code>if (isAwesome){
return true
<p>And if you’d like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:</p>
<div class="highlight highlight-javascript"><pre><span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">isAwesome</span><span class="p">){</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="kc">true</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<div class="markdown-example" id="example-extras" style="display:none">
<pre class="source">
GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey @kneath — love your sweater!
But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:
- [x] This is a complete item
- [ ] This is an incomplete item
When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!
And, of course emoji! :<span></span>sparkles: :<span></span>camel: :<span></span>boom:
<div class="rendered">
<p>GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey <a href="" class="user-mention">@kneath</a> — love your sweater!</p>
<p>But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:</p>
<ul class="task-list">
<li class="task-list-item">
<input type="checkbox" class="task-list-item-checkbox" checked disabled> This is a complete item</li>
<li class="task-list-item">
<input type="checkbox" class="task-list-item-checkbox" disabled> This is an incomplete item</li>
<p>When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!</p>
<p>And, of course emoji! <img class="emoji" title=":sparkles:" alt=":sparkles:" src="" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle"> <img class="emoji" title=":camel:" alt=":camel:" src="" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle"> <img class="emoji" title=":boom:" alt=":boom:" src="" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle"></p>
<p><a id="syntax" title="Basic syntax" class="toc-item"></a></p>
<h2>Syntax guide</h2>
<p>Here’s an overview of Markdown syntax that you can use anywhere on or in your own text files.</p>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code><span class="gh"># This is an &lt;h1&gt; tag</span>
<span class="gu">## This is an &lt;h2&gt; tag</span>
<span class="gu">###### This is an &lt;h6&gt; tag</span>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code><span class="ge">*This text will be italic*</span>
<span class="ge">_This will also be italic_</span>
<span class="gs">**This text will be bold**</span>
<span class="gs">__This will also be bold__</span>
<span class="ge">_You **can** combine them_</span>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code><span class="p">*</span> Item 1
<span class="p">*</span> Item 2
<span class="p"> *</span> Item 2a
<span class="p"> *</span> Item 2b
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code><span class="p">1.</span> Item 1
<span class="p">1.</span> Item 2
<span class="p">1.</span> Item 3
<span class="p"> 1.</span> Item 3a
<span class="p"> 1.</span> Item 3b
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code><span class="p">![</span><span class="nv">GitHub Logo</span><span class="p">](</span><span class="sx">/images/logo.png</span><span class="p">)</span>
Format: !<span class="p">[</span><span class="nv">Alt Text</span><span class="p">](</span><span class="sx">url</span><span class="p">)</span>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code> - automatic!
<span class="p">[</span><span class="nv">GitHub</span><span class="p">](</span><span class="sx"></span><span class="p">)</span>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code>As Kanye West said:
<span class="gt">
&gt; We're living the future so</span>
<span class="gt">&gt; the present is our past.</span>
<h3>Inline code</h3>
<div class="highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code>I think you should use an
`&lt;addr&gt;` element here instead.
<p><a id="GitHub-flavored-markdown" title="GFM" class="toc-item"></a></p>
<h2>GitHub Flavored Markdown</h2>
<p> uses its own version of the Markdown syntax that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on</p>
<p>Note that some features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are only available in the descriptions and comments of Issues and Pull Requests. These include @mentions as well as references to SHA-1 hashes, Issues, and Pull Requests. Task Lists are also available in Gist comments and in Gist Markdown files.</p>
<h3>Syntax highlighting</h3>
<p>Here’s an example of how you can use syntax highlighting with <a href="">GitHub Flavored Markdown</a>:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code>```javascript
function fancyAlert(arg) {
if(arg) {
<p>You can also simply indent your code by four spaces:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code> function fancyAlert(arg) {
if(arg) {
<p>Here’s an example of Python code without syntax highlighting:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code>def foo():
if not bar:
return True
<h3>Task Lists</h3>
<div class="highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code>- [x] @mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and &lt;del&gt;tags&lt;/del&gt; supported
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported)
- [x] this is a complete item
- [ ] this is an incomplete item
<p>If you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will get a handy progress indicator in your issue list. It also works in Pull Requests!</p>
<p>You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens <code class="highlighter-rouge">-</code> (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe <code class="highlighter-rouge">|</code>:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge">
<pre class="highlight"><code>First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
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Content in the first column | Content in the second column
<p>Would become:</p>
<th>First Header</th>
<th>Second Header</th>
<td>Content from cell 1</td>
<td>Content from cell 2</td>
<td>Content in the first column</td>
<td>Content in the second column</td>
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<pre class="highlight"><code>#1
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🔘So was the story legit or fake news?

I'm not entirely convinced of authenticity but I cannot say I have sufficient reason to be overly suspect of it. So I'm leaning towards it being genuine. But at this point you may, like me, realize whether its complete horseshit or not doesn't change anything. Truth matters, but at the same time its' also worth pointing out that the 'them' in this story are real enough. It's something not far removed from what has already been done and in similar fashion will again. I suppose herein lies a tragically delicate choice. Ultimately as sick and twisted as the story is, it is of very little consequence whether its a literal and exhaustive chronicling of the events described.

Even if it is true, even that arguably is of little importance. In the same way that a republican lowering taxes and a democrat raising them is insignificant, though there are consequences of the action that indeed matter, the change may as well have taken place in November as thats effectively when the direction one way or the other was more or less a certainty and eventuality. You don't have to watch the dominoes actually fall to the very place they were set up to fall. You already know where they are going to fall, its the spot right next to where they were placed just as the one behind it and the one before that. Everything happens because of something else and if you pay enough attention very little should come as a surprise. Don't be hypnotized by watching the tedious, nor awestruck by the inevitable and obvious.

That said I admit there is occasionally an irrestiably perhaps tabloid effect every now and again, where you are compelled to watch the frenetic race to the bottom. And for those times as long as they are not a habit, do have value as a reminder of the end consequences. Think of an architect of war never once looking at the bodies, becoming increasingly distant from the horrible realities of their actions, think of McNamara by day in an abstraction of reality consisting of a chalkboard and stack of legal briefs and not a drop of blood in site. Balance like in most things should be sought.

🔘This upsets me deeply we have to do something!

If you feel compelled to 'do something', perhaps to utilize your talents in a way that is in keeping with past endeavors, leveraging unique knowledge and experience in a way that challenges and cultivate your skills and do so ultimately out of a solemn sense of obligation to turning the tide to any discernable degree, I can say I share the inclination and would myself welcome opportunity to actively offset the damage done, halting in its tracks the relentless push towards an inevitable outcome I believe we all should rightfully dread. For myself I can say only that there are those of us with inclination, motivation, perhaps even direction in abundance, but other obstacles of a less typical variety are in their path. We have risks and rewards to weigh, all of us. Some of us additional hurdles. Hopefully some of us will finda opporunity around those hurdles and those with less direction but no obstacles will find and create ways to do exactly that with varying results. And enough good people will show up for the fight when it most matters.

Be creative, get to be comfortable with getting out of your comfort zone and exploring what you never knew you could do. Exceptional acts and people, are the exception, the most capable are precious in number. There are enough out there to win any just battle, if only they knew who they were and how much they are needed. You may be such a person. If this agenda of which I needn't be any more specific is something to which you think you can put up a respectable fight, I can think only of only the simple gift of this gentle nudge that is to say, if you think you can help, the world needs you to step up and clam your place whatever it is sooner than later.

🔘Christ way to be overly dramatic!

Maybe. Maybe not. Irrelevant insofar as I'm concerned. Comtemplate the times that all of us narrowly escaped a horrible fate and that life as we know it and freedom was spared not by our wits, or our military strength, or meticulous planning, but by the grace of a single mans gut feeling, sheer luck and chance not for our wits if not for some unknown even accidental savior. I don't believe in reliance on fortune nor that prudence is any sin. If it's not as dire as I'm making things out to be, then that changes nothing. Because theres nothing lost in overshooting the mark to be safe, no shame in being too well equipped, and no such thing as too many backup plans, and theres everything wrong with losing.

And you have to find balance generally but not always sometimes you look at the picture and say you know what, I like fashion and wild creativity and thematic stuff but in an absolute decision, Where I take all or none, I'm going to say I take none of this. You have to look at what the furthest extreme of a group is judge them each by their worst day and the worst ambassador representing and choose the lesser of the two evils. In looking at the patterns My own perspective I'm seeing what I've often thought I wanted to be 'a little bad' a trifle too satanic, a bit of debauchery and take tea at 3. But it works better on a Rolling Stones Album than it does in schools, and in as a collective ethos. It's a celebration of excess, and descent of morality which when you ponder it is always a degredation of respect to ones self, others, or both. And rather than adjust behavior to restore and increase the respect with which one is viewed, instead the answer is so often to merely change the rules to where whats bad is now not bad. By this logic we can solve the murder epidemic in the inner city with ease, we just call it something hip instead of murder, wrap it under a campaign of conflict 2.0, guilt the the people who inevitably are going to say theres anything wrong with this, and get it into the schools as early as possible Like Kamala HArris says children need to have a larger voice in democracy and we need to increase their political activity. Think of the children! You get it? It's just like we're going to do with marriage (despite a failure to launch) with some concerted effort and resources permitting, we're going to stop calling it "cheating" and now call it "marriage 2.0" See? Everyone cheats but at the same time really, nobody is cheating because we just, well cheated! We change the rules. We make bad good then everyone is good no matter what and isnt that good? Are we honestly going to advocate the merits of shame, guilt, like imparting all these "fascist" rules are something we willingly opt to incorporate into our progressive forward moving society?

Well, yes for fuck's sake. We should. Because equality is cruel and resists realities that should be embraced. Rewarding effort and successes celebrating excellence and achievement is how we encourage it, so by default discourage the alternative and it can only happen by measuring the difference between us. Would you watch a race where every runner always hit the finish line at the exact same time? Or amybe they didn't but we handicapped the contestents of any game so that the score is always the same and always a tie? If we took the best team on their best day in a hundreds years, and the worst team on the worst day of anyones career and at the end they both get a score of 5, no winner or loser, who is that more cruel to? Celebrate excellence and with consideration and healthy restraint call failure failure. the only equal should come from equal opportunity to be not equal. Even when people we are their worst o part of what makes , Shortcutting effort 'round to reward, we ultimately devalue the reward and don't win anything, in fact we lose in so many ways. The worst of which is running the risk not realizing we are doing this. We may think we won and decide that the prize for this pseudo effort is rather overrated because we don't realize what it would otherwise have been. This is how the faithless cynics take joy from our lives systematically.

In a lame attempt to assuage their guilt they impart an irrational oppressive policy its , its justified as policy because they project it onto everyone assuming we all to one degree or another are similarly cursed and thus deserving of punishment of all forms. That is the nature of the cynical, and the faithless. And in a way it has nothing at all to do with god. This is something that after many years of atheism I am struggling to reconcile, but I can see for some reason why being able to have faith blind or otherwise is not necessarily weakness, or lack of intelligence, or a dangerous delusion. It can and many times is all of those things but it is also a tremendous gift and enviable quality, if that sounds absurd to the more logical among us, the engineers, think of it as the way we revere and envy childhood innocense because its quite similar to that universal (somewhat), understanding. In fact for all I know it might be the same thing. When I look at this guy, I don't know if they are separate things, a common pairing, or what but I know I see all that and more looking at this guy for instance.

We could even forget why certain institutions were ever of value, or ever existed and in this way lose that forever. Imagine lying, cheating, and hurting people as being so acceptable we don't remember a time long ago when we had sincerity or mutual affection, selfless sacrifice for another as ways to show our devotino and respect, our love of another. Imagine not being able to get it back because we didnt remember what it was in the first place, just stumbling around with a certian feeling gnawing at you that something feels off but having no idea what it is and that being the last dying gasp of the goodness of humanity. We aren't born angels and we don't die angels and whether or not there's a god I think theres little support that there are any angels at all in the spaces inbetween. So I don't necessarily see except for maybe some arbitrary triggering of an optional component to evolution where life may decide to develop in such a way that we alter course and at a genetic level exhibit some notinos of goodness as deemed to be imperative for our survival but that's a stretch. And so for the atheists among us real onens not the hipsters, the ones who toook on believing in the harshest of realities because we reject delusions and denial we have to confront the fact the goodness may one day be a buried and forgotten relic of a bygone age. A concept we cannot remember or understand. And that's I guess some rambling early morning thoughts on why we shouldn't print instructionals on swapping gender and sharing with prepubescent children the preferred best techniques for anal sex and praising satan.

to heighten the To which the answer is too often rather than tha to each we are Because the same components that make it so, exist. And so this is their nature they will do wh its about a very real themthe kind of thing 'they' would do, because it's the kind of thing they 'have done' They are out there, they are in the referenced community, and exert tremendous influence as they inflict on the masses their depravity, and all manner of misplaced devotion. Golden Calf, old story right? You may feel anxious to 'do something' about it. But what? Personally I can't help with that.

I will say, be honest and virtuous in your endeavors. One ill act or remark and a little bad timing and you can be a tremendous liability to your cause. Plenty of that is going around. So check yourself, police your own.

by me :shipit: @deadflowers @rkooyenga @rayantony


🔘The source is biased

Russia does have an agenda as well obviously. From our former SecDef's leaked remarks on 'handling' Putin to kicking out the Rothschilds, to Ukraine and the EU, to their self dubbed claim as protectors of orthodox christianity, yes they have generally speaking, a perspective to look out for. None of it bothers me really (except abkhazia), but I don't lose sight of it, self delusion and clinging to biases, and attending University, can all quickly blind you to truth.

🔘The News' importance, and lack thereof

However disagreeable it makes a certain sense and when you understand it, you don't need the articles anymore, and see them as just the details of the "pawn chronicles" file it as entertainment or sport, just as trivial. Like falling dominoes the interesting part is setting the stage its only logical and thus a bit tedious and indulgent to watch logical or inevitables play it out. The more notable things are not any one article but how they correlate and what that says, or when they differ and understanding that. The larger patterns, an abstraction of the news, is far more interesting and important.

But occasionally something is so bad or so big you just have to know right? So read them and from all sources to keep yourself honest and aware.

🔘Foresight through hindsight

Grown up rule number 1, you lose by default, and death is mostly inevitable. Do something, something enough to win or you still lose. Winning requires trying hard. Think hard, reflect constantly, theorize, predict, check your scores, grade yourself and adjust accordingly. Think of world events and cultural trends like fantasy football for grown ups. Get good at it. Because some battles you may win, many you'll definitely lose, don't be surprised, thats where the war is lost. Always see it coming. Whatever you do about it is another matter entirely. Don't forget that.

🔘agenda inc.

None of it is a surprise, and the 'agenda' is oozing from every syncronized outlet, as if there was a meeting and all in attendance went off to there respective posts in the case of media or teachers unions, Viacom, or HBO corporate, and notes in hand shovel a steaming load in time for the evening edition, all of them. Same hot load, same bs, different mediums. Sure wish I could do something significant to contribute to turning the tide.

🔘Who? Why?

Great power corrupts + idle hands... 🤷 you know how it goes, you may know who some of them are. And you can feel it because it's in the air. Best I can tell, we are a disease in large numbers beyond a certain point. I think we are to be a collection of fragmented republics. Life becomes miserable everywhere at a certain density. Chicago is no different from Mexico City, the common denominator is population. There may be and likely are others, but that one I know for certain.

This became clear to me after I lost unfairly a succession of million dollar companies I had built not because of the economy but well long story. Then I lost that last seeminlgy small thing that made me snap. i took the money I had and jumped on a plan somewhat randomly, and after sleeping christmas morning on the floor of the guadalajara airport with M16 carrying guards stepping around me I eventually made it to nearly the bottom of Mexico, and on a beach in Oaxaca I slept in the sand, deflected the most convincing tranny ever's advances, drank a ton of mezcal and meditated with a homeless guy to whom I gave the Ipod I had never used. I forgot to tell him it was hacked to play FLACs and also I didn't have a charger for him :sad: Anyway I met a girl in the capital who lived in Mexico City, I flew (in the cockpit!) of a rickety 6 seater and well anyway concluded whatever god is you won't find out within 300 miles of a place like that. In contrast to coastal oaxaca where for instance and maybe not so surprisingly in the case of Puerto Escondido the locals have long said that God himself has a house there. Why? Not everything can be explained in words alone, I'm not vain enough to think I can change that, nor dumb enough to try.

Structured documents

Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a # to create headings. Multiple ## in a row denote smaller heading sizes.

This is a third-tier heading

You can use one # all the way up to ###### six for different heading sizes.

If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:

Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.

  • Captain Janeway

🔘## So was the story legit or fake news? I'm not entirely convinced of authenticity but I cannot say I have sufficient reason to be overly suspect of it. So I'm leaning towards it being genuine. But at this point you may, like me, realize whether its complete horseshit or not doesn't change anything. Truth matters, but at the same time its' also worth pointing out that the 'them' in this story are real enough. It's something not far removed from what has already been done and in similar fashion will again. I suppose herein lies a tragically delicate choice. Ultimately as sick and twisted as the story is, it is of very little consequence whether its a literal and exhaustive chronicling of the events described.

Even if it is true, even that arguably is of little importance. In the same way that a republican lowering taxes and a democrat raising them is insignificant, though there are consequences of the action that indeed matter, the change may as well have taken place in November as thats effectively when the direction one way or the other was more or less a certainty and eventuality. You don't have to watch the dominoes actually fall to the very place they were set up to fall. You already know where they are going to fall, its the spot right next to where they were placed just as the one behind it and the one before that. Everything happens because of something else and if you pay enough attention very little should come as a surprise. Don't be hypnotized by watching the tedious, nor awestruck by the inevitable and obvious.

That said I admit there is occasionally an irrestiably perhaps tabloid effect every now and again, where you are compelled to watch the frenetic race to the bottom. And for those times as long as they are not a habit, do have value as a reminder of the end consequences. Think of an architect of war never once looking at the bodies, becoming increasingly distant from the horrible realities of their actions, think of McNamara by day in an abstraction of reality consisting of a chalkboard and stack of legal briefs and not a drop of blood in site. Balance like in most things should be sought.

This upsets me deeply we have to do something!

If you feel compelled to 'do something', perhaps to utilize your talents in a way that is in keeping with past endeavors, leveraging unique knowledge and experience in a way that challenges and cultivate your skills and do so ultimately out of a solemn sense of obligation to turning the tide to any discernable degree, I can say I share the inclination and would myself welcome opportunity to actively offset the damage done, halting in its tracks the relentless push towards an inevitable outcome I believe we all should rightfully dread. For myself I can say only that there are those of us with inclination, motivation, perhaps even direction in abundance, but other obstacles of a less typical variety are in their path. We have risks and rewards to weigh, all of us. Some of us additional hurdles. Hopefully some of us will finda opporunity around those hurdles and those with less direction but no obstacles will find and create ways to do exactly that with varying results. And enough good people will show up for the fight when it most matters.

Be creative, get to be comfortable with getting out of your comfort zone and exploring what you never knew you could do. Exceptional acts and people, are the exception, the most capable are precious in number. There are enough out there to win any just battle, if only they knew who they were and how much they are needed. You may be such a person. If this agenda of which I needn't be any more specific is something to which you think you can put up a respectable fight, I can think only of only the simple gift of this gentle nudge that is to say, if you think you can help, the world needs you to step up and clam your place whatever it is sooner than later.

Christ way to be overly dramatic!

Maybe. Maybe not. Irrelevant insofar as I'm concerned. Comtemplate the times that all of us narrowly escaped a horrible fate and that life as we know it and freedom was spared not by our wits, or our military strength, or meticulous planning, but by the grace of a single mans gut feeling, sheer luck and chance not for our wits if not for some unknown even accidental savior. I don't believe in reliance on fortune nor that prudence is any sin. If it's not as dire as I'm making things out to be, then that changes nothing. Because theres nothing lost in overshooting the mark to be safe, no shame in being too well equipped, and no such thing as too many backup plans, and theres everything wrong with losing.

And you have to find balance generally but not always sometimes you look at the picture and say you know what, I like fashion and wild creativity and thematic stuff but in an absolute decision, Where I take all or none, I'm going to say I take none of this. You have to look at what the furthest extreme of a group is judge them each by their worst day and the worst ambassador representing and choose the lesser of the two evils. In looking at the patterns My own perspective I'm seeing what I've often thought I wanted to be 'a little bad' a trifle too satanic, a bit of debauchery and take tea at 3. But it works better on a Rolling Stones Album than it does in schools, and in as a collective ethos. It's a celebration of excess, and descent of morality which when you ponder it is always a degredation of respect to ones self, others, or both. And rather than adjust behavior to restore and increase the respect with which one is viewed, instead the answer is so often to merely change the rules to where whats bad is now not bad. By this logic we can solve the murder epidemic in the inner city with ease, we just call it something hip instead of murder, wrap it under a campaign of conflict 2.0, guilt the the people who inevitably are going to say theres anything wrong with this, and get it into the schools as early as possible Like Kamala HArris says children need to have a larger voice in democracy and we need to increase their political activity. Think of the children! You get it? It's just like we're going to do with marriage (despite a failure to launch) with some concerted effort and resources permitting, we're going to stop calling it "cheating" and now call it "marriage 2.0" See? Everyone cheats but at the same time really, nobody is cheating because we just, well cheated! We change the rules. We make bad good then everyone is good no matter what and isnt that good? Are we honestly going to advocate the merits of shame, guilt, like imparting all these "fascist" rules are something we willingly opt to incorporate into our progressive forward moving society?

Well, yes for fuck's sake. We should. Because equality is cruel and resists realities that should be embraced. Rewarding effort and successes celebrating excellence and achievement is how we encourage it, so by default discourage the alternative and it can only happen by measuring the difference between us. Would you watch a race where every runner always hit the finish line at the exact same time? Or amybe they didn't but we handicapped the contestents of any game so that the score is always the same and always a tie? If we took the best team on their best day in a hundreds years, and the worst team on the worst day of anyones career and at the end they both get a score of 5, no winner or loser, who is that more cruel to? Celebrate excellence and with consideration and healthy restraint call failure failure. the only equal should come from equal opportunity to be not equal. Even when people we are their worst o part of what makes , Shortcutting effort 'round to reward, we ultimately devalue the reward and don't win anything, in fact we lose in so many ways. The worst of which is running the risk not realizing we are doing this. We may think we won and decide that the prize for this pseudo effort is rather overrated because we don't realize what it would otherwise have been. This is how the faithless cynics take joy from our lives systematically.

In a lame attempt to assuage their guilt they impart an irrational oppressive policy its , its justified as policy because they project it onto everyone assuming we all to one degree or another are similarly cursed and thus deserving of punishment of all forms. That is the nature of the cynical, and the faithless. And in a way it has nothing at all to do with god. This is something that after many years of atheism I am struggling to reconcile, but I can see for some reason why being able to have faith blind or otherwise is not necessarily weakness, or lack of intelligence, or a dangerous delusion. It can and many times is all of those things but it is also a tremendous gift and enviable quality, if that sounds absurd to the more logical among us, the engineers, think of it as the way we revere and envy childhood innocense because its quite similar to that universal (somewhat), understanding. In fact for all I know it might be the same thing. When I look at this guy, I don't know if they are separate things, a common pairing, or what but I know I see all that and more looking at this guy for instance.

We could even forget why certain institutions were ever of value, or ever existed and in this way lose that forever. Imagine lying, cheating, and hurting people as being so acceptable we don't remember a time long ago when we had sincerity or mutual affection, selfless sacrifice for another as ways to show our devotino and respect, our love of another. Imagine not being able to get it back because we didnt remember what it was in the first place, just stumbling around with a certian feeling gnawing at you that something feels off but having no idea what it is and that being the last dying gasp of the goodness of humanity. We aren't born angels and we don't die angels and whether or not there's a god I think theres little support that there are any angels at all in the spaces inbetween. So I don't necessarily see except for maybe some arbitrary triggering of an optional component to evolution where life may decide to develop in such a way that we alter course and at a genetic level exhibit some notinos of goodness as deemed to be imperative for our survival but that's a stretch. And so for the atheists among us real onens not the hipsters, the ones who toook on believing in the harshest of realities because we reject delusions and denial we have to confront the fact the goodness may one day be a buried and forgotten relic of a bygone age. A concept we cannot remember or understand. And that's I guess some rambling early morning thoughts on why we shouldn't print instructionals on swapping gender and sharing with prepubescent children the preferred best techniques for anal sex and praising satan.

to heighten the To which the answer is too often rather than tha to each we are Because the same components that make it so, exist. And so this is their nature they will do wh its about a very real themthe kind of thing 'they' would do, because it's the kind of thing they 'have done' They are out there, they are in the referenced community, and exert tremendous influence as they inflict on the masses their depravity, and all manner of misplaced devotion. Golden Calf, old story right? You may feel anxious to 'do something' about it. But what? Personally I can't help with that.

I will say, be honest and virtuous in your endeavors. One ill act or remark and a little bad timing and you can be a tremendous liability to your cause. Plenty of that is going around. So check yourself, police your own.

by me :shipit: @deadflowers @rkooyenga @rayantony

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