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raybsmith / gist:46a8a797798a2e38b2b4
Created August 19, 2015 16:11
daetools build error 20150819 01
[*] Building deal.II...
Scanning dependencies of target report_features
Scanning dependencies of target expand_instantiations
Scanning dependencies of target obj_base.release
Scanning dependencies of target obj_functionparser.release
Scanning dependencies of target make_dependencies
[ 0%] Building CXX object cmake/scripts/CMakeFiles/expand_instantiations.dir/
[ 0%] Building CXX object bundled/functionparser/CMakeFiles/obj_functionparser.release.dir/
[ 0%] Building CXX object cmake/scripts/CMakeFiles/make_dependencies.dir/
raybsmith / termOutput.txt
Created April 29, 2016 19:59
dae tools deal.ii error
Libraries have been installed in:
If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries
in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and
specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR'
flag during linking and do at least one of the following:
- add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable
during execution
raybsmith / termOut.txt
Created April 29, 2016 21:52
dae Tools pySuperLU error
Build the project: LA_SuperLU
[*] Configuring the project with (-j1, CONFIG+=shellSuperLU)...
qmake-qt4 -makefile -r CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=silent CONFIG+=shellCompile customPython=/usr/bin/python3.5 -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=shellSuperLU
Project MESSAGE: If python major is 3; otherwise the suffix is empty.
Project MESSAGE: SuperLU
[*] Cleaning the project...
raybsmith / termOutTril
Created April 29, 2016 23:28
dae Tools pyTrilinos error
Build the project: pyTrilinos
[*] Configuring the project with (-j1, )...
qmake-qt4 -makefile -r CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=silent CONFIG+=shellCompile customPython=/usr/bin/python3.5 -spec linux-g++
Project MESSAGE: If python major is 3; otherwise the suffix is empty.
[*] Cleaning the project...
# Maintainer: Raymond Smith <raymondbarrettsmith at gmail dot com>
pkgdesc="Tools in Python for solving differential algebraic equations (DAEs)"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
raybsmith / termOut.txt
Created May 31, 2016 14:01
daetools compile error
raymond@arch:~/builds/mine_python-daetools-svn/tmp/daetools-code$ sh --with-python-version 3.5 dae superlu superlu_mt trilinos ipopt bonmin nlopt
Proceed with the following options:
- Qmake-spec: linux-g++
- Python: /usr/bin/python3.5
- Platform: Linux
- Architecture: x86_64
- Number of threads: 5
- Projects to compile: dae superlu superlu_mt trilinos ipopt bonmin nlopt
raybsmith / cmdOut.txt
Created May 31, 2016 18:16
pySuperLU error
raymond@arch:~/builds/mine_python-daetools-svn/tmp/daetools-code$ sh --with-python-version 3.5 dae superlu superlu_mt trilinos ipopt bonmin nlopt
Proceed with the following options:
- Qmake-spec: linux-g++
- Python: /usr/bin/python3.5
- Platform: Linux
- Architecture: x86_64
- Number of threads: 5
- Projects to compile: dae superlu superlu_mt trilinos ipopt bonmin nlopt
raybsmith / cmdout.txt
Created May 31, 2016 19:40
trilinos teuchos fail
Build the project: pyTrilinos
[*] Configuring the project with (-j1, )...
qmake-qt4 -makefile -r CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=silent CONFIG+=shellCompile customPython=/usr/bin/python3.5 -spec linux-g++
Project MESSAGE: If python major is 3; otherwise the suffix is empty.
[*] Cleaning the project...
raybsmith / out.txt
Created May 31, 2016 19:43
trilinos compile error
raymond@arch:~/builds/mine_python-daetools-svn/tmp/daetools-code$ sh --with-python-version 3.5 trilinos
Proceed with the following options:
- Python: python3.5
- Python version: 35
- Python include dir: /usr/include/python3.5m
- Python lib dir: /usr/lib
- Platform: Linux
- Architecture: x86_64
raybsmith / out.txt
Created May 31, 2016 20:09
trilinos error 2
[*] Setting-up trilinos...
Configuring Trilinos build directory
-- PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR='/home/raymond/builds/mine_python-daetools-svn/tmp/daetools-code/trilinos'
-- PROJECT_BINARY_DIR='/home/raymond/builds/mine_python-daetools-svn/tmp/daetools-code/trilinos/build'
-- CMAKE_VERSION = 3.5.2
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2.7 (Required is at least version "2.4")
-- PYTHON_EXECUTABLE='/usr/bin/python2.7'