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Last active March 24, 2016 23:35
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Save raydog/3a7e63e5e5c63f3c9366 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple utility to read a plain text file into a buffer, and safely iterate over it line-by-line.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "linebuffer.h"
/* Our internal structure: */
struct LineBuffer {
char *buf;
size_t bufidx;
size_t buflen;
int is_eof;
FILE *handle;
* This function will move the current line to the front of the buffer,
* and then bring in one more buffer's worth of text to place at the end.
* @param lb The LineBuffer to operate on.
* @return 1 if failure. 0 if ok.
static int _pull_in_data(LineBuffer *lb) {
if (lb == NULL) { return 1; }
/* Don't do anything if we have reached the EOF: */
if (lb->is_eof) { return 0; }
/* Calculate the lengths: */
size_t old_data_len = lb->buflen - lb->bufidx;
size_t num_chars = old_data_len + LINE_BUFFER_LENGTH;
/* Allocate our initial buffer: */
char *buf = (char *) malloc ( num_chars * sizeof(char) );
if (buf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate a new buffer for a LineBuffer\n");
return 1;
/* Copy the old data into the struct, if we have any: */
if (old_data_len) {
strncpy(buf, &lb->buf[lb->bufidx], old_data_len);
/* Copy data from the file into the buffer: */
size_t result = fread( &buf[old_data_len], sizeof(char), LINE_BUFFER_LENGTH, lb->handle);
/* The old buffer, if it exists, isn't needed anymore: */
if (lb->buf) { free(lb->buf); }
/* Copy in new values: */
lb->buf = buf;
lb->bufidx = 0;
lb->buflen = old_data_len + result;
lb->is_eof = feof(lb->handle);
return 0;
LineBuffer *line_buffer_new_from_filename(char *filename) {
if (filename == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Null filename handed to LineBuffer\n");
return NULL;
/* Try to open the file for reading: */
FILE *handle = fopen(filename, "r");
if (handle == NULL) {
char *failstr = strerror(errno);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open `%s`: %s\n", filename, failstr);
return NULL;
/* Simple allocation: */
LineBuffer *out = (LineBuffer*) malloc(sizeof(LineBuffer));
if (out == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate LineBuffer\n");
return NULL;
/* Init the structure : */
out->buf = NULL;
out->bufidx = 0;
out->buflen = 0;
out->is_eof = 0;
out->handle = handle;
/* Bring in our first batch of data: */
if ( _pull_in_data(out) ) {
return NULL;
return out;
void line_buffer_destroy(LineBuffer *lb) {
if (lb == NULL) { return; }
if (lb->handle) { fclose(lb->handle); }
if (lb->buf) { free(lb->buf); }
* Will return the next line in the file. A line is terminated by either \r,
* \n, or \r\n.
* The line
* @param lb The LineBuffer object to use.
* @param out_len Output for the line length, which includes the newline characters, if any.
* @return The string. Returns NULL on failure.
char *line_buffer_read_line(LineBuffer *lb, size_t *out_len) {
size_t len = 0;
int is_cr = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
/* Pull in more characters if we need them: */
if ( (lb->bufidx + len) >= lb->buflen ) {
/* Check for EOF: */
if ( lb->is_eof ) {
char *ret = &lb->buf[lb->bufidx];
lb->bufidx += len;
*out_len = len;
return ret;
/* If not EOF, then just bring in more data: */
if ( _pull_in_data(lb) ) {
return NULL;
/* Check a character: */
char ch = lb->buf[lb->bufidx + len];
len ++;
if (ch == '\n') {
/* No matter what, a \n finishes this string. */
char *ret = &lb->buf[lb->bufidx];
is_cr = 0;
lb->bufidx += len;
*out_len = len;
return ret;
if (is_cr) {
/* We have to stop here. */
char *ret = &lb->buf[lb->bufidx];
is_cr = 0;
lb->bufidx += len - 1;
*out_len = len - 1;
return ret;
} else {
if (ch == '\r') {
is_cr = 1;
#ifndef _LINE_BUFFER_H_
#define _LINE_BUFFER_H_
* LineBuffer: Used to read a file, line-by-line
typedef struct LineBuffer LineBuffer;
* Will create a new LineBuffer object.
* @param filename The file to read from.
* @return The allocated linebuffer object, or NULL on failure.
LineBuffer *line_buffer_new_from_filename(char *filename) ;
* Will destroy a LineBuffer object. Do this to close the readable file,
* and release all memory allocated by the buffer.
* @param lb The LineBuffer object to destroy.
void line_buffer_destroy(LineBuffer *lb) ;
* Will read a single line from the LineBuffer and return it.
* @param lb The LineBuffer to read from.
* @param out_len The length of the line is returned at this address.
* @return The starting character in the line. Note that the
* address is a raw pointer into the internal buffer.
* This is safe so long as you don't call this function
* again while you need values in the current line.
char *line_buffer_read_line(LineBuffer *lb, size_t *out_len) ;
#endif /* _LINE_BUFFER_H_ */
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