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Created November 20, 2015 05:10
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OIM API: Calling Process Task Instance On User Resource Account
package com.blogspot.oraclestack.testdriver;
import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException;
import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcColumnNotFoundException;
import Thor.API.Operations.TaskDefinitionOperationsIntf;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcProvisioningOperationsIntf;
import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLLevel;
import oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLLogger;
import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager;
import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManagerConstants;
import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.vo.User;
import oracle.iam.platform.OIMClient;
import oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.vo.SearchCriteria;
import oracle.iam.provisioning.api.ProvisioningConstants;
import oracle.iam.provisioning.api.ProvisioningService;
import oracle.iam.provisioning.vo.Account;
* Uses OIM APIs to manually call a process task instance on a given application
* instance on a user.
* @author rayedchan
public class CallProvisioningTaskTestDriver
// Logger
private static final ODLLogger LOG = ODLLogger.getODLLogger(CallProvisioningTaskTestDriver.class.getName());
// Change variables accordingly
public static final String OIM_HOSTNAME = "localhost";
public static final String OIM_PORT = "14000"; // For SSL, use 14001; For non-SSL, use 14000
public static final String OIM_PROVIDER_URL = "t3://"+ OIM_HOSTNAME + ":" + OIM_PORT; // For SSL, use t3s protocol; For non-SSL, use t3 protocol
public static final String AUTHWL_PATH = "lib/config/authwl.conf";
public static final String APPSERVER_TYPE = "wls"; // WebLogic Server
public static final String FACTORY_INITIAL_TYPE = "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory";
public static final String OIM_ADMIN_USERNAME = "xelsysadm";
public static final String OIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD = "Password1";
public static void main(String[] args)
// OIM Client
OIMClient oimClient = null;
tcProvisioningOperationsIntf provOps = null;
TaskDefinitionOperationsIntf taskDefOps =null;
// Set system properties required for OIMClient
System.setProperty("", AUTHWL_PATH);
// Create an instance of OIMClient with OIM environment information
Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
// Establish an OIM Client
oimClient = new OIMClient(env);
// Login to OIM with System Administrator Credentials
oimClient.login(OIM_ADMIN_USERNAME, OIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
// Get API Service
UserManager usrMgr = oimClient.getService(UserManager.class);
ProvisioningService provService = oimClient.getService(ProvisioningService.class);
provOps = oimClient.getService(tcProvisioningOperationsIntf.class);
taskDefOps = oimClient.getService(TaskDefinitionOperationsIntf.class);
// Change variables accordingly
String userLogin = "LSTILLMAN"; // OIM User Login
String resourceObjectName = "LDAP User"; // Resource Object Name
String procTaskName = "Set Department To Some Value";
// Get user's details
boolean useUserLogin = true;
HashSet<String> retAttrs = new HashSet<String>();
retAttrs.add(UserManagerConstants.AttributeName.USER_KEY.getId()); // usr_key
User user = usrMgr.getDetails(userLogin, retAttrs, useUserLogin);
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "User: {0}", new Object[]{user});
String userKey = user.getId(); // Get usr_key
// Get user's resource accounts for a specific resource object
SearchCriteria criteria = new SearchCriteria(ProvisioningConstants.AccountSearchAttribute.OBJ_NAME.getId(), resourceObjectName, SearchCriteria.Operator.EQUAL);
List<Account> accounts = provService.getAccountsProvisionedToUser(userKey, criteria, null, useUserLogin);
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "Total Accounts: {0}", new Object[]{accounts.size()});
// Iterate User's accounts of a specific resource object
for(Account resourceAcct: accounts)
String accountId = resourceAcct.getAccountID(); // OIU_KEY
String procInstFormKey = resourceAcct.getProcessInstanceKey(); // (ORC_KEY) Process Form Instance Key
String appInstName = resourceAcct.getAppInstance().getApplicationInstanceName(); // Application Instance Name
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "Account Id: {0}", new Object[]{accountId});
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "Process Instance Form Key: {0}", new Object[]{procInstFormKey});
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "Application Instance Name: {0}", new Object[]{appInstName});
// Get a specific process task
HashMap<String,String> filter = new HashMap<String,String>();
filter.put("Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name", procTaskName);
tcResultSet results = taskDefOps.getTaskDetail(Long.valueOf(procInstFormKey), filter);
int rows = results.getTotalRowCount();
String procDefTaskKey = null;
// Should only be one since Process Task Name is unique
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
procDefTaskKey = results.getStringValue("Process Definition.Tasks.Key"); // MIL_KEY
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "Process Definition Task Key: {0}", new Object[]{procDefTaskKey});
if(procDefTaskKey != null)
// Call a process task directly on an application instance
long schKey = provOps.addProcessTaskInstance(Long.valueOf(procDefTaskKey), Long.valueOf(procInstFormKey));
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "Process Task Instance Key: {0}", new Object[]{schKey});
catch (Exception ex)
LOG.log(ODLLevel.SEVERE, "", ex);
// Close tc* service
if(provOps != null)
if(taskDefOps != null)
// Logout user from OIM client
if( oimClient != null)
* Prints the records of a tcResultSet.
* @param tcResultSetObj tcResultSetObject
* @throws tcAPIException
* @throws tcColumnNotFoundException
public static void printTcResultSetRecords(tcResultSet tcResultSetObj) throws tcAPIException, tcColumnNotFoundException
String[] columnNames = tcResultSetObj.getColumnNames();
int numRows = tcResultSetObj.getTotalRowCount();
for(int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
HashMap<String,String> record = new HashMap<String,String>();
for(String columnName: columnNames)
record.put(columnName, tcResultSetObj.getStringValue(columnName));
LOG.log(ODLLevel.INFO, "{0}", new Object[]{record});
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