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Created March 28, 2013 09:17
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  • Save rayfranco/5261859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rayfranco/5261859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. : a minimal jquery plugin to launch a countdown with a simple API
$ = jQuery
defaults =
kickoff: "March 28, 2017 18:30:00"
onStart: (kickoff, el) ->
console and console.log "Countdown will start to #{ kickoff }"
onChange: (counter,el) ->
if not el
console.log "Countdown state : #{ counter.days } days, #{ counter.hours } hours, #{ counter.minutes } minutes, #{ counter.seconds } seconds left."
el.text "#{ counter.days } days, #{ counter.hours } hours, #{ counter.minutes } minutes, #{ counter.seconds } seconds left."
onFinish: () ->
alert "Yay ! It's a final countdown !"
class Countdown
# Constructor
constructor: (@el, settings = {}) ->
@settings = $.extend {}, defaults, settings
@counter =
seconds: 0
minutes: 0
hours: 0
days: 0
kickoff ='kickoff') or @settings.kickoff
@kickoff = new Date(kickoff)
# Counter
count: () ->
now = new Date()
diff = new Date @kickoff - now
left = Math.floor(diff.valueOf() / 1000)
@counter.seconds = Math.floor(left / 1) % 60
@counter.minutes = Math.floor(left / 60) % 60
@counter.hours = Math.floor(left / 3600) % 24
@counter.days = Math.floor(left / 86400) % 86400
if diff < 0
setTimeout () =>
, 1000
@settings.onChange @counter, @el
# Start the countdown
start: () ->
if not @kickoff
throw new Error 'Cannot start countdown without a kickoff date'
@settings.onStart @kickoff, @el
(($) ->
$.fn.countdown = (settings) ->
new Countdown(@, settings)
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>It's a final countdown</title>
<div id="timer" data-kickoff="March 27, 2013 18:50:50"></div>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.countdown.js"></script>
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