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🍰 Layered Cakewalk [Swift] - AttributesStyle
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
/// 🍰 Layered Cakewalk - AttributesStyle
/// Allows you to structure style classes used to modify an `NSAttributedString`s.
// πŸš— Demo
func exampleLines() -> [NSAttributedString]
let base = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle().defaults() /// πŸ¦„ base/defaults style is required to process the `fragments`.
let style1 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(foregroundColor: .red)
let style2 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(size: 40), foregroundColor: .blue)
let style3 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(underlineStyle: .double)
"Hello World!"
+ base
+ style1 /// `full range`
+ (style: style2, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: 4))
+ (style: style3, range: NSRange(location: 3, length: 4))
// 🍰 Implementation
extension NSAttributedString
public typealias Attributes = [Key: Any]
/// πŸ“`Meta tags`
extension NSAttributedString.Key
public static let fontFragment = NSAttributedString.Key("@fontFragment")
public static let paragraphStyleFragment = NSAttributedString.Key("@paragraphStyleFragment")
extension NSAttributedString.Attributes
public func with(_ attributesStyle: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString.Attributes
var result = self
/// πŸŽ› `font` or `fontFragment`
/// πŸ“
if let fontFragment = attributesStyle.fontFragment
let currentFontFragment = result[.fontFragment] as! NSAttributedString.FontFragment?
let newFontFragment = currentFontFragment?.with(fontFragment) ?? fontFragment
if let currentFont = result[.font] as! UIFont? ?? attributesStyle.defaultFont
result[.font] = newFontFragment.font(basedOn: currentFont.fontDescriptor)
result[.fontFragment] = nil
result[.fontFragment] = newFontFragment
if let defaultFont = attributesStyle.defaultFont
if let currentFontFragment = result[.fontFragment] as! NSAttributedString.FontFragment?
result[.font] = currentFontFragment.font(basedOn: defaultFont.fontDescriptor)
result[.fontFragment] = nil
if result[.font] == nil
result[.font] = defaultFont
/// πŸŽ› `paragraphStyle` or `paragraphStyleFragment`
/// πŸ“
if let paragraphStyleFragment = attributesStyle.paragraphStyleFragment
let currentParagraphStyleFragment = result[.paragraphStyleFragment] as! NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleFragment?
let newParagraphStyleFragment = currentParagraphStyleFragment?.with(paragraphStyleFragment) ?? paragraphStyleFragment
if let currentParagraphStyle = result[.paragraphStyle] as! NSParagraphStyle? ?? attributesStyle.defaultParagraphStyle
result[.paragraphStyle] = newParagraphStyleFragment.paragraphStyle(basedOn: currentParagraphStyle)
result[.paragraphStyleFragment] = nil
result[.paragraphStyleFragment] = newParagraphStyleFragment
if let defaultParagraphStyle = attributesStyle.defaultParagraphStyle
if let currentParagraphStyleFragment = result[.paragraphStyleFragment] as! NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleFragment?
result[.paragraphStyle] = currentParagraphStyleFragment.paragraphStyle(basedOn: defaultParagraphStyle)
result[.paragraphStyleFragment] = nil
if result[.paragraphStyle] == nil
result[.paragraphStyle] = defaultParagraphStyle
/// πŸŽ› `foregroundColor`
if let foregroundColor = attributesStyle.foregroundColor
result[.foregroundColor] = foregroundColor
if let defaultForegroundColor = attributesStyle.defaultForegroundColor, result[.foregroundColor] == nil
result[.foregroundColor] = defaultForegroundColor
/// πŸŽ› `underlineStyle`
if let underlineStyle = attributesStyle.underlineStyle
result[.underlineStyle] = underlineStyle.rawValue
if let defaultUnderlineStyle = attributesStyle.defaultUnderlineStyle, result[.underlineStyle] == nil
result[.underlineStyle] = defaultUnderlineStyle.rawValue
/// πŸŽ› `shadow`
if let shadow = attributesStyle.shadow
result[.shadow] = shadow
return result
extension NSAttributedString
public struct FontFragment
static let systemFontPrefix = ".SFUI-"
public var font: UIFont?
public var name: String?
public var family: String?
public var size: CGFloat?
public var weight: UIFont.Weight?
public var symbolicTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits?
public var addSymbolicTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits?
public var removeSymbolicTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits?
public init(font: UIFont? = nil, name: String? = nil, family: String? = nil, size: CGFloat? = nil, weight: UIFont.Weight? = nil, removeWeight: Bool? = nil,
symbolicTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits? = nil, addSymbolicTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits? = nil, removeSymbolicTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits? = nil)
self.font = font = name = family
self.size = size
self.weight = weight
self.symbolicTraits = symbolicTraits
self.addSymbolicTraits = addSymbolicTraits
self.removeSymbolicTraits = removeSymbolicTraits
public func with(_ other: FontFragment) -> FontFragment
return FontFragment(font: other.font ?? self.font,
name: ??,
family: ??,
size: other.size ?? self.size,
weight: other.weight ?? self.weight,
symbolicTraits: other.symbolicTraits ?? self.symbolicTraits,
addSymbolicTraits: other.addSymbolicTraits ?? self.addSymbolicTraits,
removeSymbolicTraits: other.removeSymbolicTraits ?? self.removeSymbolicTraits)
public func fontDescriptor(basedOn: UIFontDescriptor) -> UIFontDescriptor
var result = self.font?.fontDescriptor ?? basedOn
if let name =, name != basedOn.postscriptName
/// Compiler warning:
/// CoreText note: Client requested name `".SFUI-Regular"`, it will get `TimesNewRomanPSMT` rather than the intended font.
/// All system UI font access should be through proper APIs such as `CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage()` or `+[UIFont systemFontOfSize:]`.
if name.hasPrefix(Self.systemFontPrefix)
result = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: basedOn.pointSize).fontDescriptor
result = UIFont(name: name, size: basedOn.pointSize)!.fontDescriptor
result = result.withSymbolicTraits(basedOn.symbolicTraits) ?? result
if let weight = self.weight
result = result.addingAttributes([.traits : [UIFontDescriptor.TraitKey.weight : weight]])
if let family =
result = result.withFamily(family)
if let size = self.size
result = result.withSize(size)
if self.symbolicTraits != nil || self.addSymbolicTraits != nil || self.removeSymbolicTraits != nil
var newTraits = self.symbolicTraits ?? result.symbolicTraits
if let addSymbolicTraits = self.addSymbolicTraits
if let removeSymbolicTraits = self.removeSymbolicTraits
result = result.withSymbolicTraits(newTraits) ?? result
return result
public func font(basedOn: UIFontDescriptor) -> UIFont
let newFontDescriptor = self.fontDescriptor(basedOn: basedOn)
return UIFont(descriptor: newFontDescriptor, size: newFontDescriptor.pointSize)
extension NSAttributedString
public struct ParagraphStyleFragment
public var alignment: NSTextAlignment?
public var lineBreakMode: NSLineBreakMode?
public var lineSpacing: CGFloat?
public var lineHeightMultiple: CGFloat?
public var paragraphSpacingBefore: CGFloat?
public var headIndent: CGFloat?
public var tailIndent: CGFloat?
public init(alignment: NSTextAlignment? = nil, lineBreakMode: NSLineBreakMode? = nil, lineSpacing: CGFloat? = nil, lineHeightMultiple: CGFloat? = nil,
paragraphSpacingBefore: CGFloat? = nil, headIndent: CGFloat? = nil, tailIndent: CGFloat? = nil)
self.alignment = alignment
self.lineBreakMode = lineBreakMode
self.lineSpacing = lineSpacing
self.lineHeightMultiple = lineHeightMultiple
self.paragraphSpacingBefore = paragraphSpacingBefore
self.headIndent = headIndent
self.tailIndent = tailIndent
public func with(_ other: ParagraphStyleFragment) -> ParagraphStyleFragment
return ParagraphStyleFragment(alignment: other.alignment ?? self.alignment,
lineBreakMode: other.lineBreakMode ?? self.lineBreakMode,
lineSpacing: other.lineSpacing ?? self.lineSpacing,
lineHeightMultiple: other.lineHeightMultiple ?? self.lineHeightMultiple,
paragraphSpacingBefore: other.paragraphSpacingBefore ?? self.paragraphSpacingBefore,
headIndent: other.headIndent ?? self.headIndent,
tailIndent: other.tailIndent ?? self.tailIndent)
public func paragraphStyle(basedOn: NSParagraphStyle) -> NSParagraphStyle
let result = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
result.alignment = self.alignment ?? basedOn.alignment
result.lineBreakMode = self.lineBreakMode ?? basedOn.lineBreakMode
result.lineSpacing = self.lineSpacing ?? basedOn.lineSpacing
result.lineHeightMultiple = self.lineHeightMultiple ?? basedOn.lineHeightMultiple
result.paragraphSpacingBefore = self.paragraphSpacingBefore ?? basedOn.paragraphSpacingBefore
result.headIndent = self.headIndent ?? basedOn.headIndent
result.tailIndent = self.tailIndent ?? basedOn.tailIndent
return result
extension NSAttributedString
public struct AttributesStyle
public var defaultFont: UIFont?
public var fontFragment: FontFragment?
public var defaultParagraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle?
public var paragraphStyleFragment: ParagraphStyleFragment?
public var defaultForegroundColor: UIColor?
public var foregroundColor: UIColor?
public var defaultUnderlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle?
public var underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle?
public var shadow: NSShadow?
public init(defaultFont: UIFont? = nil, fontFragment: NSAttributedString.FontFragment? = nil,
defaultParagraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle? = nil, paragraphStyleFragment: NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleFragment? = nil,
defaultForegroundColor: UIColor? = nil, foregroundColor: UIColor? = nil,
defaultUnderlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle? = nil, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle? = nil,
shadow: NSShadow? = nil)
self.defaultFont = defaultFont
self.fontFragment = fontFragment
self.defaultParagraphStyle = defaultParagraphStyle
self.paragraphStyleFragment = paragraphStyleFragment
self.defaultForegroundColor = defaultForegroundColor
self.foregroundColor = foregroundColor
self.defaultUnderlineStyle = defaultUnderlineStyle
self.underlineStyle = underlineStyle
self.shadow = shadow
public func with(_ other: AttributesStyle) -> AttributesStyle
return AttributesStyle(defaultFont: other.defaultFont ?? self.defaultFont,
fontFragment: other.fontFragment .map { self.fontFragment?.with($0) ?? $0 } ?? self.fontFragment,
defaultParagraphStyle: other.defaultParagraphStyle ?? self.defaultParagraphStyle,
paragraphStyleFragment: other.paragraphStyleFragment .map { self.paragraphStyleFragment?.with($0) ?? $0 } ?? self.paragraphStyleFragment,
defaultForegroundColor: other.defaultForegroundColor ?? self.defaultForegroundColor,
foregroundColor: other.foregroundColor ?? self.foregroundColor,
defaultUnderlineStyle: other.defaultUnderlineStyle ?? self.defaultUnderlineStyle,
underlineStyle: other.underlineStyle ?? self.underlineStyle,
shadow: other.shadow ?? self.shadow)
public func defaults() -> AttributesStyle
AttributesStyle(defaultFont: self.defaultFont ?? .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body),
defaultParagraphStyle: self.defaultParagraphStyle ?? .default,
defaultForegroundColor: self.defaultForegroundColor,
defaultUnderlineStyle: self.defaultUnderlineStyle)
public func attributes(basedOn: Attributes = [:]) -> Attributes
public func with(_ attributesStyle: AttributesStyle, in range: NSRange? = nil) -> NSAttributedString
let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
let replacementRange = range ?? NSRange(self.string.startIndex..., in: self.string)
if replacementRange.location > 0
result.append(self.attributedSubstring(from: NSRange(location: 0, length: replacementRange.location)))
self.enumerateAttributes(in: replacementRange, options: [])
rangeAttributes, range, _ in
let subString = (self.string as NSString).substring(with: range)
result.append(NSAttributedString(string: subString, attributes: rangeAttributes.with(attributesStyle)))
if replacementRange.upperBound < self.length
result.append(self.attributedSubstring(from: NSRange(location: replacementRange.upperBound, length: self.length - replacementRange.upperBound)))
return result
/// `AttributedStyle Operators`
@inlinable public func + (left: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle
return left.with(right)
@inlinable public func += (left: inout NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle
left = left + right
return left
@inlinable public func + (left: NSAttributedString.Attributes, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString.Attributes
return left.with(right)
@inlinable public func += (left: inout NSAttributedString.Attributes, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString.Attributes
left = left + right
return left
/// `NSAttributedString Operators`
@inlinable public func + (left: String, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString
return NSAttributedString(string: left).with(right)
@inlinable public func + (left: NSAttributedString, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString
return left.with(right)
@inlinable public func += (left: inout NSAttributedString, right: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle) -> NSAttributedString
left = left + right
return left
@inlinable public func + (left: NSAttributedString, right: (style: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle, range: NSRange)) -> NSAttributedString
return left.with(, in: right.range)
@inlinable public func += (left: inout NSAttributedString, right: (style: NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle, range: NSRange)) -> NSAttributedString
left = left + right
return left
// 🎑🎒🎠 Playground
class ExampleViewController : UIViewController
override func loadView()
let view = UIView(frame: .zero)
view.backgroundColor = .white
let stack = UIStackView(frame: .zero)
stack.axis = .vertical
stack.spacing = 10
stack.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10)
stack.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true
/// `Template`
let label = UILabel()
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.attributedText = $0
return label
/// `Build`
stack.addArrangedSubview(UIView()) // Spacer
stack.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
self.view = view
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = ExampleViewController()
// πŸ‘» More examples
func exampleLines() -> [NSAttributedString]
let base = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle().defaults() /// πŸ¦„ base/defaults style is required to process the `fragments`.
let spacingStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(paragraphStyleFragment: .init())
let headerStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(foregroundColor: .gray)
let codeStyle = spacingStyle + NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(
fontFragment: .init(family: "Menlo",
size: 11),
paragraphStyleFragment: .init(lineHeightMultiple: 0.8),
foregroundColor: .darkGray)
let style1 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(foregroundColor: .red)
let style3 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(underlineStyle: .double)
let fontSizeStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(size: 40), foregroundColor: .blue)
let fontBoldStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(addSymbolicTraits: [.traitItalic]))
let fontThinStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(weight: .thin))
let existingAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "Font has been pre-defined", attributes: [.font : UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .headline)])
"\nexistingAttributedString looks like:"
+ base
+ headerStyle
"\nApply some styles:"
+ base
+ headerStyle
+ (style: fontSizeStyle, range: NSRange(location: 5, length: 3))
+ (style: fontBoldStyle, range: NSRange(location: 14, length: 3))
+ (style: fontThinStyle, range: NSRange(location: 9, length: 3))
""" + base + codeStyle
"\nNow it looks like:"
+ base
+ headerStyle
+ (style: fontSizeStyle, range: NSRange(location: 5, length: 3))
+ (style: fontBoldStyle, range: NSRange(location: 14, length: 3))
+ (style: fontThinStyle, range: NSRange(location: 9, length: 3))
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raygun101 commented Sep 14, 2020

The Example πŸš—...

func exampleLines() -> [NSAttributedString]
    let base   = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle().defaults() /// πŸ¦„ base/defaults style is required to process the `fragments`.
    let style1 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(foregroundColor: .red)
    let style2 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(size: 40), foregroundColor: .blue)
    let style3 = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(underlineStyle: .double)

            "Hello World!"
            +  base
            +  style1 ///  `full range`
            + (style: style2, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: 4))
            + (style: style3, range: NSRange(location: 3, length: 4))


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More Examples


func exampleLines() -> [NSAttributedString]
    let base = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle().defaults() /// πŸ¦„ base/defaults style is required to process the `fragments`.
    let spacingStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(paragraphStyleFragment: .init())
    let headerStyle  = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(foregroundColor: .gray)
    let codeStyle    = spacingStyle + NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(
        fontFragment:           .init(family: "Menlo",
                                      size:   11),
        paragraphStyleFragment: .init(lineHeightMultiple: 0.8),
        foregroundColor:        .darkGray)

    let style1        = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(foregroundColor: .red)
    let style3        = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(underlineStyle: .double)
    let fontSizeStyle   = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(size: 40), foregroundColor: .blue)
    let fontItalicStyle = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(addSymbolicTraits: [.traitItalic]))
    let fontThinStyle   = NSAttributedString.AttributesStyle(fontFragment: .init(weight: .thin))

    let existingAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "Font has been pre-defined", attributes: [.font : UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .headline)])
            "\n The String existingAttributedString looks like:"
                + base
                + headerStyle
            "\nApply some styles:"
                + base
                + headerStyle
                + (style: fontSizeStyle,   range: NSRange(location: 5,  length: 3))
                + (style: fontItalicStyle, range: NSRange(location: 14, length: 3))
                + (style: fontThinStyle,   range: NSRange(location: 9,  length: 3))
            """ + base + codeStyle
            "\nNow it looks like:"
                + base
                + headerStyle
                + (style: fontSizeStyle,   range: NSRange(location: 5,  length: 3))
                + (style: fontItalicStyle, range: NSRange(location: 14, length: 3))
                + (style: fontThinStyle,   range: NSRange(location: 9,  length: 3))

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