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Created February 1, 2016 16:29
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Finding a point within a geometry for ArcGIS JavaScript API using client-side processing
], function (arrayUtils, Polygon, Polyline, Point, geometryEngine) {
* Finds a point on a polyline
* @function pointFromLine
* @param {"esri/geometry/Polyline"} polyline - the polyline to get points from
* @param {"esri/geometry/Polygon"} [testPolygon] - if a polygon is used to determine clickability, return
* @returns {"esri/geometry/Point"} a point that should be contained in the polyline, and polygon (if provided);
function pointFromLine(polyline, testPolygon) {
var resultPoint = null;
arrayUtils.some(polyline.paths, function (path) {
var numSegments = path.length - 1,
segmentPointer, segmentEnd, avgPointCoords;
for (segmentPointer = 0; segmentPointer < numSegments; segmentPointer++) {
segmentEnd = path[segmentPointer + 1];
avgPointCoords =[segmentPointer], function (coord, index) {
return (coord + segmentEnd[index]) / 2;
if (!testPolygon || testPolygon.contains(new Point(avgPointCoords).setSpatialReference(polyline.spatialReference))) {
resultPoint = new Point(avgPointCoords).setSpatialReference(polyline.spatialReference);
return !!resultPoint;
return resultPoint;
* finds a point contained within a polygon
* @function pointFromPolygon
* @param {"esri/geometry/Polygon"} polygon
* @returns {"esri/geometry/Point"} - a point that should be contained in the polygon
function pointFromPolygon(polygon) {
var intersects, resultLine;
arrayUtils.some(polygon.rings, function(ring) {
// make a polygon from the first ring and get its extent.
var polygonFromRing = new Polygon(ring).setSpatialReference(polygon.spatialReference),
extent = polygonFromRing.getExtent(),
yAvg, yAvgLine, xAvg, xAvgLine;
// draw a horizontal line that should go through the middle of the current ring
yAvg = (extent.ymin + extent.ymax) / 2;
yAvgLine = new Polyline([
[extent.xmin, yAvg],
[extent.xmax, yAvg]
// test if the horizontal line intersects the whole polygon somehow.
intersects = geometryEngine.intersects(yAvgLine, polygon);
if (intersects) {
// if so, create the intersection line from that line
resultLine = geometryEngine.intersect(yAvgLine, polygon);
return intersects;
// draw a vertical line that should go through the middle of the current ring
xAvg = (extent.xmin + extent.xmax) / 2;
xAvgLine = new Polyline([
[xAvg, extent.ymin],
[xAvg, extent.ymax]
// test if the vertical line interesects with the whole polygon
intersects = geometryEngine.intersects(xAvgLine, polygon);
if (intersects) {
// if intersects, create an intersecting line between the two shapes.
resultLine = geometryEngine.intersect(yAvgLine, polygon);
return intersects;
if (intersects) {
return pointFromLine(resultLine, polygon);
return null;
* Finds a point that is certain to be contained within another geometry
* @function PointWithin
* @param {object} geometry - an ArcGIS JavaScript API Geometry
* See
* @returns {object} and ArcGIS JavsScript API Point Geometry that should be within it.
return function (geometry) {
if (!geometry.type) {
throw "Invalid geometry passed to the function";
if (geometry.type === "point") {
return geometry;
if (geometry.type === "extent") {
return geometry.getCenter();
if (geometry.type === "multipoint") {
return geometry.getPoint(0);
if (geometry.type === "polyline") {
return pointFromLine(geometry);
if (geometry.type === "polygon") {
return pointFromPolygon(geometry);
throw "Unknown geometry type: " + geometry.type;
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