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Bitcoin Payment form used for CMS eCommerce
<div class="abf-frame">
<div class="abf-header">
<div class="abf-ash1"><img src="" width="95" alt=""></div>
<div style="text-align: center; background-color:#fff;"><span class="abf-qr"> <img class="abf-img-height" src="" style="display: inline;" alt="QR code for payment"> </span> </div>
<div class="abf-form">
<div class="abf-ash1"> Please send <strong><span class="abf-totalbtc">0.04656914</span></strong> BTC
to address: </div>
<div class="abf-address abf-topline abf-ash2 abf-input-address">3MeSHt5CCBMoq14BNYjfCfp81ugFVjwZeC</div>
<div class="abf-data abf-topline">
<div class="abf-list">
<div class="abf-list-item">
<div class="abf-label">Merchant:</div>
<div class="abf-value">Example Store</div>
<div class="abf-list-item">
<div class="abf-label">Amount to pay:</div>
<div class="abf-value"><span class="abf-totalbtc">0.04656914</span> BTC</div>
<div class="abf-list-item">
<div class="abf-label">Arrived amount:</div>
<div class="abf-value"><span class="abf-arrived">0.00001000</span> BTC</div>
<div class="abf-list-item">
<div class="abf-label">Remains to pay:</div>
<div class="abf-value"><b><span class="abf-remains">0.04655914</span> BTC</b></div>
<div class="abf-list-item">
<div class="abf-label">Date:</div>
<div class="abf-value">2018-09-25</div>
<div class="abf-list-item abf-tx-block">
<div class="abf-label">Transaction(s):</div>
<div class="abf-value abf-tx">
<div><a href="" target="_blank">7915799c22...b6511b84</a>
<div class="abf-confirmations abf-green" title="Confirmations count">1</div>
<div class="abf-list-item">
<div class="abf-label">Status:</div>
<div class="abf-value"><b><span class="abf-status">Waiting payment</span></b></div>
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