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Last active February 25, 2018 22:06
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  • Save rayterrill/de666f988e063b359625840b046e0a98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rayterrill/de666f988e063b359625840b046e0a98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install 1password dropbox googlechrome nodejs powershell slack notepadplusplus git git-credential-manager-for-windows atom spotify 7zip Virtualbox vagrant conemu dropbox putty minikube -Confirm:$false -Force
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-WebServerRole
#setup git
git config --global ""
git config --global "rayterrill"
#stuff i'm working on
npm install -g npm@4 #downgrade to npm4 for react-native
npm install -g create-react-native-app
npm install -g yarn
npm install -g create-react-app
#getting a quick throwaway linux box
vagrant init ubuntu/xenial64
vagrant up
choco install mondodb
mkdir c:\mongodb
mkdir c:\mongodb\logs
mkdir c:\mongodb\data
mkdir c:\mongodb\data\db
& "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin\mongod" --logpath c:\mongodb\logs\mongo.log --dbpath c:\mongodb\data\db --directoryperdb --install
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