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Created October 23, 2018 04:45
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Creating a 2D array which outputs values of an array from a user-generated list of coordinates
J t //these are the data values in the 2D array that I pull from based on the coordinates. If it's 8 0 for example I take from row 8
A ' // and column 0 which would mean its corresponding value is V.
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load fulldata.txt //makes program load this file with the data.
location -10 -0
location 2 0 //the user puts this in. First numeric value as an x coord (row) and next as a y coord (column)
location 3 0
location 8 0
location 2 1
location 1 0
location 25 -0
location 1 1
location -2 4
location -11 4
location 22 -0
location 17 -1
location -12 -0
int main ()
/*Function: main
Purpose: To call the read2D_Data function to find valid coordinates
and output whatever the loaded file has into those coordinates of the array.
Input: input.txt
Output: output.txt
Commands: Calling function read2D_data.
Could always just make a main.cpp
read2D_Data( "input.txt", "output.txt" ); //Start it.
cout << "Done." << endl;
return 0;
Definition of function read2D_Data: *
To read the commands file and then call a function for output.*
void read2D_Data( string input, string output )
char toomanyDims[ROWS][COLS];
for (int count = 0; count < ROWS; count++)
for (int count2 = 0; count2 < COLS; count2++)
toomanyDims[count][count2] = ' ';
string command, command2, liveData;
int x, y, num; //num is there as a test, may or may not use.
char letter;
ifstream userTask; //input file;
ofstream coords; //output file;
if (
cout << "Error opening userTask file.\n";
cout << "Now reading data and taking in commands." << endl; // Process the file. Courtesty selection statement of Tony Gaddis.
reading_jibbs(userTask, command, liveData, x, y, command2, coords, toomanyDims, ROWS);
/* for (int count = 0; count < ROWS; count++)
for (int count2 = 0; count2 < COLS; count2++)
cout << toomanyDims[count][count2] << " " << endl;
} */
Definition of function reading_jibbs: *
To read the commands file and apply the *
appropiate actions to the right commands.*
void reading_jibbs(ifstream& userTask, string& command, string& liveData, int& x, int& y, string& command2, ofstream& coords, char toomanyDims[][COLS], int rows) //Read load command and load the variable.
getline(userTask, command, ' ');
getline(userTask, liveData);
cout << liveData << endl;
if (command == "load")
ifstream data; //input file to open if the command said so.;
if (
cout << "Something went wrong." << endl;
cout << "It seems to have worked!!!" << endl;
reading_jibbschild(data, toomanyDims, rows);
getline(userTask, command, ' ');
userTask >> x;
userTask >> y;
cout << x << " " << y << " " << command << endl;
while(! //this input fails for some reason after the fifth entry.
finpos( coords, x, y, data, toomanyDims, rows);
getline(userTask, command, ' ');
userTask >> x;
userTask >> y;
Definition of function finpos: *
To output the coords and value in correspondence.*
void finpos( ofstream& coords, int& x, int& y, ifstream& data, const char toomanyDims[][COLS], int rows)
if (x >= 0 && x < 13 && y >= 0 && y < 2)
coords << x << ", " << y << ": " << toomanyDims[x][y] << endl;
else if (x < 0 || x >= 13 || y < 0 || y >= 2)
coords << x << ", " << y << ": " << "bad location" << endl;
Definition of function reading_jibbschild:*
To read the values of the coords *
and fill up the array. *
void reading_jibbschild(ifstream& data, char toomanyDims[][COLS], int rows)
/*if (x >= 0 && x < 13 && y >= 0 && y < 2) //checking if we have valid coordinates
cout << "Things look great." << endl;
for (int count = 0; count < ROWS; count++)
for (int count2 = 0; count2 < COLS; count2++)
data >> toomanyDims[count][count2];
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using std::ofstream;
using std::ifstream;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
const int ROWS = 13;
const int COLS = 2;
void read2D_Data( string input, string output );
void reading_jibbschild(ifstream& data, char toomanyDims[][COLS], int rows);
void reading_jibbs(ifstream& userTask, string& command, string& liveData, int& x, int& y, string& command2, ofstream& coords, char toomanyDims[][COLS], int rows);
void finpos( ofstream& coords, int& x, int& y, ifstream& data, const char toomanyDims[][COLS], int rows);
-10, 0: bad location
2, 0: }
3, 0: F
8, 0: V
2, 1: -
//the problem is that my output file (this) only outputs five values no matter what. I have good reason to believe that the input file fails for some reason.
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