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Last active May 9, 2017 07:00
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import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def formatJson(json) {
def obj = new JsonSlurper().parseText(json)
def map = [:]
if(obj instanceof Map) {
obj.each {
def tmp = [:]
def tmpKey = "$it.key"
if(tmpKey.contains(".")) {
def parent_key = tmpKey.substring(0, tmpKey.indexOf("."))
def sub_key = tmpKey.substring(tmpKey.indexOf(".") + 1)
// if(!map.containsKey(parent_key)) {
tmp = formatJson(JsonOutput.toJson(["$sub_key" : it.value]))
map.put(parent_key, tmp)
else {
prev_val = map.get(parent_key)
tmp.each {
if(prev_val.containsKey(it.key)) {
sub_map = prev_val.get(it.key)
another_map = tmp.get(it.key)
sub_map = process_nested(another_map, sub_map)
prev_val.put(it.key, sub_map)
prev_val.put(it.key, it.value)
map.put(parent_key, prev_val)
} else {
map.put(it.key, it.value)
return map;
def process_nested(another_map, sub_map){
another_map.each {
if(it.value instanceof Map ){
sub_map.put(it.key,process_nested(it.value, sub_map.get(it.key)))
sub_map.put(it.key, it.value)
return sub_map
def screwy = "{\"\": \"this\", \"tick.tock\": \"that\", \"flip.switch\" : \"swatch\", \"flip.flop.grab.hello.pick\": \"another\"}"
println JsonOutput.toJson(formatJson(screwy))
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