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Last active February 1, 2024 10:11
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clean gentoo WSL2 setup with automounting encrypted home partition

mounting dmcrypted disks/partitions using openrc in wsl2

This assumes you can find and follow other directions elsewhere. github is silly w/ not allowing / in filenames, so i used \.

  1. install gentoo on wsl2 and make sure your starting openrc at wsl boot

  2. follow to get your disk setup. if you follow that, it's encrypting an entire drive, but you can do partitions or whatever disk setup you want for your linux setup. the key thing is that you need to pass the entire drive (--bare) to let linux have its way with the drive. (also, you can't just mount a single partition of a drive due to a current limitation per wsl docs.)

    tip: use the following command in windows instead of the Powershell command they use in step 1

    C:> wmic diskdrive list brief
  3. IMPORTANT: STOP following the directions when your disk(s) are prepared and you're ready to copychange the simple mounting script that they suggest. we are doing something cleaner.

  4. update /etc/fstab so that your partitions can be easily mounted. always set the noauto mount option on ALL encrypted partitions. read the comments in the example /etc/fstab file below. the example file shows both an encrypted (/home) and unencrypted (/scratch) mount.

  5. test your mounts manually to make sure they work as you expect

  6. edit /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt to decrypt any encrypted partitions. i've included the continuing example of /home. again read the comments.

  7. rc-update add dmcrypt boot

  8. download and copychange the /etc/init.d/wslmount init script. again, read the comments there.

  9. rc-update add wslmount boot

  10. dance


  • microsoft/WSL#11078 when starting up, wsl gives you the prompt before all the openrc scripts finishes. so, give it a few seconds/minutes before hammering away.
# /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt
# remember that we turned off automounting in /etc/fstab?
# the pre_mount* directive will mount it for us _after_ it's unlocked.
# i would get silly mount failures and printed errors when relying on
# the correct ordering to be discovered by openrc. this approach
# guarantees the partition is unencrypted before mounting cleanly.
# * there is a bug in gentoo:
# use post_mount if they ever support/fix things
pre_mount='mount /home'
# we don't need a scratch target b/c it's unencrypted
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# use labels or UUIDs to point to the appropriate mountable (unencrypted)
# paritions
# here is the blkid output of what my particular drive was partitioned with
# /dev/sdc2: UUID="52d05b25-6510-457c-8468-c2e3cd630fb5" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTUUID="39330c38-2841-cd4b-a862-888942c5d24b"
# /dev/sdc1: UUID="EC59-77F2" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="4d4ede74-e578-3e48-8023-fe0ce721b825"
# /dev/mapper/home: LABEL="home" UUID="a35368fe-bc9e-4b1e-9a9a-b8ecf0890a68" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
# IMPORTANT: for encrypted drives, ALWAYS set noauto in the mounting options
# (4th field, fs_mntops). you don't have to use noatime like i do...
LABEL=home /home ext4 noauto,noatime 0 2
# for completely unencrypted drives, you can let it automount (use whatever
# mounting options you need)
UUID=EC59-77F2 /scratch vfat noatime 0 2
# Copyright 2024 razamatan
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
name="Mount WSL disks"
description="Mount WSL2 disks"
# pick one identifier that is a part of some disk that will be given to wsl
# - you can move this out to /etc/conf.d/wslmount if you really want to
depend() {
before dmcrypt
start() {
if status; then
ebegin "WSL disks already mounted"
eend 0
ebegin "Mounting WSL disks"
# update with your privileged windows task name from step 2
/mnt/c/windows/system32/schtasks.exe /run /tn MountWSLDisks
eend $?
status() {
/sbin/findfs "${test_id}" > /dev/null 2>&1
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