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Last active August 25, 2023 01:43
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Export AWS Route53 domain records to Cloudflare as a terraform module
#!/usr/bin/env zx
# npm install -g zx
# ./aws-to-cloudflare-records.mjs
const domain = process.argv[3]
const recordName = (n) => n.replace("\\052","*").replace(`.${process.argv[3]}.`, "")
const resourceName = (n) => recordName(n).replace(/-/g,"_")
const toString = ({name, type, ttl, value}) => `resource "cloudflare_record" ${JSON.stringify(resourceName(name))} {
name = ${JSON.stringify(recordName(name))}
type = ${JSON.stringify(type)}
ttl = ${JSON.stringify(ttl)}
value = ${JSON.stringify(value)}
zone_id =
const convertAliasTarget = (r) => toString({
name: r.Name,
type: "CNAME",
ttl: 60,
value: r.AliasTarget.DNSName,
const convertResourceRecords = (r) => (v) => toString({
name: r.Name,
type: r.Type,
ttl: r.TTL,
value: v.Value
const convertRecordSet = (r) => r.AliasTarget
? convertAliasTarget(r)
const newLine = "\n\n"
const isNotExcluded = (r) => !["NS", "SOA"].includes(r.Type)
const result = (r) => JSON.parse(r.stdout)
const zone = await $`aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name ${domain} | jq -r '.HostedZones[0] | .Id | sub("/hostedzone/"; "")'`
const recordSets = await $`aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id ${zone} --output json | jq '.ResourceRecordSets'`
await fs.outputFile("", result(recordSets))
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