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Created September 25, 2023 09:50
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Split game solver
* Two-Player Split Game Solver
* This C++ program solves a two-player game played with two hands
* - Two players take turns, starting with two fingers out on each hand
* - Each turn, a player can add the number of fingers on one of their hands to
* that of their opponent (addition wraps around after 5)
* - If the numbers on a hand become 5, it resets to 0
* - If one hand is empty and the other has an even number, it can be split
* equally into two hands
* - A player loses when both hands are empty
* - The objective is to determine the winnability status of each state
* (winning, losing, or unknown) and to find the best move to make from a
* given state.
* The program employs a dynamic programming approach to solve the game and
* provides an interactive interface for users to input game states and receive
* advice on the best move.
* @author Raziman T V
* @date 2023-09-25
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
// Enumeration representing the winnability status of a game state.
enum class Winnability { winning, losing, unknown };
// Define a State as a tuple of four integers.
using State = std::tuple<int, int, int, int>;
// Define StateVector as a vector of State tuples.
using StateVector = std::vector<State>;
// Define StateMap as a map that maps State tuples to their winnability status.
using StateMap = std::map<State, Winnability>;
* Generate all possible game states.
* This function generates a vector of all possible game states based on the
* game's rules. The states are represented as tuples (p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2),
* where p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, and p2_2 are integers representing the number of
* fingers on hands of the players
* @return A vector containing all possible game states.
StateVector get_all_states() {
StateVector ret;
for (int p1_1 = 0; p1_1 < 5; ++p1_1)
for (int p1_2 = p1_1; p1_2 < 5; ++p1_2)
for (int p2_1 = 0; p2_1 < 5; ++p2_1)
for (int p2_2 = p2_1; p2_2 < 5; ++p2_2)
if (p2_2) ret.push_back({p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2});
return ret;
* Populate the cache with terminal states.
* This function populates the given cache (a map) with terminal states of the
* game. A terminal state is a state in which player 1 (p1) has lost, which is
* indicated by p1_2 being zero. When a terminal state is found, it is marked as
* 'losing' in the cache.
* @param allStates A vector containing all possible game states.
* @param cache A map to store the winnability status of game states.
void populate_terminal_states(const StateVector& allStates, StateMap& cache) {
for (const State& state : allStates) {
auto [p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2] = state;
if (!p1_2) cache[state] = Winnability::losing;
* Generate possible states resulting from splitting player 1's items.
* This function generates a vector of possible game states that can be reached
* from the given state by splitting player 1's items if the following
* conditions are met:
* - Player 1's first item count (p1_1) is zero.
* - Player 1's total item count (p1_2) is even.
* @param state The current game state as a tuple (p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2).
* @return A vector of states, including the original state and split states (if
* applicable).
StateVector get_split_states(const State& state) {
StateVector ret{state};
auto [p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2] = state;
if (p1_1 == 0 and p1_2 % 2 == 0)
ret.push_back({p1_2 / 2, p1_2 / 2, p2_1, p2_2});
return ret;
* Calculate the next game state based on item transfers.
* This function calculates the next game state based on the transfer of items
* between player 1 (p1) and player 2 (p2) according to the game's rules.
* @param p1_1 The number of items held by player 1 in the first slot.
* @param p1_2 The number of items held by player 1 in the second slot.
* @param p2_1 The number of items held by player 2 in the first slot.
* @param p2_2 The number of items held by player 2 in the second slot.
* @return The next game state as a tuple (p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2).
State get_next_state(int p1_1, int p1_2, int p2_1, int p2_2) {
// Calculate the effective number of items after modulo 5.
int n1_1 = p2_1 % 5, n1_2 = p2_2 % 5;
// Ensure n1_1 is smaller than or equal to n1_2.
if (n1_1 > n1_2) std::swap(n1_1, n1_2);
// Create and return the next game state.
return {n1_1, n1_2, p1_1, p1_2};
* Generate possible next game states from the given state.
* This function generates a vector of possible game states that can be reached
* from the given state by considering various split states and item transfers
* between players.
* @param state The current game state as a tuple (p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2).
* @return A vector of possible next game states.
StateVector get_next_states(const State& state) {
StateVector ret;
// Consider splitting if possible
for (auto startState : get_split_states(state)) {
auto [p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2] = startState;
// Consider transfers from distinct nonzero hands
std::vector<int> add{p1_2};
if (p1_1 and p1_1 != p1_2) add.push_back(p1_1);
// Consider all valid item transfers
for (int x : add) {
if (p2_1) ret.push_back(get_next_state(p1_1, p1_2, p2_1 + x, p2_2));
ret.push_back(get_next_state(p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2 + x));
return ret;
* Update the winnability status of game states in the cache.
* This function updates the winnability status of game states in the provided
* cache map. It iterates through all possible game states and checks whether
* they are already in the cache. If a state is not in the cache, it checks
* whether all possible next states are losing for the current player. If they
* are, the current state is marked as 'winning'; otherwise, it's marked as
* 'losing'. The function continues to iterate until no more updates can be made
* to the cache.
* @param allStates A vector containing all possible game states.
* @param cache A map to store the winnability status of game states.
* @return True if the cache was updated, indicating that further updates may be
* possible.
bool update_winnability(const StateVector& allStates, StateMap& cache) {
int size_before = cache.size();
auto cache_copy = cache;
// Iterate through all possible game states.
for (const auto& state : allStates) {
if (cache.count(state)) continue;
bool all_winning{true};
// Check all possible next states.
for (auto next : get_next_states(state)) {
if (cache_copy.count(next)) {
if (cache_copy[next] == Winnability::losing) {
// If the oppenent can be put to a losing state, player wins
all_winning = false;
cache[state] = Winnability::winning;
} else if (cache_copy[next] == Winnability::unknown) {
all_winning = false;
} else {
all_winning = false;
// Mark the state as 'losing' if all next states are 'winning' for the
// opponent.
if (all_winning) cache[state] = Winnability::losing;
// Return true if the cache was updated during this iteration.
return cache.size() > size_before;
* Determine and display the best move from a given game state.
* This function calculates and displays the best move to make from the given
* game state. It considers the next possible states and chooses the one that
* leads to a 'losing' state for the opponent if possible. Otherwise it chooses
* one that doesn't make the opponent win if possible, or any other state. It
* then prints whether the move is 'winning', 'losing', or 'unknown' and the
* resulting game state.
* @param state The current game state as a tuple (p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2).
* @param cache A map storing the winnability status of game states.
void show_best_move(const State& state, StateMap& cache) {
State ret{0, 0, 0, 0};
// Iterate through possible next states.
for (auto next : get_next_states(state)) {
// Initialise with the first state
if (!std::get<3>(ret)) ret = next;
if (cache.count(next) and cache[next] == Winnability::losing) {
// Choose a move that leads to a 'losing' state for the opponent if
// available.
ret = next;
} else if (cache.count(ret) and cache[ret] == Winnability::winning) {
// If current choice will make opponent win, choose another move
ret = next;
// Display the result of the best move.
if (cache.count(ret)) {
if (cache[ret] == Winnability::losing) {
std::cout << "Winning ";
} else if (cache[ret] == Winnability::winning) {
std::cout << "Losing ";
} else {
std::cout << "Unknown ";
} else {
std::cout << "Unknown ";
// Print the resulting game state.
auto [p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2] = ret;
std::cout << "(" << p1_1 << "," << p1_2 << "),(" << p2_1 << "," << p2_2
<< ")\n";
* Main function for the two-player game solver.
int main() {
// Generate all possible game states.
auto allStates = get_all_states();
// Initialize the cache to store the winnability status of game states.
StateMap cache;
// Populate the cache with terminal states.
populate_terminal_states(allStates, cache);
// Continuously update the winnability status until no more updates can be
// made.
while (update_winnability(allStates, cache)) {
// Print the number of solved and unsolved game states.
std::cout << "Solved: " << cache.size()
<< " , Unsolved: " << allStates.size() - cache.size() << "\n";
// Enter an infinite loop to interactively provide and display game moves.
while (1) {
int a, b, c, d;
std::cin >> a >> b >> c >> d;
// Show the best move based on the provided game state.
show_best_move({a, b, c, d}, cache);
return 0;
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