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Last active July 8, 2019 17:19
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  • Save razor-x/c538b7a7c156956451b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save razor-x/c538b7a7c156956451b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WordPress shortcode for loading gists asynchronously with gist-async.
// Created by timrourke.
// This silly little shortcode simplifies using Evan Sosenko's excellent
// script for async loading of github gists.
// Plop this in your functions file or functionality plugin.
// Usage: [gist id="12345567" file="example.js"]
function async_gist_func($atts) {
$gist = shortcode_atts(
array('id' => '', 'file' => ''),
if ($gist['id'] && $gist['file']) {
$gist['js'] = '<script>/*! gist-async - v1.0.1 - 2015-05-15 - */(function(){"use strict";var a;(a=jQuery)(function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;return b="",d=a("div[data-gist]"),e={},c=[],g=[],f=function(a){var b;b=document.createElement("link"),b.type="text/css",b.rel="stylesheet",b.href=a,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b)},d.addClass("loading"),d.each(function(b,c){var d;return c=a(c),"gist"),null==e[d]&&(e[d]={targets:[]}),e[d].targets.push(c)}),a.each(e,function(c,d){return a.getJSON(""+b+"/"+c+".json?callback=?",function(b){var d,h,i;return h=e[c],,,g.indexOf(i)<0&&(g.push(i),f(i)),,h.files=a(d).find(".gist-file"),h.outer=a(d).first().html(""),a(h.targets).each(function(b,c){var e,f,g;return"gist-file"),e?(g=h.outer.clone(),f=\'<div class="gist-file">\'+a(h.files.get("</div>",g.html(f)):g=a(d),g.hide(),c.fadeOut("fast",function(){return a(this).replaceWith(g),g.fadeIn()})})})})})}).call(this);</script>';
$gist['css'] = '<style>.gist.loading::after{content:"(loading)";color:#99cc00;}.gist.loading-failed::after{content:"(loading failed)";color:#cc0000;}</style>';
$gist['html'] = '<div class="gist" data-gist="' . $gist['id'] . '" data-gist-file="' . $gist['file'] . '"><a href="' . $gist['id'] . '">Loading file ' . $gist['file'] . ' from ' . $gist['id'] . '</a></div>';
return $gist['js'] . $gist['css'] . $gist['html'];
add_shortcode('gist', 'async_gist_func');
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Trevor- commented Jul 8, 2019

I tried this out but the rendering time was much slower than using the plain gist embed.
The asynchronously gist took about 5 seconds to load and the synchronously version about 1 second.
Could something be done to speedup the asynchronously version?

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