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Last active June 12, 2016 23:15
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SOLID Class Principles
- Single Responsability - classes and methods should handle/do only one thing. Methods max 5 lines long, classes max 100 lines long.
- Open Closed - classes should be open for extension and closed for change
- Liskov Substitution - Having a main class and a subclass. Anywhere we use the main we should get same result by using the subclass.
- Interface Segragation - no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. Maybe class does not do only one thing? Split the class in more classes (and maybe add a facade).
- Dependency Inversion - Dont tight couple the classes by creating one instance inside another class. Inject them as dependencies when calling the method outside the class.
Use `` instead of `` where `class A; def initialize(i); @b=; end`
- Law of Demeter - don't chain methods that could be changed in future. (except when methods returns self)
- Don't repeat yourself - reuse code
- public - what?
- private - how?
- protected -
- abstract class - class that should not be instanciated. Mostly used as parent class or for static methods.
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