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Created July 9, 2023 17:40
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Generate a MultiversX wallet in a specific shard
import { bech32 } from 'bech32';
import { generateMnemonic, mnemonicToSeedSync, validateMnemonic } from 'bip39';
import { derivePath } from 'ed25519-hd-key';
import * as tweetnacl from 'tweetnacl';
const MNEMONIC_LENGTH = 256;
const HD_PREFIX = "m/44'/508'/0'/0'";
const ERD = "erd";
const HD_PATH = `${HD_PREFIX}/0'`;
interface GenerateWalletResponse {
mnemonic: string;
address: string;
const generateMnemonicInShard = (expectedShard: number): Promise<GenerateWalletResponse> =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
while (true) {
const mnemonic = generateMnemonic(MNEMONIC_LENGTH);
const { publicKey, secretKey } = keysFromMnemonic(mnemonic);
const shardID = computeShardID(Buffer.from(secretKey));
if (shardID !== expectedShard) {
address: addressFromHexPublicKey(publicKey),
const addressFromHexPublicKey = (publicKey: Uint8Array) => {
let words = bech32.toWords(publicKey);
return bech32.encode(ERD, words);
const keysFromMnemonic = (mnemonic: string) => {
if (!validateMnemonic(mnemonic)) {
throw new Error("Invalid mnemonic format");
const seed = mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic);
const { key } = derivePath(HD_PATH, seed.toString("hex"));
const privateKey = Uint8Array.from(key);
const kp = tweetnacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(privateKey);
return {
publicKey: kp.publicKey,
secretKey: kp.secretKey,
const computeShardID = (pubKey: Buffer) => {
const startingIndex = pubKey.length - 1;
const usedBuffer = pubKey.slice(startingIndex);
let addr = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < usedBuffer.length; i++) {
addr = (addr << 8) + usedBuffer[i];
let n = Math.ceil(Math.log2(3));
let maskHigh = (1 << n) - 1;
let maskLow = (1 << (n - 1)) - 1;
let shard = addr & maskHigh;
if (shard > 2) {
shard = addr & maskLow;
return shard;
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