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Created October 15, 2021 16:59
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package net.razvan.kondortest
import net.razvan.kondortest.TitleType.Companion.fromLabel
import com.ubertob.kondor.json.JAny
import com.ubertob.kondor.json.JStringRepresentable
import com.ubertob.kondor.json.jsonnode.JsonNodeObject
import com.ubertob.kondor.json.obj
import com.ubertob.kondor.json.str
import com.ubertob.kondor.json.toPrettyJson
import com.ubertob.kondor.outcome.recover
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
data class TitleRequest(
val id: String,
val type: TitleType?
enum class TitleType(val label: String) {
Movie("movie"), Series("series"), Episoode("episode");
companion object {
fun fromLabel(label: String) = values().first { it.label == label }
object JTitleType : JStringRepresentable<TitleType>() {
override val cons: (String) -> TitleType = ::fromLabel
override val render: (TitleType) -> String = TitleType::label
object JTitleRequest : JAny<TitleRequest>() {
private val id by str(TitleRequest::id)
private val type by obj(JTitleType, TitleRequest::type)
override fun JsonNodeObject.deserializeOrThrow(): TitleRequest =
id = +id,
type = type.getter(this).recover { null }
class KondorTest {
fun `type not null`() {
val inValue = TitleRequest("tom", TitleType.Movie)
val json = JTitleRequest.toPrettyJson(inValue).also {
json shouldBe """
"id": "tom",
"type": "movie"
fun `type is null`() {
val inValue = TitleRequest("tom", null)
val json = JTitleRequest.toPrettyJson(inValue).also {
json shouldBe """
"id": "tom"
fun `type is set to null when type is unknown`() {
val inValue = """
"id": "tom",
"type": "unknown"
val title = JTitleRequest.fromJson(inValue).orThrow()
title shouldBe TitleRequest("tom", null)
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