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Last active April 4, 2018 00:24
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  • Save rbaker26/204e383b40aa069af328f292e4bdc681 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rbaker26/204e383b40aa069af328f292e4bdc681 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using Irvine and Bailey Libraries in MASM
; Include File for the Bailey Macros
; Location should be ../macros/
; Procedure Prototypes *
ExitProcess PROTO Near32 stdcall, dwExitCode:dword; *
ascint32 PROTO Near32 stdcall, lpStringOfNumericChars:dword; *
intasc32 PROTO Near32 stdcall, lpStringToHold:dword, dVal:dword; *
getstring PROTO Near32 stdcall, lpStringToGet:dword, dlength:dword; *
putstring PROTO Near32 stdcall, lpStringToPrint:dword; *
getche PROTO Near32 stdcall ;returns character in the AL register *
getch PROTO Near32 stdcall ;returns character in the AL register *
putch PROTO Near32 stdcall, bChar:byte; *
@echo off
@rem ########################################################################
@rem Author: Robert Baker
@rem Class: CS3B - Assembly Language
@rem Date: 02/01/2018
@rem This is a build script for assembling .asm files and then linking them.
@rem The ml and link commands are included in the system path.
@rem ########################################################################
@rem ########################################################################
@rem The projectName variable should contain the filename of the assembly
@rem file without the .asm post-fix
@rem This should be the only change made to the file inbetween runs.
set projectName=MASM2
@rem ########################################################################
@rem ########################################################################
@rem ml Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
@rem /c Assmeble without linking
@rem /Zd Add number line debug info
@rem /coff Generate COFF format object file
@rem /Fl [file] Generate listing
@rem This will output an unlinked %projectName%.obj file
\masm32\bin\ml /c /Zd /coff /Fl %projectName%.asm
echo. && echo Assembly Complete && echo.
@rem ########################################################################
@rem ########################################################################
@rem link Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078
@rem /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE Contains the macros for the console
@rem /out: Specifies the output file
@rem Object Files & Libs with corresponding MACROS
@rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
@rem | library & Object File | Macros |
@rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
@rem | ..\macros\kernel32.lib | * ExitProcess |
@rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
@rem | ..\macros\convutil201604.obj | * ascint32 |
@rem | | * intasc32 |
@rem | | * intasc32Comma |
@rem | | * hexToChar |
@rem | | * memoryallocBailey |
@rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
@rem | ..\macros\utility201609.obj | * getch |
@rem | | * getche |
@rem | | * putch |
@rem | | * putstring |
@rem | | * getstring |
@rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
@rem No white space allowed after the ^.
@rem Link.exe will fail if there is any space after the ^ operator
link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /out:%projectName%.exe %projectName%.obj ^
..\macros\kernel32.lib ^
..\macros\convutil201604.obj ^
..\macros\utility201609.obj ^
..\irvine\kernel32.lib ^
..\irvine\Irvine32.lib ^
echo. && echo Linking Complete && echo.
@rem ########################################################################
@rem ########################################################################
@rem Run the project from the command line.
@rem ########################################################################
; Include file for Irvine32.lib (
; Location should be ../Irvine/
; You should already have this file in your ../Irvine/ directory.
;OPTION CASEMAP:NONE ; optional: make identifiers case-sensitive
INCLUDE ; MS-Windows prototypes, structures, and constants
; Last update: 7/29/05
; Procedure Prototypes
CloseFile PROTO ; close a file handle
Clrscr PROTO ; clear the screen
CreateOutputFile PROTO ; create file for writing
Crlf PROTO ; output carriage-return / linefeed
Delay PROTO ; delay for n milliseconds
DumpMem PROTO ; display memory dump
DumpRegs PROTO ; display register dump
GetCommandTail PROTO ; get command-line string
GetDateTime PROTO, ; get system date and time
startTime:PTR QWORD
GetMaxXY PROTO ; get console rows and columns
GetMseconds PROTO ; get milliseconds past midnight
GetTextColor PROTO ; Get the console window's color attributes.
Gotoxy PROTO ; set the cursor position
IsDigit PROTO ; return ZF=1 if AL is a decimal digit
MsgBox PROTO ; display popup message box
MsgBoxAsk PROTO ; display popup yes/no question box
OpenInputFile PROTO ; open file in input mode
ParseDecimal32 PROTO ; convert unsigned decimal string to 32-bit binary
ParseInteger32 PROTO ; convert signed decimal string to 32-bit binary
Randomize PROTO ; reseed random number generator
RandomRange PROTO ; generate random integer in specified range
Random32 PROTO ; generate 32-bit random integer
ReadInt PROTO ; read signed decimal integer from console
ReadChar PROTO ; reach single character from console
ReadDec PROTO ; read unsigned decimal integer from console
ReadFloat PROTO ; read floating-point value from keyboard
ReadFromFile PROTO ; read buffer from input file
ReadHex PROTO ; read hexadecimal integer from console
ReadKey PROTO ; Reads keyboard input if available (4/6/03)
ReadKeyFlush PROTO ; Flush ReadKey buffer and repeat counter (4/6/03)
ReadString PROTO ; read string from console
SetTextColor PROTO ; set console text color
ShowFPUStack PROTO ; write floating-point stack to console window
StrLength PROTO ; returns the length of a string
WaitMsg PROTO ; display wait message, wait for Enter key
WriteBin PROTO ; write integer to output in binary format
WriteBinB PROTO ; write binary integer in byte, word,or doubleword format
WriteChar PROTO ; write single character to output
WriteDec PROTO ; write unsigned decimal integer to output
WriteFloat PROTO ; write ST(0) to console in floating-point format
WriteHex PROTO ; write hexadecimal integer to output
WriteHexB PROTO ; write hexadecimal integer in word or doubleword format
WriteInt PROTO ; write signed integer to output
;WriteStackFrame ; write stack frame data (James Brink--see proto later in this file)
;WriteStackFrameName ; write stack frame data with proc name (James Brink)
WriteString PROTO ; write null-terminated string to output
WriteToFile PROTO ; write a buffer to an output file
WriteWindowsMsg PROTO ; write last error message generated by MS-Windows
; Copy a source string to a target string.
Str_copy PROTO,
source:PTR BYTE,
target:PTR BYTE
; Return the length of a null-terminated string..
Str_length PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE
; Compare string1 to string2. Set the Zero and
; Carry flags in the same way as the CMP instruction.
Str_compare PROTO,
string1:PTR BYTE,
string2:PTR BYTE
; Trim a given trailing character from a string.
; The second argument is the character to trim.
Str_trim PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE,
; Convert a null-terminated string to upper case.
Str_ucase PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE
;******** Procedures by James Brink ********************************
; Used by permission.
WriteStackFrameName PROTO,
numParam:DWORD, ; number of parameters passed to the procedure
numLocalVal: DWORD, ; number of DWordLocal variables
numSavedReg: DWORD, ; number of saved registers
procName: PTR BYTE
WriteStackFrame PROTO,
numParam:DWORD, ; number of parameters passed to the procedure
numLocalVal: DWORD, ; number of DWordLocal variables
numSavedReg: DWORD ; number of saved registers
; Standard 4-bit color definitions
black = 0000b
blue = 0001b
green = 0010b
cyan = 0011b
red = 0100b
magenta = 0101b
brown = 0110b
lightGray = 0111b
gray = 1000b
lightBlue = 1001b
lightGreen = 1010b
lightCyan = 1011b
lightRed = 1100b
lightMagenta = 1101b
yellow = 1110b
white = 1111b
; This structure is returned by the FSTSW
; instruction in protected mode:
controlWord WORD ?
statusWord WORD ?
tagWord WORD ?
instrPointerOffset DWORD ?
instrPointerSelector DWORD ?
operandPointerOffset DWORD ?
operandPointerSelector WORD ?
WORD ? ; not used
; This is how your .asm file should start out.
.model flat, stdcall
.stack 100h
option casemap :none
INCLUDE ..\Irvine\ ; Holds Irvine Prototypes
INCLUDE ..\macros\ ; Holds Bailey Prototypes
;....... data goes here
;........ code goes here
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