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Created May 26, 2010 14:51
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<th colspan="3" class="lb rb grey">Last 10 Games
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<th class="left">Team
<span class="wins icon">WIN
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<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=15?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Washington Capitals
<td class="blue">121
<td class="lb grey">6
<td class="grey">1
<td class="rb grey">3
<td class="left">Lost 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=6?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">New Jersey Devils
<td class="blue">103
<td class="lb grey">5
<td class="grey">2
<td class="rb grey">3
<td class="left">Won 2
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=2?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Buffalo Sabres
<td class="blue">100
<td class="lb grey">5
<td class="grey">5
<td class="rb grey">0
<td class="left">Lost 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=10?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Pittsburgh Penguins
<td class="blue">101
<td class="lb grey">5
<td class="grey">4
<td class="rb grey">1
<td class="left">Won 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=4?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Ottawa Senators
<td class="blue">94
<td class="lb grey">7
<td class="grey">2
<td class="rb grey">1
<td class="left">Lost 2
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=1?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Boston Bruins
<td class="blue">91
<td class="lb grey">6
<td class="grey">3
<td class="rb grey">1
<td class="left">Won 3
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=9?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Philadelphia Flyers
<td class="blue">88
<td class="lb grey">4
<td class="grey">5
<td class="rb grey">1
<td class="left">Won 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=3?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Montreal Canadiens
<td class="blue">88
<td class="lb grey">3
<td class="grey">4
<td class="rb grey">3
<td class="left">Lost 3
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=8?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">New York Rangers
<td class="blue">87
<td class="lb grey">7
<td class="grey">1
<td class="rb grey">2
<td class="left">Lost 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=11?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Atlanta Thrashers
<td class="blue">83
<td class="lb grey">3
<td class="grey">5
<td class="rb grey">2
<td class="left">Won 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=12?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Carolina Hurricanes
<td class="blue">80
<td class="lb grey">5
<td class="grey">3
<td class="rb grey">2
<td class="left">Lost 1
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=14?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Tampa Bay Lightning
<td class="blue">80
<td class="lb grey">6
<td class="grey">4
<td class="rb grey">0
<td class="left">Won 3
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=7?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">New York Islanders
<td class="blue">79
<td class="lb grey">5
<td class="grey">4
<td class="rb grey">1
<td class="left">Lost 3
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=13?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Florida Panthers
<td class="blue">77
<td class="lb grey">2
<td class="grey">6
<td class="rb grey">2
<td class="left">Lost 2
<td class="left">
<a class="popover" href="popover://;id=5?content_size=%7B480%2C240%7D">Toronto Maple Leafs
<td class="blue">74
<td class="lb grey">4
<td class="grey">4
<td class="rb grey">2
<td class="left">Won 1
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<div class="article-headline">Ovechkin Strikes Again!</div>
<div class="article-abstract">Ovi!</div>
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<div class="article-headline">Alex Ovechkin Was Upset</div>
<div class="article-abstract">Ouch.</div>
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<div class="article-credit">Brian Babineau/Getty Images</div>
<div class="article-headline">Why might Bosh leave Toronto? McGrady has a list of reasons</div>
<div class="article-abstract">Former Toronto Raptor Tracy McGrady spoke hypothetically Friday about why players decide to leave cities like Toronto.</div>
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<div class="article-headline">VIDEO: Hottest WAGs</div>
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<div class="article-headline">NHL trade deadline: Who's selling, who's buying?</div>
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Philadelphia, PA (Sports Network) - General managers have had the entire
Winter Olympic break to ponder making some roster moves, but the action can
finally start taking place when the NHL resumes activities on March 1.
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<div class="article-credit">Gregory Shamus/Getty Images</div>
<div class="article-headline">LeBron has critical words for Raptors</div>
<div class="article-abstract">LeBron: "It just didn't seem like [Toronto] even wanted to make the playoffs"</div>
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<div class="article-headline">Best. Celebration. Ever.</div>
<div class="article-abstract">WIN!</div>
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<div class="video-title">The Morning Jones Recap: 05/25/10</div>
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<div class="video-runtime">01:14</div>
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