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Created June 16, 2016 22:05
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EM example
This script is an example of learning parameters of a Bayesian network
with hidden variables. The following Bayesian net is analyzed:
(hidden) (observable)
K -----------> A
Where K (knowledge) is not observable and A (answers), which depends on K, is.
The sample consist of only observations of A. The goal is to estimate the
probability P(K = True) = theta, using the expectation maximization (EM)
The following CPD if assumed for P(A | K):
P(A = True | K = True ) = .9
P(A = False | K = True ) = .1 (Chance of slip: mark the wrong answer even though knowing it)
P(A = True | K = False ) = .2 (Chance of guess: marking the right answer without knowing it)
P(A = False | K = False ) = .8
import random
# The real theta, which will be used to generate the sample.
# The algorithm will try to estimate this parameter.
N_SAMPLES = 100000
TOL = 0.000001
# Sample consists of observations of A
sample = [
random.random() < (P_AT_GIVEN_KT if k == True else P_AT_GIVEN_KF)
for k in ((random.random() < REAL_THETA) for i in range(N_SAMPLES))
# In this simple case we can also estimate the theta in one single step
N_AT = len(list(filter(lambda a: a, sample)))
N = len(sample)
theta_anal = 5*(N_AT/N - .2)/4
print("Analytical solution: theta = {}".format(theta_anal))
theta = -1
acc = [new_theta]
while abs(theta - new_theta) > TOL:
theta = new_theta
# E-Step: Estimate Nk: the number of datapoints atributed to K = True,
# using the current estimate for theta = p(K = True)
p_kt_given_af = P_AF_GIVEN_KT*theta/(P_AF_GIVEN_KT*theta + P_AF_GIVEN_KF*(1 - theta))
p_kt_given_at = P_AT_GIVEN_KT*theta/(P_AT_GIVEN_KT*theta + P_AT_GIVEN_KF*(1 - theta))
Nk = sum((p_kt_given_at if a == True else p_kt_given_af for a in sample))
# M-Step: MLE for theta
new_theta = Nk/len(sample)
print("Next theta: {:2.6f}".format(new_theta))
print("Learned model. P(K = True) = theta = {:2.6f}".format(new_theta))
% python
Analytical solution: theta = 0.30017499999999997
Next theta: 0.002192
Next theta: 0.004782
Next theta: 0.010326
Next theta: 0.021823
Next theta: 0.044170
Next theta: 0.082609
Next theta: 0.136646
Next theta: 0.194439
Next theta: 0.240698
Next theta: 0.269873
Next theta: 0.285603
Next theta: 0.293373
Next theta: 0.297046
Next theta: 0.298745
Next theta: 0.299523
Next theta: 0.299879
Next theta: 0.300040
Next theta: 0.300114
Next theta: 0.300147
Next theta: 0.300162
Next theta: 0.300169
Next theta: 0.300172
Next theta: 0.300174
Next theta: 0.300174
Learned model. P(K = True) = theta = 0.300174
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