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Last active May 8, 2018 00:00
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// Tests that I used to get my solution
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import AlgorithmsAndDataStructuresInSwift
// Problem: Write a method that returns the total amount of words for a given input word
// ex: Input String: "Billy goat is a fiery, but kind goat that is also a black goat"
// word to search for: "goat" -> 3
class String_NumberOfWordsFoundSpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("#numberOfWordsFound(word:)") {
it("returns 0 when the string is empty") {
expect("".numberOfWordsFound(word: "dude")).to(equal((0)))
it("returns 0 when word is not found in the original input string") {
expect("Today is the day".numberOfWordsFound(word: "goat")).to(equal(0))
it("returns the total number of occurances of given input word from input string") {
let inputString = "Billy goat is a fiery, but kind goat that is also a black goat"
expect(inputString.numberOfWordsFound(word: "goat")).to(equal(3))
it("is case insensitive") {
let inputString = "I Am USing GooFy CaSIng"
expect(inputString.numberOfWordsFound(word: "goofy")).to(equal(1))
// My implementation
import Foundation
extension String {
// Mark: - Public Methods
func numberOfWordsFound(word: String) -> Int {
guard self != "" else {
return 0
let wordDict = addWordsToDict()
if let numberOfWords = wordDict[word.lowercased()] {
return numberOfWords
} else {
return 0
// MARK: - Private Methods
private func addWordsToDict() -> [String: Int] {
let splitSentence = self.components(separatedBy: " ")
var wordDict: [String: Int] = [:]
splitSentence.forEach { word in
let lowercaseWord = word.lowercased()
if let countOfWord = wordDict[lowercaseWord] {
wordDict[lowercaseWord] = countOfWord + 1
} else {
wordDict[lowercaseWord] = 1
return wordDict
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