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Last active May 7, 2018 23:09
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// These are the tests that I used to make sure my problem worked for circular references. It also describes the problem
// that I was trying to solve.
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import AlgorithmsAndDataStructuresInSwift
// Problem: Write a method that takes a "Movie" object and integer value n
// The method should return an array of the highest ranking movies no larger than n.
// Move object
// class Movie {
// rating: Int
// similiar: [Movie]
// ex: input movie (see below), n = 2
// Movie(rating: 5, similiar: [Movie(rating: 6, similar:[Movie(rating: 7, similiar: []])])]
// -> [Movie(rating: 7, similar: []]), Movie(raiting: 6, similar:[Movie(rating: 7, similiar: []])])]
class MovieRatingObtainerSpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
var subject: MovieRatingObtainer!
beforeEach {
subject = MovieRatingObtainer()
describe("#obtainHighestSimilarMovies(movie:numberOfHighestRatedMovies:)") {
var inputMovie: Movie!
var highestSimilarMovies: [Movie]!
describe("when the movies don't have circular references (movie has similar movies that reference itself)") {
beforeEach {
inputMovie = Movie(id: 0, rating: 5, similiarMovies: [Movie(id: 1, rating: 6, similiarMovies: [Movie(id: 2, rating: 7)])])
highestSimilarMovies = subject.obtainHighestSimiliarMovies(movie: inputMovie, numberOfHighestRatedMovies: 2)
it("returns the correct [Movie] array") {
let expectedHighestSimilarMoviesArray = [Movie(id: 2, rating: 7),
Movie(id: 1, rating: 6, similiarMovies: [Movie(id: 2, rating: 7)])]
describe("when the movies do have circular references") {
var movie1: Movie!
var movie2: Movie!
beforeEach {
movie1 = Movie(id: 55, rating: 9)
movie2 = Movie(id: 66, rating: 2, similiarMovies: [movie1])
inputMovie = Movie(id: 0, rating: 5, similiarMovies: [movie1, movie2])
highestSimilarMovies = subject.obtainHighestSimiliarMovies(movie: inputMovie, numberOfHighestRatedMovies: 2)
it("returns the correct [Movie] array") {
let expectedHighestSimilarMoviesArray = [Movie(id: 55, rating: 9, similiarMovies: []),
Movie(id: 0, rating: 5, similiarMovies: [movie1, movie2])]
// Here is the solution that I came up with:
import UIKit
class Movie: Equatable, Comparable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
// MARK: - Public Properties
var id = 0 // This was to make debugging easier
var rating = 0
var similiarMovies: [Movie] = []
// MARK: - <CustomStringConvertible>
var description: String {
return "{id: \(id), rating: \(rating)}"
// MARK: - <Hashable>
// Hashable is required to add Movie object to a set
var hashValue: Int {
return id.hashValue ^ rating.hashValue ^ similiarMovies.count
// MARK: - Init Method
init(id: Int, rating: Int, similiarMovies: [Movie] = []) { = id
self.rating = rating
self.similiarMovies = similiarMovies
// MARK: - <Equatable>
static func == (lhs: Movie, rhs: Movie) -> Bool {
return == &&
lhs.rating == rhs.rating
// MARK: - <Comparable>
static func < (lhs: Movie, rhs: Movie) -> Bool {
return lhs.rating < rhs.rating
class MovieRatingObtainer {
// MARK: - Public Methods
func obtainHighestSimiliarMovies(movie: Movie, numberOfHighestRatedMovies: Int) -> [Movie] {
// First, we want to fill up a set of all the movies since it won't allow duplicates
var movieSet: Set<Movie> = Set<Movie>()
// Recursively fill up the set with all movies
obtainHighestSimiliarMovies(movie: movie, movieSet: &movieSet)
// Once we have an set of all the movies, lets convert to an array and then sort them in descending order
var allMoviesArray = Array(movieSet)
allMoviesArray.sort { lhs, rhs in
return rhs < lhs
// Now that the array is in descending order, let's only return the elements from 0 upto numberOfHighestRatedMovies (n) [0..<numberOfHighestRatedMovies]
return Array(allMoviesArray[0..<numberOfHighestRatedMovies])
// MARK: - Private Methods
func obtainHighestSimiliarMovies(movie: Movie, movieSet: inout Set<Movie>) {
// kick out when movie doesn't have any similiar movies
if movie.similiarMovies == [] {
// Iterate through all movies to add to movieSet, and then recursively do this
// with all of that movies similiar movies
movie.similiarMovies.forEach { movie in
obtainHighestSimiliarMovies(movie: movie, movieSet: &movieSet)
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