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Forked from KMarkert/
Last active January 16, 2023 00:17
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Python script to take GEDI level 2 data and convert variables to a geospatial vector format. This fork allows you to get whole-stand level variables such as fhd_normal and the BEAM ID (important for coverage vs power beam type). Usage `python <path> --variables [<var1>,<var2>,...,<varN>] --outFormat <extension> --filterBounds […
import os
import fire
import h5py
import glob
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
# requires fire, h5py, tqdm, numpy, pandas, and geopandas
def gedi_to_vector(file,variables=None,outFormat='CSV',filterBounds=None):
# open hdf5 file
data = h5py.File(file,'r')
# get full file name and extension
name,_ = os.path.splitext(file)
# create empty dataframe to append data to
df = pd.DataFrame()
# loop over all of the hdf5 groups
for k in list(data.keys()):
# if BEAM in the group name
if 'BEAM' in k:
# get the geolocation subgroup
geo = data[k]['geolocation']
d = {}
# loop through all of the variables defined earlier
for var in variables:
# assign variable array to dict key
if var in list(data[k]["geolocation"].keys()):
d[var] = np.array(geo[var])
elif var in list(data[k].keys()):
d[var] = np.array(data[k][var])
raise ValueError(f"The variable {var} is not in the geolocation or BEAM group of the file {file}.")
d["BEAM"] = [k] * len(d[var])
# convert dict of varaibles to dataframe
tdf = pd.DataFrame(d)
# concat to larger dataframe
df = pd.concat([df,tdf],axis=0,sort=False)
# check if the the filterBounds is provided
if filterBounds is not None:
w,s,e,n = filterBounds # expand list to individual variables
# select features on X axis
horizontalMask = (df.longitude_bin0 >= w) & (df.longitude_bin0 <= e)
# select features on Y axis
verticalMask = (df.latitude_bin0 >= s) & (df.latitude_bin0 <= n)
# combines masks to select features that intersect
spatialMask = verticalMask & horizontalMask
# grab only masked values within the bounds provided
df = df.loc[spatialMask]
# check to make sure that the dataframe has values.
# if not, then return from function without saving df
if df.size == 0:
if outFormat in ['CSV','csv']:
# save dataframe of parsed variables to CSV file
# check if df has the geoinformation
if ('latitude_bin0' not in df.columns) or ('longitude_bin0' not in df.columns):
raise KeyError("Geospatial variables 'latitude_bin0' and/or 'longitude_bin0' were not found, "
"please specify these variables to be extracted when writing to geospatial format")
# convert to geodataframe
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.longitude_bin0, df.latitude_bin0))
# save the geodataframe of variables to file
def main(path,variables=None,verbose=False,outFormat='CSV',filterBounds=None):
# check if the variables to extract have been defined
if variables is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide variables from the GEDI file to convert")
# if variables have been defined, check if provided in correct datetype
if type(variables) is not list:
raise TypeError("Provided variables is not list, please provide argument as '[<var1>,<var2>,<var3>]'")
# check if filterBounds have been provided and in correct datatype
if (filterBounds is not None) and (type(filterBounds) is not list):
raise TypeError("Provided filterBounds is not list, please provide argument as '[W,S,E,N]'")
# check if the output format provided is supported by script
availableFormats = ['CSV','SHP','GeoJSON','GPKG','csv','shp','geojson','gpkg']
if outFormat not in availableFormats:
raise NotImplementedError('Selected output format is not support please select one of the following: "CSV","SHP","GeoJSON","GPKG"')
# check if path provided is a file or folder
if os.path.isfile(path):
flist = [path]
# only search for h5 files in the path provided
flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(path,'*.h5'))
if verbose:
t = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(flist))
# loop through the files and do the conversion
for i,f in enumerate(flist):
if verbose:
_, desc = os.path.split(f)
t.set_description(desc="Processing {}".format(desc))
if verbose:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Excellent! Thank you so much!!

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ovanlier commented Mar 2, 2020

Any thoughts on how to extract the 2-dimensional variables cover_z, pai_z and pavd_z for z = 0 - 29?

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