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Created August 10, 2022 17:51
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Guard for gracefully handling errors thrown during async iterable iteration
import { collect } from 'streaming-iterables';
import { guard, mapGuard } from './guard';
describe('mapGuard()', () => {
it('Should handle errors thrown while mapping.', async () => {
const err = new Error('An error');
const mapper = (throwError: boolean) => {
if (throwError) {
throw err;
return 1;
const onError = jest.fn();
const result = await collect(
mapGuard(mapper, onError, [false, false, true, false]),
expect(result).toEqual([1, 1, 1]);
expect(onError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(err, true);
describe('guard()', () => {
it('Should prevent errors thrown during iteration from being thrown', async () => {
const err = new Error('An error');
const producer = async function* () {
yield 1;
yield 1;
throw err;
yield 1;
const onError = jest.fn();
const i = guard(onError, producer());
const result = await collect(guard(onError, i));
expect(result).toEqual([1, 1]);
import { AnyIterable } from 'streaming-iterables';
type GuardErrorHandler = (e: unknown) => void | Promise<void>;
async function* _guard<T>(
onError: GuardErrorHandler,
iterable: AnyIterable<T>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<T> {
try {
yield* iterable;
} catch (e) {
await onError(e);
* This function is useful if you have an iterable where you expect an error from one of the
* iterations and would like to handle it more gracefully than a simple thrown error.
* It's particularly designed for sewing many iterables together, where you want to keep going
* even if a particular iterator fails during iteration.
* @example
* function parseFile(filename) {
* const input = readFileToStream();
* const parsed = input.pipe(parse());
* const handleError = (e) => console.error(`An error occurred during parsing of ${filename}: ${e}`);
* // Parse errors will no longer cause an exception - they'll trigger a log entry.
* return guard(handleError, parsed);
* }
* @param onError
export function guard<T>(
onError: GuardErrorHandler,
): (iterable: AnyIterable<T>) => AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
export function guard<T>(
onError: GuardErrorHandler,
iterable: AnyIterable<T>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
export function guard<T>(
onError: GuardErrorHandler,
iterable?: AnyIterable<T>,
| ((iterable: AnyIterable<T>) => AsyncIterableIterator<T>)
| AsyncIterableIterator<T> {
if (iterable === undefined) {
return (curriedIterable: AnyIterable<T>) =>
_guard(onError, curriedIterable);
return _guard(onError, iterable);
type MapGuardErrorHandler<T> = (e: unknown, item: T) => void | Promise<void>;
type MapFn<T, B> = (data: T) => B | Promise<B>;
async function* _mapGuard<T, B>(
func: MapFn<T, B>,
onError: MapGuardErrorHandler<T>,
iterable: AnyIterable<T>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<B> {
for await (const item of iterable) {
try {
yield await func(item);
} catch (e) {
await onError(e, item);
// handle errors here.
* This function is useful for allowing a map() function to be called many times, where you know
* some of the invocations might throw an error you'd like to catch.
* Note: If the map function actually RETURNS an async iterable, errors thrown during iteration
* over that object will not be caught here.
* @param func
* @param onError
export function mapGuard<T, B>(
func: MapFn<T, B>,
onError: MapGuardErrorHandler<T>,
): (iterable: AnyIterable<T>) => AsyncIterableIterator<B>;
export function mapGuard<T, B>(
func: MapFn<T, B>,
onError: MapGuardErrorHandler<T>,
iterable: AnyIterable<T>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<B>;
export function mapGuard<T, B>(
func: MapFn<T, B>,
onError: MapGuardErrorHandler<T>,
iterable?: AnyIterable<T>,
| ((iterable: AnyIterable<T>) => AsyncIterableIterator<B>)
| AsyncIterableIterator<B> {
if (iterable === undefined) {
return (curriedIterable: AnyIterable<T>) =>
_mapGuard(func, onError, curriedIterable);
return _mapGuard(func, onError, iterable);
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