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Created November 17, 2019 00:24
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#! /usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import argparse
DEBUG = False
# Functions
def ii(xx, yy):
global img, img_y, img_x
if yy >= img_y or xx >= img_x:
# print "pixel out of bounds ("+str(y)+","+str(x)+")"
return 0
pixel = img[yy][xx]
return 0.30 * pixel[2] + 0.59 * pixel[1] + 0.11 * pixel[0]
# A quick test to check whether the contour is
# a connected shape
def connected(contour):
first = contour[0][0]
last = contour[len(contour) - 1][0]
return abs(first[0] - last[0]) <= 1 and abs(first[1] - last[1]) <= 1
# Helper function to return a given contour
def c(index):
global contours
return contours[index]
# Count the number of real children
def count_children(index, h_, contour):
# No children
if h_[index][2] < 0:
return 0
# If the first child is a contour we care about
# then count it, otherwise don't
if keep(c(h_[index][2])):
count = 1
count = 0
# Also count all of the child's siblings and their children
count += count_siblings(h_[index][2], h_, contour, True)
return count
# Quick check to test if the contour is a child
def is_child(index, h_):
return get_parent(index, h_) > 0
# Get the first parent of the contour that we care about
def get_parent(index, h_):
parent = h_[index][3]
while not keep(c(parent)) and parent > 0:
parent = h_[parent][3]
return parent
# Count the number of relevant siblings of a contour
def count_siblings(index, h_, contour, inc_children=False):
# Include the children if necessary
if inc_children:
count = count_children(index, h_, contour)
count = 0
# Look ahead
p_ = h_[index][0]
while p_ > 0:
if keep(c(p_)):
count += 1
if inc_children:
count += count_children(p_, h_, contour)
p_ = h_[p_][0]
# Look behind
n = h_[index][1]
while n > 0:
if keep(c(n)):
count += 1
if inc_children:
count += count_children(n, h_, contour)
n = h_[n][1]
return count
# Whether we care about this contour
def keep(contour):
return keep_box(contour) and connected(contour)
# Whether we should keep the containing box of this
# contour based on it's shape
def keep_box(contour):
xx, yy, w_, h_ = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
# width and height need to be floats
w_ *= 1.0
h_ *= 1.0
# Test it's shape - if it's too oblong or tall it's
# probably not a real character
if w_ / h_ < 0.1 or w_ / h_ > 10:
print("\t Rejected because of shape: (" + str(xx) + "," +
str(yy) + "," + str(w_) + "," + str(h_) + ")" + str(w_ / h_))
return False
# check size of the box
if ((w_ * h_) > ((img_x * img_y) / 5)) or ((w_ * h_) < 15):
print("\t Rejected because of size")
return False
return True
def include_box(index, h_, contour):
print(str(index) + ":")
if is_child(index, h_):
print("\tIs a child")
print("\tparent " + str(get_parent(index, h_)) + " has " + str(
count_children(get_parent(index, h_), h_, contour)) + " children")
print("\thas " + str(count_children(index, h_, contour)) + " children")
if is_child(index, h_) and count_children(get_parent(index, h_), h_, contour) <= 2:
print("\t skipping: is an interior to a letter")
return False
if count_children(index, h_, contour) > 2:
print("\t skipping, is a container of letters")
return False
print("\t keeping")
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('IN_IMAGE', type=str)
parser.add_argument('OUT_IMAGE', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
in_path = Path(args.IN_IMAGE)
out_path = Path(args.OUT_IMAGE)
img = cv2.imread(str(in_path))
# Calculate the width and height of the image
img_y = len(img)
img_x = len(img[0])
print("Image is " + str(len(img)) + "x" + str(len(img[0])))
# Split out each channel
blue, green, red = cv2.split(img)
# Run canny edge detection on each channel
blue_edges = cv2.Canny(blue, 200, 250)
green_edges = cv2.Canny(green, 200, 250)
red_edges = cv2.Canny(red, 200, 250)
# Join edges back into image
edges = blue_edges | green_edges | red_edges
# Find the contours
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(
edges.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
hierarchy = hierarchy[0]
processed = edges.copy()
rejected = edges.copy()
# These are the boxes that we are determining
keepers = []
# For each contour, find the bounding rectangle and decide
# if it's one we care about
for index_, contour_ in enumerate(contours):
print("Processing #%d" % index_)
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour_)
# Check the contour and it's bounding box
if keep(contour_) and include_box(index_, hierarchy, contour_):
# It's a winner!
keepers.append([contour_, [x, y, w, h]])
cv2.rectangle(processed, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),
(100, 100, 100), 1)
cv2.putText(processed, str(index_), (x, y - 5),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255, 255, 255))
cv2.rectangle(rejected, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),
(100, 100, 100), 1)
cv2.putText(rejected, str(index_), (x, y - 5),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255, 255, 255))
# Make a white copy of our image
new_image = edges.copy()
boxes = []
# For each box, find the foreground and background intensities
for index_, (contour_, box) in enumerate(keepers):
# Find the average intensity of the edge pixels to
# determine the foreground intensity
fg_int = 0.0
for p in contour_:
fg_int += ii(p[0][0], p[0][1])
fg_int /= len(contour_)
print("FG Intensity for #%d = %d" % (index_, fg_int))
# Find the intensity of three pixels going around the
# outside of each corner of the bounding box to determine
# the background intensity
x_, y_, width, height = box
bg_int = [
# bottom left corner 3 pixels
ii(x_ - 1, y_ - 1),
ii(x_ - 1, y_),
ii(x_, y_ - 1),
# bottom right corner 3 pixels
ii(x_ + width + 1, y_ - 1),
ii(x_ + width, y_ - 1),
ii(x_ + width + 1, y_),
# top left corner 3 pixels
ii(x_ - 1, y_ + height + 1),
ii(x_ - 1, y_ + height),
ii(x_, y_ + height + 1),
# top right corner 3 pixels
ii(x_ + width + 1, y_ + height + 1),
ii(x_ + width, y_ + height + 1),
ii(x_ + width + 1, y_ + height)
# Find the median of the background
# pixels determined above
bg_int = np.median(bg_int)
print("BG Intensity for #%d = %s" % (index_, repr(bg_int)))
# Determine if the box should be inverted
if fg_int >= bg_int:
fg = 255
bg = 0
fg = 0
bg = 255
# Loop through every pixel in the box and color the
# pixel accordingly
for x in range(x_, x_ + width):
for y in range(y_, y_ + height):
if y >= img_y or x >= img_x:
print("pixel out of bounds (%d,%d)" % (y, x))
if ii(x, y) > fg_int:
new_image[y][x] = bg
new_image[y][x] = fg
# blur a bit to improve ocr accuracy
# new_image = cv2.blur(new_image, (2, 2))
# if idx < 10:
# output_file = "/home/sgeadmin/vishay/aip_project/bin07/0" + \
# str(idx)+".png"
# else:
# output_file = "/home/sgeadmin/vishay/aip_project/bin07/" + \
# str(idx)+".png"
cv2.imwrite(str(out_path), new_image)
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versae commented Feb 26, 2021

Hi, @rbbernardino, did you find where the issue was or a better alternative implementation of Kasar's algorithm

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Hello, @versae!
I actually just forgot about that and didn't investigate any further. What are your current needs? I may collaborate with binarization, as this is my specialty.

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versae commented Feb 26, 2021

I see. I was exploring some binarization options for library collection

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