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Last active January 29, 2022 20:45
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Notes on WinDbg


Compile with debug symbols

cl -Z7 file.c

Instruct the OS to load the program without ASLR to make it easier to analyse.

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is a computer security technique which involves randomly positioning the

base address of an executable and the position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process's address space.

editbin /DYNAMICBASE:NO file.exe


Does both source and assembly level debugging.

By default start in Source Mode.

Uncheck Debug > Source Mode to debug in Assembly Mode.

Set breakpoint on main
bp main
Reload executable loading debug symbols

By default looks for a .pdb file in the same directory as the executable

.reload /f
Clear command prompt window
List breakpoints
0 e Disable Clear  x86 00000000`00406e20     0001 (0001)  0:**** arrays!main


0                 = index
e/d               = enabled/disabled
00000000`00406e20 = address where the breakpoint was set
Go to the first breakpoint / resume execution
Dump data as ascii and other formats
da <memory address>
Set breakpoint on library function
bp kernel32!createprocess

Load symbols from Microsoft
Point WinDbg to Symbol servers
Show .symfix server URL
List library function names
x kernel32!createprocess*
Clear a breakpoint
bc <index>
bp kernel32!createprocessastub        #
bp kernel32!virtualallocex            # gain a handle to memory inside of a process or to allocate new memory. Returns the address of the memory requested else 0.
bp kernel32!writeprocessmemorystub    #
Stack Frame
  • Every process that is created will its own contiguous range of virtual memory addresses.

  • It seems that are no gaps to this memory.

  • The OS takes care of mapping this memory to physical memory.

  • Within the virtual memory address space there are certain regions that are of critical importance, such as the stack and the heap.

  • The stack will grow from higher addresses to lower adresses.

  • The heap will grow from lower addresses to higher adresses.

  • Imported libraries tends to live at higher addresses.

  • (un)initialized data and sections (.text, imports, exports), tends to live at lower addresses.


A function is a section of code that performs a specific task and can accept arguments and return a value.

  • Local variables are just space on the stack which are typically referenced relative to EBP or ESP.

  • Function prologue and epilogue help prepare and free a functions stack frame

Registers in this context

ESP, stack pointer. Always points to the top of the stack.

EBP, base pointer. Points to the base of the current stack frame.

To be continued ...

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