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Created January 31, 2012 21:50
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A CoffeeScript Model base class providing declarative property support, with change listeners
{EventEmitter} = require "events"
# The Model base class
exports.Model = class Model
property = (k, events) ->
event = "change:#{k}"
fn = (v) =>
orig = if @_data[k]? then @_data[k] else null
if v is undefined then return orig
ret = if v then @_data[k] = v else delete @_data[k]
events.emit event, k, v, orig
fn.onChange = (listener) =>
events.on event, => listener.apply @, arguments
@[k] = fn
@properties: (defaults) ->
@::_data = {}
em = new EventEmitter, k, em)(v) for own k, v of defaults
@fromString: (json) -> @fromJSON JSON.parse(json)
@fromJSON: (json) ->
obj = new @
obj[k] v for own k, v of json if obj[k]?
toString: (space) -> JSON.stringify @toJSON(), null, space
toJSON: -> @_data
# Example usage by a subclass
class Foo extends Model
@properties bar: "bar"
# Example usage of the subclass
foo = Foo.fromJSON {"bar":"baz"} (k, v, orig) -> console.log k, v, orig, @.toString()
console.log v for v in [
foo.toString() # {"bar":"bar"} # bar"baz") # baz # baz
foo.toString() # {"bar":"baz"} # true # null
foo.toString() # {}
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