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Created October 19, 2017 03:22
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MongoDB Basic Commands

#MongoDB Basic Commands

show dbs //Shows all the databases
use facenovel //Creates ans switches to a new database called facenovel
db //Tells the current database in use

###Basic Structure of a Document

  first_name : "John",
  last_name : "Doe",
  memberships : ["mem1","mem2"],
    street : " 4 Main St",
    city : "Boston"
  contacts : [
  {name : "Rahul", relationship:"Friend"},
  {name : "Tim", relationship:"Son"}

###Create a user

     user: "Rahul",
     pwd: "password",
     roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]

###Create a Collection

show collections //Lists all the collections in the current database

###Insert a document in a collection


{firstName:"Rahul"}, {firstName:"Rahul",lastName:"Bhatia",age:34}

###View all the documents in a collection


db.customers.find().pretty(); //Displays in a better manner

Update the Fields


SET Operator

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