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# Docker swarm + nginx + load balancer simple automation example
# Romain Bigeard 2017
# v 1.1
param (
[string]$omsWorkspaceKey = "",
[string]$omsWorkspaceId = ""
# manager is first machine in array
kubectl get deployment,pod,svc,endpoints,pvc -o wide ; kubectl get secret mysql-pass ; kubectl get pv
k8WordPressAzureTest.ps1 -azureSshKey C:\Users\rafb\Documents\keys\azure `
-kubeWordPressLocation "C:\Users\rafb\OneDrive\Documents\kubetest\examples\mysql-wordpress-pd"
# k8WordPressAzureTest.ps1
# Romain Bigeard 2017
# Start up a simple 2 node K8 cluster in Azure and deploy a Wordpress stack spread over two containers
# Two parameters are needed:
# azureSshKey = path to private ssh key that will be used to connect to VMs running containers
# kubeWordPressLocation = path to Kuberetes wordpress example (
# Also deploys OMS agents on underlying Linux servers if oms parameters are not null
param (
rbigeard / iis_ansible_role.yml
Created June 12, 2017 23:48
Simple IIS Enabling with Ansible
- name: Install IIS
name: "Web-Server"
state: present
restart: yes
include_sub_features: yes
include_management_tools: yes
rbigeard / windows_template.yml
Created June 9, 2017 05:33
Simple ASW Cloudformation template for spinning up Windows Servers
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >-
This template creates a single server installation of Microsoft
Windows Server 2012r2 ready for Ansible.
**WARNING** This template creates Amazon EC2 Windows instance
and related resources. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you
create a stack from this template. Also, you are solely responsible for
complying with the license terms for the software downloaded and installed by
this template. By creating a stack from this template, you are agreeing to
such terms.
rbigeard / provision.yml
Created June 9, 2017 05:29
Ansible spin up of Windows servers in AWS and automated retrieval of automatically generated password
- hosts: localhost
- aws_region: "ap-southeast-2"
- name: launch Windows Ansible Test cloudformation stack
stack_name: "AnsibleWindowsTest1"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
state: "present"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rbigeard on github.
  • I am rbigeard ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 12A6 DF32 762A 87E6 219B 10A7 E969 8041 F2ED BC50

To claim this, I am signing this object: