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Last active December 17, 2015 02:59
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SOLID quotes

I quite agree that a dogmatic or religious application of the SOLID principles is neither realistic nor beneficial. If you had read through any of the articles and/or books I’ve written on these principles over the last 15 years, you’d have found that I don’t recommend the religious or dogmatic approach you blamed me for. In short, you jumped to a erroneous conclusion about me, and about the principles, because you weren’t familiar with the material.

Robert C. Martin

An axis of change is an axis of change only if the changes occur. It is not wise to apply SRP - or any other principle, for that matter - if there is no symptom.

Robert C. Martin
Page 118, Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#

Clearly, we want to limit the application of OCP to changes that are likely.

Robert C. Martin
Page 129, Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#

Nor is it a good idea to apply rampant abstraction to every part of the application. Rather, it requires a dedication on the part of the developers to apply abstraction only to those parts of the program that exhibit frequent change. Resisting premature abstraction is as important as abstraction itself

Robert C. Martin
Page 132, Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#

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