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Created June 25, 2013 19:45
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Lalita plugin for ddg definitions
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright 2009 laliputienses
# License: GPL v3
# For further info, see LICENSE file
import json
import urllib
from twisted.web import client
from lalita import Plugin
class Define(Plugin):
url_template = ""
def init(self, config):
self.register_translation(self, TRANSLATION_TABLE)
self.register(, self.define_command, ['define'])
def define_command(self, user, channel, command, *keywords):
u"Search word definition in ddg"
keyword = " ".join(keywords)
return self._define(user, channel, keyword)
def _define(self, user, channel, keyword):
d = self._api_call(keyword)
d.addCallback(self._answer, user, channel)
return d
def _api_call(self, keyword):
keyword = keyword.encode("utf8")
keyword = urllib.quote_plus(keyword)
url = self.url_template % (keyword,)
self.logger.debug("Downloading %s", url)
d = client.getPage(url)
return d
def _answer(self, api_response, user, channel):
d = json.loads(api_response)
answer = d["Definition"]
if not answer:
answer = "Not found"
self.say(channel, "%s: %s", user, answer)
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