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Created August 25, 2018 01:05
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sample eosio config.ini
# the endpoint upon which to listen for incoming connections (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-endpoint =
# this peer will request only irreversible blocks from other nodes (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-follow-irreversible = 0
# the number of threads to use to process network messages (eosio::bnet_plugin)
# bnet-threads =
# remote endpoint of other node to connect to; Use multiple bnet-connect options as needed to compose a network (eosio::bnet_plugin)
# bnet-connect =
# this peer will request no pending transactions from other nodes (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-no-trx = false
# The string used to format peers when logging messages about them. Variables are escaped with ${<variable name>}.
# Available Variables:
# _name self-reported name
# _id self-reported ID (Public Key)
# _ip remote IP address of peer
# _port remote port number of peer
# _lip local IP address connected to peer
# _lport local port number connected to peer
# (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-peer-log-format = ["${_name}" ${_ip}:${_port}]
# the location of the blocks directory (absolute path or relative to application data dir) (eosio::chain_plugin)
blocks-dir = "blocks"
# Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that should be enforced as checkpoints. (eosio::chain_plugin)
# checkpoint =
# Override default WASM runtime (eosio::chain_plugin)
# wasm-runtime =
# Override default maximum ABI serialization time allowed in ms (eosio::chain_plugin)
abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 15000
# Maximum size (in MiB) of the chain state database (eosio::chain_plugin)
chain-state-db-size-mb = 1024
# Safely shut down node when free space remaining in the chain state database drops below this size (in MiB). (eosio::chain_plugin)
chain-state-db-guard-size-mb = 128
# Maximum size (in MiB) of the reversible blocks database (eosio::chain_plugin)
reversible-blocks-db-size-mb = 340
# Safely shut down node when free space remaining in the reverseible blocks database drops below this size (in MiB). (eosio::chain_plugin)
reversible-blocks-db-guard-size-mb = 2
# print contract's output to console (eosio::chain_plugin)
contracts-console = false
# Account added to actor whitelist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# actor-whitelist =
# Account added to actor blacklist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# actor-blacklist =
# Contract account added to contract whitelist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# contract-whitelist =
# Contract account added to contract blacklist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# contract-blacklist =
# Action (in the form code::action) added to action blacklist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# action-blacklist =
# Public key added to blacklist of keys that should not be included in authorities (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# key-blacklist =
# Database read mode ("speculative" or "head").
# In "speculative" mode database contains changes done up to the head block plus changes made by transactions not yet included to the blockchain.
# In "head" mode database contains changes done up to the current head block.
# (eosio::chain_plugin)
read-mode = speculative
# Track actions which match receiver:action:actor. Actor may be blank to include all. Receiver and Action may not be blank. (eosio::history_plugin)
# filter-on =
# PEM encoded trusted root certificate (or path to file containing one) used to validate any TLS connections made. (may specify multiple times)
# (eosio::http_client_plugin)
# https-client-root-cert =
# true: validate that the peer certificates are valid and trusted, false: ignore cert errors (eosio::http_client_plugin)
https-client-validate-peers = 1
# The local IP and port to listen for incoming http connections; set blank to disable. (eosio::http_plugin)
http-server-address =
# The local IP and port to listen for incoming https connections; leave blank to disable. (eosio::http_plugin)
# https-server-address =
# Filename with the certificate chain to present on https connections. PEM format. Required for https. (eosio::http_plugin)
# https-certificate-chain-file =
# Filename with https private key in PEM format. Required for https (eosio::http_plugin)
# https-private-key-file =
# Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin to be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
# access-control-allow-origin =
# Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Headers to be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
# access-control-allow-headers =
# Specify the Access-Control-Max-Age to be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
# access-control-max-age =
# Specify if Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true should be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
access-control-allow-credentials = false
# The maximum body size in bytes allowed for incoming RPC requests (eosio::http_plugin)
max-body-size = 1048576
# Append the error log to HTTP responses (eosio::http_plugin)
verbose-http-errors = false
# If set to false, then any incoming "Host" header is considered valid (eosio::http_plugin)
http-validate-host = 1
# Additionaly acceptable values for the "Host" header of incoming HTTP requests, can be specified multiple times. Includes http/s_server_address by default. (eosio::http_plugin)
# http-alias =
# The maximum number of pending login requests (eosio::login_plugin)
max-login-requests = 1000000
# The maximum timeout for pending login requests (in seconds) (eosio::login_plugin)
max-login-timeout = 60
# The target queue size between nodeos and MongoDB plugin thread. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-queue-size = 256
# Required with --replay-blockchain, --hard-replay-blockchain, or --delete-all-blocks to wipe mongo db.This option required to prevent accidental wipe of mongo db. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-wipe = false
# If specified then only abi data pushed to mongodb until specified block is reached. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-block-start = 0
# MongoDB URI connection string, see: If not specified then plugin is disabled. Default database 'EOS' is used if not specified in URI. Example: mongodb:// (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
# mongodb-uri =
# The actual host:port used to listen for incoming p2p connections. (eosio::net_plugin)
p2p-listen-endpoint =
# An externally accessible host:port for identifying this node. Defaults to p2p-listen-endpoint. (eosio::net_plugin)
# p2p-server-address =
# The public endpoint of a peer node to connect to. Use multiple p2p-peer-address options as needed to compose a network. (eosio::net_plugin)
# p2p-peer-address =
# Maximum number of client nodes from any single IP address (eosio::net_plugin)
p2p-max-nodes-per-host = 1
# The name supplied to identify this node amongst the peers. (eosio::net_plugin)
agent-name = "EOS Test Agent"
# Can be 'any' or 'producers' or 'specified' or 'none'. If 'specified', peer-key must be specified at least once. If only 'producers', peer-key is not required. 'producers' and 'specified' may be combined. (eosio::net_plugin)
allowed-connection = any
# Optional public key of peer allowed to connect. May be used multiple times. (eosio::net_plugin)
# peer-key =
# Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times) (eosio::net_plugin)
# peer-private-key =
# Maximum number of clients from which connections are accepted, use 0 for no limit (eosio::net_plugin)
max-clients = 25
# number of seconds to wait before cleaning up dead connections (eosio::net_plugin)
connection-cleanup-period = 30
# True to require exact match of peer network version. (eosio::net_plugin)
network-version-match = 0
# number of blocks to retrieve in a chunk from any individual peer during synchronization (eosio::net_plugin)
sync-fetch-span = 100
# maximum sizes of transaction or block messages that are sent without first sending a notice (eosio::net_plugin)
max-implicit-request = 1500
# Enable expirimental socket read watermark optimization (eosio::net_plugin)
use-socket-read-watermark = 0
# The string used to format peers when logging messages about them. Variables are escaped with ${<variable name>}.
# Available Variables:
# _name self-reported name
# _id self-reported ID (64 hex characters)
# _sid first 8 characters of
# _ip remote IP address of peer
# _port remote port number of peer
# _lip local IP address connected to peer
# _lport local port number connected to peer
# (eosio::net_plugin)
peer-log-format = ["${_name}" ${_ip}:${_port}]
# Enable block production, even if the chain is stale. (eosio::producer_plugin)
enable-stale-production = true
# Start this node in a state where production is paused (eosio::producer_plugin)
pause-on-startup = false
# Limits the maximum time (in milliseconds) that is allowed a pushed transaction's code to execute before being considered invalid (eosio::producer_plugin)
max-transaction-time = 1000
# Limits the maximum age (in seconds) of the DPOS Irreversible Block for a chain this node will produce blocks on (use negative value to indicate unlimited) (eosio::producer_plugin)
max-irreversible-block-age = -1
# ID of producer controlled by this node (e.g. inita; may specify multiple times) (eosio::producer_plugin)
# (DEPRECATED - Use signature-provider instead) Tuple of [public key, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times) (eosio::producer_plugin)
# private-key =
# Key=Value pairs in the form <public-key>=<provider-spec>
# Where:
# <public-key> is a string form of a vaild EOSIO public key
# <provider-spec> is a string in the form <provider-type>:<data>
# <provider-type> is KEY, or KEOSD
# KEY:<data> is a string form of a valid EOSIO private key which maps to the provided public key
# KEOSD:<data> is the URL where keosd is available and the approptiate wallet(s) are unlocked (eosio::producer_plugin)
producer-name = eosio
signature-provider = EOS6bV6b51cem7TEngFY5G4t5dGtFWSGpjc2zxiuPaqSAybjR62kX=KEY:5Ht2NBG56d9y5L9aBQiCcEvdP6cZfJ4RwuRy664tKnXGB5hgNkb
producer-name = eosprodu1111
signature-provider = EOS7Pk9TYDQ59MNCnviyJnexWw2AQoaN8HhXU88VPkgv7fjBHkkrM=KEY:5HzcGUp3JpjnwFtzwLST8yhwX8s39ZhJALWGJy8ZAYHZCM3VNei
producer-name = eosprodu1112
signature-provider = EOS8Bs6wMimQfPbiGbiw4zrybtEZcveBVTHphMnKnwYW2eXPAwXzB=KEY:5Kb8XmwjtcQRJ1QTenWgoWr1arLkNMCBhagpd8fxd2Z9YrSaWGU
producer-name = eosprodu1113
signature-provider = EOS56UP5WzJwFAHFmzZZ1FH9FudGkkdq3ARhTF9VFpKxfsTvEsr5K=KEY:5KY7tzSCnd3jJcQjGdNCVPUKW8CwqwRhQPQKuzd5NNPTKY5ge9P
producer-name = eosprodu1114
signature-provider = EOS7t16dUDV7DomRgSnP6dcWv51oL2Nhe5h5mJ1RYNk9ZzvyZBw2P=KEY:5KRzxUzvM5J4x2q7XEN3jDd8rcHUFN6iXgjZEdKSppGxv6KsnD3
producer-name = eosprodu1115
signature-provider = EOS7WnPUYsFTUmWBJWH2mgKtrgQvkbtdXawk1dHvTUdqTYZRcBP8e=KEY:5HyHeVrjvsUWYrj8BdPen3VD1S5gCiFXWGwcLdXX8TungFBXBLR
producer-name = eosprodu2221
signature-provider = EOS6BxE5rWDJDCRNQi1qgbsHoyohBEDnd42AHGoBwAZT7sFuW16Av=KEY:5Hz5QxdZ6ryZP3QqWrG8ao8M3H1mtsJh5cdnUY1HjQAgR6wQjBh
producer-name = eosprodu2222
signature-provider = EOS79VzkCxpSwe5Y9U9Ujvst8fKUiHxWoyxkxyRNbxhW2smNaupvg=KEY:5JjQhJZSBYaryPiwV8v8Hewtdrn1waVAShvv9cZCX546MDvtJ7s
producer-name = eosprodu2223
signature-provider = EOS65zj9Q5UyWQsQnhHvUY8EEgXXgSR5VHnkRuvrKrU2hLP7t6jW7=KEY:5KBKQjBuSjRELk6pz6zaNz3oE7eaKsE6aSHdsXBXkVRRKPC5J1z
producer-name = eosprodu2224
signature-provider = EOS5NWjn1Yfc5CSVxgkbFRUdu31LwLfSMCMsJ1gUQ1MEBh6nnk5w2=KEY:5KXp2zu8cVWuiKbbLRPvhZVoKGhnkmxZtpKD2bTqeCRfiWJyvYJ
producer-name = eosprodu2225
signature-provider = EOS7yCM7NSbRazMwyzJe8DHRe9UTmUu5vA8nRQyGrZnWoFVACap8T=KEY:5KeVhGaspyDvPUeL8EMCo2iBbhqQppefTAyCpiLT1DSSA6racFd
producer-name = eosprodu3331
signature-provider = EOS62NaArQWzhyJ6HS6SmH7fSYVSwk87QZC4RqsdUt7kGEr31ARPJ=KEY:5JUrWrvgzaoLLCt6MZ5F6XrFhf8LsKDcDd2pCm2x3TMYYiYk8Ve
producer-name = eosprodu3332
signature-provider = EOS8kF3tdtq99AL4HBpDGGLZPGuHuGYNaJaZuxBGsxKNZ8SDShPNL=KEY:5KhWRCDw7XP7SyToREWG3ffeCLm535ChEpQgJVFBY8SkmRcYWkp
producer-name = eosprodu3333
signature-provider = EOS8YqtAbYBCahLA6qnQespsECek8rmE6N2YrDSkkpgZRiV9CGcTi=KEY:5JbFZpVcFWARx2iAEYq7U4q6Euxh8PTr5iDg9aSMPsuY4WxWzRC
producer-name = eosprodu3334
signature-provider = EOS7YzPk8zUchtxXomBZb2yL2HJj4qiwcxt6yukzyZtJQ2KRGsFsC=KEY:5HudWqKYFKMQYKdWzzBnifMhtsHKmJUCuTu1Ngx7SaUbyngvWWA
producer-name = eosprodu3335
signature-provider = EOS5SEuhZTdSmrxsoistnBsmr2JvnNDH5WehBYTewkF7A8A3xi8kG=KEY:5Hsx5ci79yd2HGE3kkFRyZcky9cvjCghqtdJF5yBneyho9Ryfi5
producer-name = eosprodu4441
signature-provider = EOS5sQH3Z6cmWS33WmgQzJ4oppSFiomFbhcsUGtZiDn3CWYNt2aN5=KEY:5JZwdTVM22U6iVSNoDvLoLHREYHcX4dTHoFRhxS968fRDL4sKXA
producer-name = eosprodu4442
signature-provider = EOS6AfeVvcbg7Pd4HkjbMm4F2EZhykwVTGGknNJGL2N8ZrQEwBLDv=KEY:5JjjHyh5tZx6Bjk3ubHtcJe3UxAWYpd5qQTfGgu7S3GFatN9q7F
producer-name = eosprodu4443
signature-provider = EOS76xjzZwLVqwUn5AwenmLF4MxKyQyZrphoE7R9uoeedsB2zDH3a=KEY:5KBh4a2aAVuDhkvyii1qQT5ZWCRDxY1jvxvvJycZD35gRW9Qo8E
producer-name = eosprodu4444
signature-provider = EOS55T6SVcTCqej6YjbLkk3QdX29tTCoeVfzuEe8CmbaGvhhQnYes=KEY:5Kknbx3EKr2HN818qLvL3Dq9hSmZ6PJuRZ9FHUAq8CRabauDJpr
producer-name = eosprodu4445
signature-provider = EOS68d8yYnxKzYRhXaNvz53hUNvbf2aWJtdFpjAJdfwHc4k3XPDam=KEY:5Khe6wRyS2MGDxLY3NxZM2ujzTgmMWUFasK8xcEdb68toAVbV2J
producer-name = eosprodu5551
signature-provider = EOS7dGEvUtjTAML6j7Ya6jt9STBuwGYZagyMH7KgS1GKEUGRskJQ3=KEY:5KBAwAqnUAcUYrGTg3fpiUYfxw1k4wJA2JXpLs3YsEmt6Euw56Z
producer-name = eosprodu5552
signature-provider = EOS5CTe2NugES2E4d1uEaZJL5rCi1piR4W9jaEDa3jQDvsFzV1Ppn=KEY:5K6HTZ81hvKfAV2u3YAvta6wLwHRiguL24puaNuGw2qbsYYmt7y
producer-name = eosprodu5553
signature-provider = EOS7tsDvoLzCdLAtWqZ2ZCZbSUcaDHH1K2QVSb9QmcCeTyFRa8Qyd=KEY:5Kj8GYYpRb2ePtv7Y8g3CEUTkgtcQaRTvyNdKhkSFBeQaFgCE82
producer-name = eosprodu5554
signature-provider = EOS7eRYikMFEURr6h8Zr8zw7Q5LuRHTMHMoc7FDVsTmHkYWnB1eyT=KEY:5J9nx17acbfb16oaN1eXnQog87hXqS4SkUc3VJR7JsVDnL8ua6c
producer-name = eosprodu5555
signature-provider = EOS7bWqYSa4u4K7Vf994ssHNVgjxBXhuUBhThcFyz5c2PrXH1scza=KEY:5J97HBjw2PDguYbF8d5zTNu4fz5HcQRwrbGe6qzSkbQH11B5pqt
producer-name = eosprodu1121
signature-provider = EOS4yfc1Ck78UHnLWcNpPRbehRbwmDVaA1PbXDJwKGe9XFyvKBLzu=KEY:5JnRdG4pXm4kd8HEprGLFq1aFtBhv7QzMVJoAXt1k7LPgCL6RSy
producer-name = eosprodu1122
signature-provider = EOS7c1Hdm1EZcLxbBYF6BGWeKgrQyn4tJL5WjbCqZ8AUop7wiJ1Lj=KEY:5J7bnsh7G7gZzfHnz51ygLoMNaRy1mgosGefqdw8hNGsnvE75Ur
producer-name = eosprodu1123
signature-provider = EOS8Sg7oqix8pLhv5JxsvHJUMoEYME5z7VBHMW6bRCEfgBMCNiH1m=KEY:5JuJdyJKdseDC6rJUxERLygG6wuBguXV2JSNTTZ35cmQqTTDidn
producer-name = eosprodu1124
signature-provider = EOS8F5XzAHEZx9jsazeXgVe5cJVjEcfUZ2WcBPAfPL9HsDCMb9xe5=KEY:5JpXWVH9BNQXkbBVejvWEVkYS1PNxr8teXZYwVe7X6ALZejETiY
producer-name = eosprodu1125
signature-provider = EOS7hb1EUmEW3dyHfRL6GzdBVaF3wrDZMeV9MZ9oqGtTuvyRjoKqD=KEY:5JWf7K1jipt2bEan2qxLXPXvPHHARAvQZQFau2FMZR9cCjtX18G
producer-name = eosprodu1221
signature-provider = EOS77Sm5814MmJAcAwhPmk4AtdhPbgz9zMCBc1weXUJJ56D8rcuMY=KEY:5KSTwDv46vyj8A6jqjh9b7WbpfPk1stcPvDDsJFaRj9p9KPCaUu
producer-name = eosprodu1222
signature-provider = EOS5TnTAcy8xviS3rxEQ5zwU2FqdZtLqezEaUG8N5o566NrSHNpKq=KEY:5JRNvQQJ1XNLgp4ZT3bwXBdaKwCvsuzXAysbwyqgQJspyLC2PfV
producer-name = eosprodu1223
signature-provider = EOS6EmtB8oZQWSyUGK9SETTvrBU2bK9a1QvSH7zz33RA7b9xddGw4=KEY:5JsEFty1cWSsPwa1Q6988Dgc2pDPRnKbuiYn9RLckLV2aHxHb45
producer-name = eosprodu1224
signature-provider = EOS6XnAkvk8aTxbBYFM4BkGgMox9VphNLmqz7poCZipsfocHKhL2x=KEY:5K4SMuihminsgMvbACrNfe1Dk45tMQGEaPhPC6qya77HXzoN3Su
producer-name = eosprodu1225
signature-provider = EOS7Fu9EGdyREfUSCnDpDVK9qnk6AKBaJbZug7qcdGvudBL3jPaTh=KEY:5J7LFgJNo6BcYztCrPcdiyduvpc5oAKrYUbTNY57p124Tz71EHL
producer-name = eosprodu2121
signature-provider = EOS6ydJkU3uuKqogeBvXQBFRFywBAvu14qXnbL5ekJPpCgk1gU7DR=KEY:5JEB1hFSqor5zuJ68pkoPneAQw89jFt7MrKoUP3CeFnihHmnBdJ
producer-name = eosprodu2122
signature-provider = EOS6D8F5FavBf1mzTTEMeDsf2dnyrRdnAGN18r6oYs2DpBEBfsuzN=KEY:5Hsa71N8sapp96JCDDYifsxRsyUKXUMj4WeNA5Mme9XT4QhkBRt
producer-name = eosprodu2123
signature-provider = EOS5Qnv6F3XHTNfN2gSMdrULpDvhVRB1bWdiEKb6CqSi4CjZyXF5U=KEY:5KhCXv8uMaibtkW94AuLTGmiWuL8kwgsAKjxc9uU23JBzbEGQgX
# Limits the maximum time (in milliseconds) that is allowd for sending blocks to a keosd provider for signing (eosio::producer_plugin)
keosd-provider-timeout = 5
# account that can not access to extended CPU/NET virtual resources (eosio::producer_plugin)
# greylist-account =
# offset of non last block producing time in micro second. Negative number results in blocks to go out sooner, and positive number results in blocks to go out later (eosio::producer_plugin)
produce-time-offset-us = 0
# offset of last block producing time in micro second. Negative number results in blocks to go out sooner, and positive number results in blocks to go out later (eosio::producer_plugin)
last-block-time-offset-us = 0
# ratio between incoming transations and deferred transactions when both are exhausted (eosio::producer_plugin)
incoming-defer-ratio = 1
# Lag in number of blocks from the head block when selecting the reference block for transactions (-1 means Last Irreversible Block) (eosio::txn_test_gen_plugin)
txn-reference-block-lag = 0
# The path of the wallet files (absolute path or relative to application data dir) (eosio::wallet_plugin)
wallet-dir = "."
# Timeout for unlocked wallet in seconds (default 900 (15 minutes)). Wallets will automatically lock after specified number of seconds of inactivity. Activity is defined as any wallet command e.g. list-wallets. (eosio::wallet_plugin)
unlock-timeout = 900
# Override default URL of http://localhost:12345 for connecting to yubihsm-connector (eosio::wallet_plugin)
# yubihsm-url =
# Enables YubiHSM support using given Authkey (eosio::wallet_plugin)
# yubihsm-authkey =
# Plugin(s) to enable, may be specified multiple times
# plugin =
plugin = eosio::chain_api_plugin
plugin = eosio::chain_plugin
plugin = eosio::history_api_plugin
plugin = eosio::http_plugin
plugin = eosio::producer_plugin
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