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Created May 20, 2020 14:20
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uniform isampler1D BlockTileInfo_texture;
uniform sampler2DArray tile_textures;
// BlockTileInfo format:
struct BlockTileInfo {
int base_index;
// side is always at base_index
int top = 0; // base_index + top to get block top tile
int bottom = 0; // base_index + bottom to get block bottom tile
int get_tile_texture_index (int bid, int face) {
ivec3 bti = texelFetch(BlockTileInfo_texture, bid, 0).rgb;
int index = bti.x;
if (face == 1)
index += bti.y;
else if (face == 2)
index += bti.z;
return index;
uniform float slider;
uniform isampler1D svo_texture;
uniform vec3 svo_root_pos;
uniform sampler2D heat_gradient;
int get_svo_node (int index) {
return texelFetch(svo_texture, index, 0).r;
#define CHUNK_DIM 64
#define B_AIR 1
#define INF (1.0 / 0.0)
// SVO format:
union OctreeNode {
uint32 children_index; // 0x80000000 set if has_children, ie. this node a non-leaf node -> mask away MSB to get index into svo_texture where the nodes for the 8 children lie contiguously
uint16 block_id; // block id (valid when leaf node)
float min_component (vec3 v) {
return min(min(v.x, v.y), v.z);
float max_component (vec3 v) {
return max(max(v.x, v.y), v.z);
int min_component_index (vec3 v) {
if (v.x < v.y && v.x < v.z)
return 0;
if (v.y < v.z)
return 1;
return 2;
int max_component_index (vec3 v) {
if (v.x > v.y && v.x > v.z)
return 0;
if (v.y > v.z)
return 1;
return 2;
bool any (bvec3 b) {
return b.x || b.y || b.z;
bool all (bvec3 b) {
return b.x && b.y && b.z;
vec3 select (bvec3 c, vec3 l, vec3 r) {
return vec3( c.x ? l.x : r.x,
c.y ? l.y : r.y,
c.z ? l.z : r.z );
vec3 select (bool c, vec3 l, vec3 r) {
return vec3( c ? l.x : r.x,
c ? l.y : r.y,
c ? l.z : r.z );
bvec3 xor (bvec3 l, bvec3 r) { // why is this not a language feature if ivec3 ^ ivec3 is a thing?
//return bvec3(l.x ^ r.x, l.y ^ r.y, l.z ^ r.z);
return bvec3(ivec3(l) ^ ivec3(r));
int cur_bid = B_AIR; // block id of the current node the ray is in
vec3 ray_pos;
vec3 ray_dir;
vec3 unmirrored_ray_pos;
vec3 unmirrored_ray_dir;
void get_ray () {
vec2 ndc = gl_FragCoord.xy / viewport_size * 2.0 - 1.0;
if (ndc.x > (slider * 2 - 1))
vec4 clip = vec4(ndc, -1, 1) * clip_near; // ndc = clip / clip.w;
vec3 pos_cam = (clip_to_cam * clip).xyz;
vec3 dir_cam = pos_cam;
ray_pos = ( cam_to_world * vec4(pos_cam, 1)).xyz;
ray_dir = ( cam_to_world * vec4(dir_cam, 0)).xyz;
ray_dir = normalize(ray_dir);
// An Efficient Parametric Algorithm for Octree Traversal
// J. Revelles, C.Ure ̃na, M.Lastra
// optimized
int mirror_mask_int;
bvec3 mirror_mask;
bool hit_octree_leaf (int node_data, vec3 t0) {
int bid = node_data;
bool did_hit = bid != cur_bid && bid != B_AIR;
cur_bid = bid;
if (did_hit) {
float dist = max_component(t0);
vec3 pos_world = unmirrored_ray_pos + unmirrored_ray_dir * dist;
//frag_col = vec4(vec3(dist / 100), 1);
vec3 uvw = pos_world - floor(pos_world);
vec2 uv;
int face;
switch (max_component_index(t0)) {
case 0: {
uv = vec2(-uvw.y, uvw.z);
if (mirror_mask[0])
uv.x = -uv.x;
face = 0; // side face
} break;
case 1: {
uv = uvw.xz;
if (mirror_mask[1])
uv.x = -uv.x;
face = 0; // side face
} break;
case 2: {
uv = uvw.xy;
if (!mirror_mask[2])
uv.y = -uv.y;
face = mirror_mask[2] ? 1 : 2;
} break;
int tex_indx = get_tile_texture_index(bid, face);
vec4 col = texture(tile_textures, vec3(uv, tex_indx));
float remain_alpha = 1.0 - frag_col.a;
frag_col += vec4(col.rgb * col.a, col.a) * remain_alpha;
return frag_col.a >= 1.0;
return false;
const int[] node_seq_lut = int[8*3] (
1, 2, 4, // 001 010 100
8, 3, 5, // - 011 101
3, 8, 6, // 011 - 110
8, 8, 7, // - - 111
5, 6, 8, // 101 110 -
8, 7, 8, // - 111 -
7, 8, 8, // 111 - -
8, 8, 8 // - - -
int first_node (vec3 t0, vec3 tm) {
float cond = max_component(t0);
int ret = 0;
ret |= tm[0] < cond ? 1 : 0;
ret |= tm[1] < cond ? 2 : 0;
ret |= tm[2] < cond ? 4 : 0;
return ret;
int next_node (vec3 t1, int octant) {
int exit_face = min_component_index(t1);
return node_seq_lut[octant * 3 + exit_face];
int iterations = 0;
uniform bool visualize_iterations = false;
uniform int max_iterations = 256;
#define RECURSIVE(recursive, recursive2) \
bool recursive (int node_data, vec3 min, vec3 max, vec3 t0, vec3 t1) { \
iterations++; \
if (iterations > max_iterations) \
return true; \
if (any(lessThan(t1, vec3(0.0)))) \
return false; \
if ((node_data & 0x80000000) == 0) /* !has_children */ \
return hit_octree_leaf(node_data, t0); \
/* need to decend further down into octree to find actual voxels */ \
vec3 mid = 0.5 * (min + max); \
vec3 tm = 0.5 * (t0 + t1); \
/* account for ray_dir being zero in one or more dimensions */ \
tm = select(notEqual(ray_dir, vec3(0.0)), tm, select(lessThan(ray_pos, mid), vec3(+INF), vec3(-INF))); \
int cur_octant = first_node(t0, tm); \
do { \
bvec3 oct_mask = bvec3((cur_octant & 1) != 0, (cur_octant & 2) != 0, (cur_octant & 4) != 0); \
/* undo mirroring to get correct child node data */ \
int unmirrored_octant = cur_octant ^ mirror_mask_int; \
bvec3 unmirrored_mask = xor(oct_mask, mirror_mask); \
int children_index = (node_data & 0x7fffffff) + unmirrored_octant; \
int _node_data = get_svo_node(children_index); \
vec3 _min = select(unmirrored_mask, mid, min); \
vec3 _max = select(unmirrored_mask, max, mid); \
if (recursive2(_node_data, _min, _max, select(oct_mask, tm, t0), select(oct_mask, t1, tm))) \
return true; /* hit in subtree */ \
cur_octant = next_node(select(oct_mask, t1, tm), cur_octant); \
} while (cur_octant < 8); \
return false; /* no hit in this node, step into next node */ \
bool non_reachable (int node_data, vec3 min, vec3 max, vec3 t0, vec3 t1) {
return true;
// no recursion in shaders, so need to duplicate the function once for each depth
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_1, non_reachable)
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_2, traverse_subtree_1)
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_4, traverse_subtree_2)
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_8, traverse_subtree_4)
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_16, traverse_subtree_8)
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_32, traverse_subtree_16)
RECURSIVE(traverse_subtree_64, traverse_subtree_32)
void traverse_svo () {
unmirrored_ray_pos = ray_pos;
unmirrored_ray_dir = ray_dir;
mirror_mask_int = 0;
int node_data = 0x80000001; //nodes[root]._children; root == 0
vec3 min = svo_root_pos;
vec3 max = svo_root_pos + vec3(CHUNK_DIM);
vec3 mid2 = (min + max); // mid = 0.5 * (min + max); mid2 = mid * 2;
// mirror ray so that direction is always positive in each direction for purpose of algorithm
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
bool mirror = ray_dir[i] < 0;
ray_dir[i] = abs(ray_dir[i]);
mirror_mask[i] = mirror;
if (mirror) ray_pos[i] = mid2[i] - ray_pos[i]; // mirror along mid ie. -1 * (ray_pos - mid) + mid -> 2*mid - ray_pos
if (mirror) mirror_mask_int |= 1 << i;
vec3 rdir_inv = vec3(1.0) / ray_dir;
vec3 t0 = (min - ray_pos) * rdir_inv;
vec3 t1 = (max - ray_pos) * rdir_inv;
if (max_component(t0) < min_component(t1))
traverse_subtree_64(node_data, min, max, t0, t1);
void main () {
frag_col = vec4(0,0,0,0);
if (visualize_iterations)
frag_col = texture(heat_gradient, vec2(float(iterations) / float(max_iterations), 0.5));
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