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Created February 29, 2020 20:52
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struct ParametricOctreeTraverser {
Octree& octree;
// An Efficient Parametric Algorithm for Octree Traversal
// J. Revelles, C.Ure ̃na, M.Lastra
static constexpr int3 child_offset_lut[8] = {
struct OctreeNode {
int level;
int3 pos; // 3d index (scaled to octree level cell size so that one increment is always as step to the next cell on that level)
float3 min;
float3 mid;
float3 max;
OctreeNode get_child (int index, bool3 mask) {
OctreeNode ret;
ret.level = level - 1;
ret.pos = pos * 2 + child_offset_lut[index];
ret.min = select(mask, mid, min);
ret.max = select(mask, max, mid);
ret.mid = 0.5f * (ret.max + ret.min);
return ret;
int mirror_mask_int; // algo assumes ray.dir x,y,z >= 0, x,y,z < 0 cause the ray to be mirrored, to make all components positive, this mask is used to also mirror the octree nodes to make iteration work
bool3 mirror_mask; // algo assumes ray.dir x,y,z >= 0, x,y,z < 0 cause the ray to be mirrored, to make all components positive, this mask is used to also mirror the octree nodes to make iteration work
Ray ray;
void traverse_octree (OctreeNode root, Ray ray) {
this->ray = ray;
mirror_mask_int = 0;
mirror_mask = false;
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if (ray.dir[i] < 0) {
ray.pos[i] = root.mid[i] * 2 - ray.pos[i];
ray.dir[i] = -ray.dir[i];
mirror_mask_int |= 1 << i;
mirror_mask[i] = true;
float3 rdir_inv = 1.0f / ray.dir;
float3 t0 = (root.min - ray.pos) * rdir_inv;
float3 t1 = (root.max - ray.pos) * rdir_inv;
if (max_component(t0) < min_component(t1))
traverse_subtree(root, t0, t1);
debug_graphics->push_point(t0.x * ray.dir + ray.pos, 0.2f, lrgba(1,0,0,1));
debug_graphics->push_point(t0.y * ray.dir + ray.pos, 0.2f, lrgba(0,1,0,1));
debug_graphics->push_point(t0.z * ray.dir + ray.pos, 0.2f, lrgba(0,0,1,1));
debug_graphics->push_point(t1.x * ray.dir + ray.pos, 0.2f, lrgba(1,0,0,1));
debug_graphics->push_point(t1.y * ray.dir + ray.pos, 0.2f, lrgba(0,1,0,1));
debug_graphics->push_point(t1.z * ray.dir + ray.pos, 0.2f, lrgba(0,0,1,1));
int first_node (float3 t0, float3 tm) {
int max_comp;
max_component(t0, &max_comp);
static constexpr int lut_a[] = { 1, 0, 0 };
static constexpr int lut_b[] = { 2, 2, 1 };
int a = lut_a[max_comp];
int b = lut_b[max_comp];
float cond = t0[max_comp];
int ret = 0;
ret |= (tm[a] < cond) ? (1 << a) : 0;
ret |= (tm[b] < cond) ? (1 << b) : 0;
return ret;
int next_node (float3 t1, const int indices[3]) {
int min_comp;
min_component(t1, &min_comp);
return indices[min_comp];
static constexpr int node_seq_lut[8][3] = {
{ 1, 2, 4 }, // 001 010 100
{ 8, 3, 5 }, // - 011 101
{ 3, 8, 6 }, // 011 - 110
{ 8, 8, 7 }, // - - 111
{ 5, 6, 8 }, // 101 110 -
{ 8, 7, 8 }, // - 111 -
{ 7, 8, 8 }, // 111 - -
{ 8, 8, 8 }, // - - -
bool traverse_subtree (OctreeNode node, float3 t0, float3 t1) {
if (any(t1 < 0))
return false;
bool stop;
bool decend = eval_octree_cell(node, t0, t1, &stop);
if (decend) {
float3 tm = select(ray.dir != 0, 0.5f * (t0 + t1), select(ray.pos < node.mid, float3(+INF), float3(-INF)));
int cur_node = first_node(t0, tm);
do {
bool3 mask = bool3(cur_node & 1, (cur_node >> 1) & 1, (cur_node >> 2) & 1);
stop = traverse_subtree(node.get_child(cur_node ^ mirror_mask_int, mask != mirror_mask), select(mask, tm, t0), select(mask, t1, tm));
if (stop)
return true;
cur_node = next_node(select(mask, t1, tm), node_seq_lut[cur_node]);
} while (cur_node < 8);
return stop;
bool eval_octree_cell (OctreeNode node, float3 t0, float3 t1, bool* stop_traversal) {
float3 size = node.max - node.min;
int voxel_count = CHUNK_DIM_X >> node.level;
int voxel_size = 1 << node.level;
debug_graphics->push_wire_cube((float3)node.pos*(float)voxel_size + (float)voxel_size/2, (float)voxel_size, cols[node.level]);
auto get = [&] (int3 xyz) {
return octree.octree_levels[node.level][xyz.z * voxel_count*voxel_count + xyz.y * voxel_count + xyz.x];
auto b = get(node.pos);
*stop_traversal = b != B_AIR;
return b == B_NULL; // true == need to drill further down into octree
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