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Last active September 29, 2015 10:21
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import java.util.{Random, Scanner}
// ScalaCorrection.scala
// ScalaCorrection
// Created by Remus32 on 20/09/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Remus32, and rbobillo(revision). All rights reserved.
object ScalaCorrection{
// Part One:
// FIXME: Declare variables
// Declare two variables: an integer named "age", and a string named "name" with corresponding values (your name and age)
val age = 20
val name = "Darth Vader"
// FIXME: Print
// Print the following sentence in the console "You are NAME and you are AGE years old !". Don't forget to add a newline at the end if required
println("You are " + name + " and you are " + age + " years old !")
// FiXME: Concatenation
// Create a new string variable called "hello" which value is "Hello ". Add "name" at the end of "hello" (Concatenation) then print it
var hello = "Hello "
hello += name
// FIXME: Array
// create a new string array called "shoppingList", with three elements of your choice. Create an int variable containing the number of
// elements in "shoppingList" (using a function of the array/using the array)
val shoppingList: Array[String] = Array("Tea", "Raspberry", "Pi")
val nbOfElts: Int = shoppingList.length
// FIXME: For-loop - Integer
// Create a simple for-loop for an integer "i" going from 1 to 10 that prints the value of "i"
for (i <- 1 to 10) {
// More idiomatic: ( 1 to 10 ).foreach( println )
// FIXME: For-loop - shoppingList
// Create a for loop that iterate through "shoppingList" and prints each element.
for (x <- shoppingList.indices) { // equivalent to: for (x <- 0 to shoppingList.length - 1)
// More idiomatic: shoppingList.foreach( println )
// FIXME: Foreach-loop
// Do the same with a foreach-loop.
// FIXME: If-statement
// Modify the first for-loop (with i from 1 to 10) such that it prints "(value of i) is even" when "i" is divisible
// by 2 (You may want to learn more about "modulo" (%)). Else, print "(value of i) is odd".
(1 to 10).foreach {
x => println( x + " is " + (if (x%2==0) "even" else "odd") )
// FIXME: Sum Up
// Create a string variable called "element" with the value of your choice. Then create a for-loop that checks if "shoppingList" contains
// "element". If yes, print "You have to buy (value of element) !", and stop the loop (search how to stop a loop).
// If not, print "Nope, you don't need (value of "element")".
val element = "Tea"
var contains = ! shoppingList.forall( _ != element )
// The forall method is a for loop checking if each element reacts identically to a common pattern
if (contains) println("You have to buy " + element + " !")
else println("Nope, you don't need " + element)
//The right way would avoid any loop, using the method 'contains':
// if (shoppingList.contains(element)) ... else ...
// Part Two:
// FIXME: Functions - Ascii
// Create a function that returns nothing and which doesn't takes any parameter. It should just be named "TriForce"
// and print the TriForce symbol (one triangle over two other ones, can be found on internet) with "TRIFORCE"
// Don't forget to call the function !
def TriForce() {
println(" /\\")
println(" /__\\")
println(" /\\ /\\")
// FIXME: Functions - One parameter
// Create a function that takes a string as parameter and returns "Hello (value of string) !"
def hello2(a:String):String = "Hello " + a
// Function's return type is useless here
// The function takes 1 param of certain type, and returns something of the same type
// Then, the return type doesn't need to be set
// FIXME: Functions - Multiple parameters
// Create a function that takes two integers as parameters and returns the addition of these two.
// You can do the same with multiplication, subtraction and division.
def Addition(a: Int, b: Int):Int = a + b
def Subtraction(a: Int, b: Int) = a - b
def Multiplication(a: Int, b: Int) = a * b
def Division(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b
// FIXME: User entry
// Create a string variable that takes what the user enter in the console as value. Then print "You entered (value of string)"
print("Please write something: ")
val user_input = new Scanner(
val user_inputS =
println("You entered " + user_inputS)
//It is cleverer to use jline library (line edition, history... etc)
// FIXME: While loop
// Create a while loop that takes a number and divides it by 2 until it is less than 3
var num = 30
while (num >= 3) {
num /= 2 //num = num/2
// FIXME: do-While loop
// Do the same with a do-while loop
num = 20
do {
num = num / 2
} while (num >= 3)
// FIXME: Random generator
// Create a function that returns a random number
def randInt =
new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
// FIXME: Random generator with bounds
// Create another function that returns a random number between two bounds given as parameters.
def randIntBounds(min: Int, max:
Int) =
new Random().nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min
// FIXME: Multidimensional array
// Create a two dimensional int array of 3 columns and 3 rows. Use 2 for-loops to add a random number
// between 1 and 9 in each of the 9 rooms.
// You may use one of the two previously created function.
// Then print them such that they appear like this (with [x1,x9] being the 9 random integers):
// {x1,x2,x3,}
// {x4,x5,x6,}
// {x7,x8,x9,}
var array = Array.ofDim[Int](3,3).map( => randIntBounds(1,9)) )
/* This 'array' creation is done in an idiomatic way. It is equivalent to:
var array = Array.ofDim[Int](size, size)
for(x <- 0 to size-1 ; x2 <- 0 to size-1) array(x)(x2) = randIntBounds(1,9)
*/ _.mkString("{", ", ", ",}") ).foreach( println )
// FIXME: Switch
// Create a Switch that takes an integer "a" and return a sentence regarding the value of a
// (Create 3 statements for 3 specific values and a default one)
print( "Please enter an Integer value: " )
val entry =
val a = if (! entry.matches("\\d+")) 0 // if entry is NaN, a = 0
else entry.toInt
a match {
case 1 => println("a=1")
case 2 => println("a=2")
case 3 => println("a=3")
case x => println("Default, value=" + x)
// FIXME: logic Gates
// Create 7 functions for each logic gates (And, Or, No, Nand, Nor, Xnor, Xor).
// Each function takes two booleans as parameters and returns the result of the logic gate.
// (or You can do it with a switch and only one function)
def LogicGate(left:Boolean,right:Boolean,gate:String): Boolean = {
def And(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = a & b
def Or(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = a | b
def No(a: Boolean) = ! a
def Nand(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = !(a & b)
def Nor(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = !(a | b)
def Xor(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = a ^ b
def Xnor(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = !(a ^ b)
gate match {
case "And" => And(left,right)
case "Or" => Or(left,right)
case "No" => No(left)
case "Nand" => Nand(left,right)
case "Nor" => Nor(left,right)
case "Xor" => Xor(left,right)
case "Xnor" => Xnor(left,right)
case _ => false
println("And(false,true): " + LogicGate(false, true, "And"))
println("Or(false,true): " + LogicGate(false, true, "Or"))
println("Xor(false, true): " + LogicGate(false, true, "Xor"))
// FIXME - Reverse
// Create a function that reverse a string
def reverseString( str:String ) = str.foldLeft("")( (a,b) => b+a )
// Or in a more Functional way: ("" /: str)( (a,b) => b+a )
// And the logical way: str.reverse
print( "Please write a String to reverse: " )
println( reverseString( )
def main (args: Array[String]) = println()
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