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Created June 28, 2015 17:11
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def apply( f:List[Any => String], x:Any ):Any = f match {
case h :: t => apply( t, h(x) ) // applies function while iterating on the given functions List
case _ => x // if [end_of_list] -> return 'x'
def test( x:Any ) = {
val ts = (x:Any) => x.toString // function converting val to String (returns a String)
val br = (x:Any) => "[" + x + "]" // function putting val between brackets (returns a String)
val list = ts :: br :: Nil // list containing previous functions
apply(list, x) // well, you got it
List(42, 42.0, "TEST") // list containing [42 ; 42.0 ; "TEST"]
.map( test ) // applies 'test(x)' on each element of the list
.foreach( println ) // prints each element of the list
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OMG this is so fucking cool and elegant <3
C language is much faster on execution,
but well, this functional code is way cooler to write <3 <3 <3

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