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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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  • Save rbobillot/a7ee146c34a185fe606d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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def dimRefs = ( 160, 190 )
def deleteFile( name:String ) = new File(name).delete
def createImage( name:String ):BufferedImage = name match {
case n if n startsWith "http://" => new URL (name) )
case n if n startsWith "https://" => new URL (name) )
case _ => new File(name) )
def imgDims( img:BufferedImage ) = {
try {
( img.getWidth,img.getHeight )
catch {
case _:Throwable => ( -1, -1 )
def changeSize(in:String, out:String, percent:Double) = {
lazy val image = createImage( in )
lazy val dims = imgDims( image )
lazy val width:Int = (dims._1 * percent).toInt
lazy val height:Int = (dims._2 * percent).toInt
lazy val outputImage = new BufferedImage( width, height, image.getType )
lazy val g2d:Graphics2D = outputImage.createGraphics
lazy val format = out.substring( out.lastIndexOf(".")+1 )
try {
g2d.drawImage( image, 0, 0, width, height, null )
ImageIO.write( outputImage, format, new File(out) )
(width, height)
catch {
case _:Throwable => (-1, -1)
def resize( src:String ) = {
lazy val dims = imgDims( createImage(src) )
lazy val lenDif = dimRefs._1 - dims._1
lazy val widDif = dimRefs._2 - dims._2
lazy val maxDif = lenDif min widDif
if ( maxDif < 0 ) {
if ( maxDif == lenDif )
changeSize( src, "tmpSize.jpg", (dimRefs._1).toDouble / dims._1 )
changeSize( src, "tmpSize.jpg", (dimRefs._2).toDouble / dims._2 )
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