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Last active October 17, 2015 04:36
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object TeslaTechQuestion {
case class Coord(x:Float, y:Float) // use case class, rather than Tuple
val A = Coord(487,143) // shema: B
val B = Coord(720,384) // A
val C = Coord(839,-235) // C
def gradient(a:Coord, b:Coord) = (b.y - a.y) / (b.x - a.x) // calculate 'a'
def intersec(a:Coord, b:Coord) = a.y - gradient(a,b) * a.x // calculate 'b'
def getCoord(a:Coord, b:Coord, x:Float) = (gradient(a,b) * x + intersec(a,b)) // calculate 'ax + b'
def main(av:Array[String]) = {
val (x, mX, y, mY) = (A.x, C.x, C.y, B.y) // define minX, maxX, minY, maxY (bounding box limits)
val sq = (x.toInt to mX.toInt) // define every integer coord,
.map(x => (y.toInt to mY.toInt).map(y => Coord(x,y))) // in bounding box.
.map(_.toList).toList // put them in a List[List[Coord]]
.foldLeft( List[Coord]() )(_ ++ _) // merge them in a List[Coord]
val delimA = (A.x.toInt to B.x.toInt).map( x => Coord(x, getCoord(A,B,x)) ) // for line 'AB' : get every coordinate, for each integer on X axis
val delimB = (B.x.toInt to C.x.toInt).map( x => Coord(x, getCoord(B,C,x)) ) // for line 'BC'
val delimC = (A.x.toInt to C.x.toInt).map( x => Coord(x, getCoord(A,C,x)) ) // for line 'AC'
var srcCoords = sq // get every integer coord, between triangle's boundaries
.filter( p => delimA.exists(d => p.x > d.x && p.y < d.y) ) // exclude 'AB' coordinates
.filter( p => delimB.exists(d => p.x < d.x && p.y < d.y) ) // exclude 'BC'
.filter( p => delimC.exists(d => p.x > d.x && p.y > d.y) ) // exclude 'AC'
.filter( c => c.x == c.x.toInt && c.y == c.y.toInt ) // make sure coords are INTEGERS
val newCoords = c => Coord(c.x + 100, c.y) ) // translate each X coord by 100 -> (1000 * 0.1) -> (speed * time)
val commonPts = (srcCoords intersect newCoords) // get every common coorinates between old and translated triangles
val bef = srcCoords.size // number of cars in the first triangle
val aft = commonPts.size // number of cars within the 2 triangles
println( "Before: " + bef + " cars" )
println( "After : " + aft + " cars")
println( (bef - aft) + " Model S have escaped" ) // (bef - aft) : number of cars outta boundaries (escaped cars)
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Before: 85220 cars
After : 34843 cars
50377 Model S have escaped

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