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Created December 17, 2014 17:22
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PowerShell Script to Merge NAR Files
$TempFile = "c:\temp\nar_out\Temp.nar"
$OutputFile = "c:\temp\nar_out\NAR_Merge.nar"
$NarFiles = Get-Childitem "c:\temp\nar_in"
$count =0
$count = $NarFiles | Measure-Object | select -ExpandProperty count
$filecount = 0
foreach($NFile in $NarFiles){
$pcomplete = $filecount / $count * 100
if($filecount -eq 0){Copy-Item $NFile.FullName $OutputFile}Else{
Write-Progress -Activity "Working..." -PercentComplete $pcomplete -CurrentOperation "$pcomplete% complete" -Status "Please wait."
Copy-Item $OutputFile $TempFile
Remove-Item $OutputFile
#write "Merging $OutputFile with $TempFile"
NaviSECCli.exe analyzer -archivemerge -data $TempFile $NFile.FullName -out $OutputFile | Out-Null
$filecount ++
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