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Created December 29, 2017 15:59
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AoC day 16
sealed trait Move
case class Spin(x: Int) extends Move
case class Exchange(a: Int, b: Int) extends Move
case class Partner(a: Char, b: Char) extends Move
object Move {
val spin = """s(\d+)""".r
val exchange = """x(\d+)/(\d+)""".r
val partner = """p(\w)/(\w)""".r
val fromString: PartialFunction[String, Move] = {
case spin(x) ⇒ Spin(x.toInt)
case exchange(a, b) ⇒ Exchange(a.toInt, b.toInt)
case partner(a, b) ⇒ Partner(a.head, b.head)
val input = {
val dir = "C:/Users/rbonvall/Desktop/units/partquest"
val src ="$dir/16.txt")
try src.mkString.split(",")
finally src.close()
val initialState = ('a' to 'p').zipWithIndex.toMap
def applyMove(state: Map[Char, Int], move: Move): Map[Char, Int] = move match {
case Spin(x) ⇒
val n = state.size
state.mapValues { v ⇒ (v + x) % n }
case Exchange(posA, posB) ⇒
val progA = state.collect { case (k, `posA`) ⇒ k }.head
val progB = state.collect { case (k, `posB`) ⇒ k }.head
state.updated(progA, posB).updated(progB, posA)
case Partner(progA, progB) ⇒
val posA = state(progA)
val posB = state(progB)
state.updated(progA, posB).updated(progB, posA)
def doOneDance(moves: Seq[Move])(initialState: Map[Char, Int]): Map[Char, Int] =
def stateToString(state: Map[Char, Int]) =
val afterOneDance = doOneDance(input)(initialState)
val afterOneBillionDances =
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