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Created May 29, 2015 19:16
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import datetime
from datetime import date
import urllib2
import json
import time
import re
# Magic
import sys # sys.setdefaultencoding is cancelled by
reload(sys) # to re-enable sys.setdefaultencoding()
print "Rounding up the ponies ..."
key = "3a7711454d145e404e531c2ee6f391d"
url = "" + key
week = 7
twoweek = 14
now =
nowts = time.mktime(now.timetuple())
print "Fetching meetups ..."
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
m =
print "Parsing results ..."
r = json.loads(m)
meetups = r['results']
groups = {}
print "Fetching group details ..."
for meetup in meetups:
groups[ str( meetup['group']['id'] ) ] = meetup['group']['name']
keys = groups.keys()
keyarg = ",".join( keys )
group_url = "" + keyarg + "&key=" + key
response = urllib2.urlopen( group_url )
m =
r = json.loads(m)
grps = r['results']
grp_deets = {}
for g in grps:
grp_deets[ g['id'] ] = g
print "Ok, ready to print meetup details ..."
weeklater = (nowts * 1000 ) + ( week * 86400 * 1000 )
twoweeklater = (nowts * 1000 ) + ( twoweek * 86400 * 1000 )
tweets = open('meetups.tweets', 'w')
mlist = open('meetups.mlist', 'w')
wiki = open('', 'w')
# Standard intro to mailing list post
mlist.write( '''The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
for meetup in meetups:
eventts = int( meetup['time'] + meetup['utc_offset'] )
# Skip it if it's more than two weeks away
if eventts > twoweeklater:
eventtime = date.fromtimestamp( eventts/1000 )
t = eventtime.strftime("%c");
# Don't care about the time
t = re.sub( ' \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d', '', t );
# Group information ...
grp = grp_deets[ meetup['group']['id'] ]
# For the wiki ...
eventout = "* " + t + ' [' + meetup['event_url'] + ' ' + meetup['name'] + "], " + grp['city'] + ', '
if 'state' in grp.keys():
eventout = eventout + grp['state'] + ', '
eventout = eventout + grp['country'] + "\n"
wiki.write( str(eventout) )
# For everything else, a week is enough
if eventts > weeklater:
# For Twitter
eventout = t + ' in ' + grp['city'] + ', '
if 'state' in grp.keys():
eventout = eventout + grp['state'] + ', '
eventout = eventout + grp['country'] + ': ' + meetup['name'] + ' - ' + meetup['event_url'] + " #OpenStack #Meetup\n"
tweets.write( str( eventout ))
# For mailing list
eventout = '* ' + t + ' in ' + grp['city'] + ', '
if 'state' in grp.keys():
eventout = eventout + grp['state'] + ', '
eventout = eventout + grp['country'] + ': ' + meetup['name'] + ' - ' + meetup['event_url'] + "\n\n"
mlist.write( str( eventout ))
# Barn door
print "Done!\n"
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