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JosephPecoraro / shell-execution.rb
Last active September 10, 2023 10:12
Shell Execution in Ruby
# Ways to execute a shell script in Ruby
# Example Script - Joseph Pecoraro
cmd = "echo 'hi'" # Sample string that can be used
# 1. Kernel#` - commonly called backticks - `cmd`
# This is like many other languages, including bash, PHP, and Perl
# Synchronous (blocking)
# Returns the output of the shell command
# Docs:
dan-manges / passenger_status.rb
Created October 28, 2008 07:10
munin plugin for passenger
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def output_config
puts <<-END
graph_category App
graph_title passenger status
graph_vlabel count
sessions.label sessions
max.label max processes
package jruby.ext;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
import org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer;
* Launch a Ruby script at web application startup. To wire up this
mccraigmccraig / common_followers
Created July 3, 2009 12:23 — forked from DRMacIver/common_followers
ruby : find twitter common followers
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Trivial little twitter script
# Pass it a list of names as command line arguments
# and it will return a list of all people who follow everyone in the
# list.
# A person is implicitly assumed to follow themselves, so if foo follows
# bar and bar follows foo then common_followers foo bar would include
# both foo and bar in the output, but if bar did not follow foo it
# would include neither.
# Rename an email address in all old commits.
# WARNING: Will change all your commit SHA1s.
# Based off of the script from here:
git filter-branch -f --commit-filter '
if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "" ];
git commit-tree "$@";
woodie / README.rdoc
Created January 3, 2010 23:32
Rails 2.3.5 on App Engine with DataMapper

Rails 2.3.5 on App Engine (DataMapper)

Do not use rvm (or install and run from JRuby). The google-appengine gem must install into your system MRI. The appengine-sdk gem includes a complete Java app server. We bootstrap Java from MRI, then your app runs inside a servlet container (with access to all the APIs) using the version of JRuby installed into each app.

We assumed Rails 2 would never work without rubygems, and we committed to gem bunlder for JRuby on App Engine, so we were waiting for Rails 3. Fortunately, Takeru Sasaki was able to patch the Rails 2.3.x calls to rubygems, and now we have it working. Rails 2.3.x currently spins up several seconds faster than Rails 3, and just a few seconds behind Sinatra.

See the TInyDS version also:

Install the Development Environment

# Backs up all the photos from Google Picasa Web Albums.
# The script downloads the original version of the photos, and is not limited to
# 1600x1200 thumbnails.
# Author:: Victor Costan
# Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2010 Victor Costan
# License:: MIT
require 'yaml'
rmanalan / .gems
Created January 25, 2010 20:54
Static websites using Heroku
alexg0 / Rakefile
Created April 16, 2010 18:02
for chef-repo - load and dump data bags
# ...
# append following lines
Dir[ File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tasks', '*.rake') ].sort.each do |f|
load f
mathiasbynens / appify
Created November 12, 2010 13:46 — forked from subtleGradient/appify
appify — create the simplest possible Mac app from a shell script
if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" -o -z "$1" ]; then cat <<EOF
appify v3.0.1 for Mac OS X -
Creates the simplest possible Mac app from a shell script.
Appify takes a shell script as its first argument:
`basename "$0"`