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Forked from trustin/
Created January 12, 2022 13:17
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git-trigger-build: Triggers a CI build by pushing an empty commit
#!/bin/bash -e
# Stash the staged files if any.
if ! git diff --staged --exit-code >/dev/null; then
echo -ne '\033[1;32m'
echo -n 'Stashing the staged files'
echo -e '\033[0m'
git stash
# Ensure there are no staged files anymore
git diff --staged --exit-code >/dev/null
COMMIT_MSG="Trigger build ($COMMIT_DATE)"
if git diff --exit-code HEAD~ >/dev/null; then
# Amend the last commit since it's empty already.
echo -ne '\033[1;32m'
echo -n 'Force-pushing the last empty commit'
echo -e '\033[0m'
git commit --allow-empty --amend --date="$COMMIT_DATE" --message="$COMMIT_MSG"
git push --force
# Create a new empty commit since the last commit is not empty.
echo -ne '\033[1;32m'
echo -n 'Pushing an empty commit'
echo -e '\033[0m'
git commit --allow-empty --message="$COMMIT_MSG"
git push
# Unstash if stashed above.
if [[ "$NEEDS_UNSTASH" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -ne '\033[1;32m'
echo -n 'Unstashing the staged files'
echo -e '\033[0m'
git stash pop
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