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Created March 23, 2013 21:39
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Quandl API example for R
Quandl <- function(Symbols, env=.GlobalEnv, from="2000-01-01", to=Sys.Date(), auth=NULL) {
# Function to pull data using the quandl API
# Returns an xts object
# Input Args
# Symbols : character vector of quandl codes of the datasets you want to retrieve
# from : character vector of the start date in yyyy-mm-dd
# to : character vector of the end date in yyyy-mm-dd
# auth : authentication toke for quandl API access
# Base url for the quandl api
quandl.url <- ""
# remove everything before the "/" for assigning the symbols to variable names
sym.names <- gsub(".*/", "", Symbols)
# Loop through the symbols to download the data and assign to the environment
for(i in 1:length(Symbols)) {
# Create a temporary file
tmp <- tempfile()
# Paste the url together and download the fle to tmp
download.file(paste(quandl.url, Symbols[i], ".csv",
"?trim_start=", from,
"&trim_end=", to, "&sort_order=asc",
"&auth_token=", auth, sep=""), destfile=tmp)
# Read the tmp file in as a data.frame
fr <- read.csv(tmp,
# Delete the temporary file
# Transform the fr object from data.frame to xts
fr <- xts(x=fr[,-1],[,1], format="%Y-%m-%d"))
# Assign the symbol to the environment
assign(sym.names[i], fr, env)
# Pause 1 second between requests for more than 5 symbols
if (i >= 5 && length(Symbols) > 5) {
message("pausing 1 second between requests for more than 5 symbols")
# example to load US GDP, Nymex Crude Oil, and the S&P 500
Quandl(Symbols = datasets)
# View the data
# The data is downloaded as daily. Easily transform to monthly. This leverages
# the xts functions and keeps the Quandl() function simple
to.monthly(x=FUTURE_CL1, indexAt="lastof")
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