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Created July 13, 2017 12:44
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Get the current user location with a desired accuracy, or the best possible within a set time-out
// LocationService.swift
// Created by Rutger Bresjer on 13/07/2017.
// Copyright © 2017 Woost. All rights reserved.
- RxSwift
- RxCocoa
import Foundation
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
import CoreLocation
/// Enum with errors emitted by the LocationService
/// - accessDenied: User denied access to location (now or before)
/// - cannotDetermine: Unable to determine the user location
/// - timeOut: Determining user location timed out
enum LocationError: Error {
case accessDenied, cannotDetermine, timeOut
class LocationService {
private static let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
/// Get the current user location which either has the desired accuracy, or the best possible within the time-out.
/// This method first checks if the app has authorization to access the user location, and if not, requests that first.
/// - Parameters:
/// - accuracy: Desired accuracy in meters
/// - timeOut: Time-out in seconds
/// - Returns: Observable<CLLocation> containing the user location
static func bestLocation(accuracy: Double, timeOut: TimeInterval) -> Observable<CLLocation> {
switch CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() {
case .authorizedWhenInUse, .authorizedAlways:
return _bestLocation(accuracy: accuracy, timeOut: timeOut)
case .restricted, .denied:
return Observable.error(LocationError.accessDenied)
case .notDetermined:
return locationManager.rx.didChangeAuthorizationStatus
.filter { $0 != .notDetermined }
onSubscribed: { locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() }
).flatMap { status -> Observable<CLLocation> in
switch status {
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
return _bestLocation(accuracy: accuracy, timeOut: timeOut)
case .restricted, .denied, .notDetermined:
return Observable.error(LocationError.accessDenied)
/// Get the current user location which either has the desired accuracy, or the best possible within the time-out.
/// - Parameters:
/// - accuracy: Desired accuracy in meters
/// - timeOut: Time-out in seconds
/// - Returns: Observable<CLLocation> containing the user location
private static func _bestLocation(accuracy: Double, timeOut: TimeInterval) -> Observable<CLLocation> {
let locations = locationManager.rx
onSubscribed: { locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() },
onDispose: { locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() }
).flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
let timeOutLocation = Observable<Int>
.timer(timeOut, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
let bestLocation = locations
.filter { $0.horizontalAccuracy <= accuracy }
return Observable
.merge(timeOutLocation, bestLocation)
.timeout(timeOut + 1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance) // Add 1 so this timer will fire later than the 'best possible' timer
.catchError { error in
if let rxError = error as? RxError, case .timeout = rxError {
return Observable.error(LocationError.timeOut)
} else {
return Observable.error(LocationError.cannotDetermine)
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