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Created December 5, 2022 04:38
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Brief Basic Argument Parsing in Nim with comment explanations
# default variables that could be modified from cmd arguments (if needed /desired)
var portNum: int = 443
# CLI Arguments for the Server
# in nim argument values must be passed with = or :
# Brief Basic Arugment Parsing in Nim, probably not for production arg parsing
# see documentation page for slightly more details:
# each argument token has a kind, a key, and val.
# ... kind being the type of argument, cmdEnd signaling the end of the command line
# ... key being the name
# ... val being the key's value provided or empty string
# getopt: is for iterating over the arguments with it returning the tuple with kind, key, val
# ...
for kind, key, value in getopt(): # we do this because it is a tuple of three returned
# kind (CmdLineKind): this is the type of argument seen, cmdArgument, cmdLongOption, or cmdShortOption
# our first case switch because it dictates how we process the argument (since cmdArgument doesnt have a value)
case kind
# cmdArgument is without the "-" in the arguments,
# like nim c ./file.nim, the c is a cmdArgument
of cmdArgument:
# echo "Got arg with key: ", key
discard #(should discard this iteration of the loop and move to the next one)
# cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
case key
# -p is to specify port number as in -p=443 or -p:443 but not -p 443
of "p":
# echo "Got arg 'p' with value: ", value
# change the port value string, to an int & store in portNum variable defined above
discard parseInt(value, portNum, 0)
of cmdEnd:
discard # this was the final iteration, so we discard this and move on to after the loop now
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